Good Morning world, are you ready for me? 
I need to start this morning my clearing up a misconception caused by my brain and fingers not working together as they should.
Yesterday I made a statement in my morning reply that my "husbands wife was coming to my house to work on my dishwasher", what it should have said was, "my cousins wife"...well I had no idea I had misspoke until my good buddy jostoy called and as we were talking she ask me how long we had known each other, I responded, "since 1997-1998", she then said, "All those years and I never knew your husband was a bigamist"!! WHAT'D YOU SAY??? I got all hot and sweaty, shook up, etc., then she told me about my morning post. Well while we were on the phone I edited it, went back later and saw that Nalani had caught what I had said also. Well maybe I should proof read what I write, LOL...made for great entertainment...Jo Doug did get a good laugh from it, but told me to tell you that one crazy lady is all he needs in his life/wife.
Got my laundry and dusting done yesterday, today is a rainy cold day outside, so I think I am going to bake some bread, some fresh out of the oven, butter on a slice sounds so good, then will fix some beef and noodles to go with it for supper..over mashed potatoes, and some peas...
For some reason lately I have been in the baking mood, cooking mood, etc. maybe because I have been so sick of late that I am trying to play catch up. I don't want this feeling to go away, it sure makes me count my blessings, I usually do anyways, but even more so lately. It's great that others are seeing me again, my ole cheerful, funny, crazy woman..but also a loving caring woman also.
My Aunt that was here over the weekend just couldn't tell me enough how I seemed like my ole self again..When I am feeling good I try and get in all that I can because since having Crohn's since 1983 I know how fleeting these times can be, I was in remission one time for over 5 yrs. and it felt great..
I have two cats, and I know at night time for some reason they get on top of my counters, I have seen paw prints on my stove, so my routine every morning is to wipe down my countertops with Clorox wipes..when my cousin stayed here she noticed what I did each morning, and said, "your countertop is always clean why do you get up every morning and wipe it down?" she cracked up when I told her I am pretty sure my cats get up there at night and sing and dance to their own drummer and are laughing at me..
Well folks, time to read the news, make my bed, get dressed and get this party started..
Love, hugs, best wishes for a wonderful day for all of you..

I need to start this morning my clearing up a misconception caused by my brain and fingers not working together as they should.
Yesterday I made a statement in my morning reply that my "husbands wife was coming to my house to work on my dishwasher", what it should have said was, "my cousins wife"...well I had no idea I had misspoke until my good buddy jostoy called and as we were talking she ask me how long we had known each other, I responded, "since 1997-1998", she then said, "All those years and I never knew your husband was a bigamist"!! WHAT'D YOU SAY??? I got all hot and sweaty, shook up, etc., then she told me about my morning post. Well while we were on the phone I edited it, went back later and saw that Nalani had caught what I had said also. Well maybe I should proof read what I write, LOL...made for great entertainment...Jo Doug did get a good laugh from it, but told me to tell you that one crazy lady is all he needs in his life/wife.

Got my laundry and dusting done yesterday, today is a rainy cold day outside, so I think I am going to bake some bread, some fresh out of the oven, butter on a slice sounds so good, then will fix some beef and noodles to go with it for supper..over mashed potatoes, and some peas...
For some reason lately I have been in the baking mood, cooking mood, etc. maybe because I have been so sick of late that I am trying to play catch up. I don't want this feeling to go away, it sure makes me count my blessings, I usually do anyways, but even more so lately. It's great that others are seeing me again, my ole cheerful, funny, crazy woman..but also a loving caring woman also.

I have two cats, and I know at night time for some reason they get on top of my counters, I have seen paw prints on my stove, so my routine every morning is to wipe down my countertops with Clorox wipes..when my cousin stayed here she noticed what I did each morning, and said, "your countertop is always clean why do you get up every morning and wipe it down?" she cracked up when I told her I am pretty sure my cats get up there at night and sing and dance to their own drummer and are laughing at me..
Well folks, time to read the news, make my bed, get dressed and get this party started..
Love, hugs, best wishes for a wonderful day for all of you..