Good morning..if some one else is typing while please combine the threads..
I am hoping for a better day at work today...the customers where not very nice and half way through my shift..half way through my task I got more work dumped on me. I left the department looking decent but one customer can totally mess that up!
Cori is completely full of it today.
I guess I missed the excitement in the neighborhood. My neighbor was arrested. We think its drug one really knows or they aren't say. I guess the swat team went in and got him. In the mean time since hes been in Jail the house has been broken into. He and his wife are in the middle of a divorice..She had left the house an taken the kids a couple months before, I am so glad the kids dont have to be in the middle of all that.
Work this morning volunteering this afternoon..,mcdonalds on the way home.
I am hoping for a better day at work today...the customers where not very nice and half way through my shift..half way through my task I got more work dumped on me. I left the department looking decent but one customer can totally mess that up!
Cori is completely full of it today.
I guess I missed the excitement in the neighborhood. My neighbor was arrested. We think its drug one really knows or they aren't say. I guess the swat team went in and got him. In the mean time since hes been in Jail the house has been broken into. He and his wife are in the middle of a divorice..She had left the house an taken the kids a couple months before, I am so glad the kids dont have to be in the middle of all that.
Work this morning volunteering this afternoon..,mcdonalds on the way home.