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It's Wednesday hump day! Let's get this day started.

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  • It's Wednesday hump day! Let's get this day started.

    Good Morning, good morning...really don't like getting up when it is still dark outside, but these two monster kitties had other plans for me, got me up at 5:00 a.m...hubby is out of town on business and I woke up around 2:30 a.m. and they were both laying in bed with me, LOL...guess they didn't want me sleeping alone..

    Got started putting my quilt together yesterday, didn't go visit my Uncle as he had other plans for the today I will start on washing the sheets, blankets, etc. from motorhome, and this weekend we shall unload the can goods and such I have in the cabinets..if the dates are far in advance I can just pack them in a tote for the next season.

    I wish I could learn to be a breakfast person, I try and try to eat breakfast but it just doesn't appeal to me, this morning my gut is rumbling so much it is scarring the kitties, serves them right for waking me up so early, thinking if I ate something the gut might settle down....probably not since its the Crohn's being to active..

    Have enough leftovers that I have no need to cook while hubby is away, works for me, I will say my fingertips are a little on the tender side this morning from the sewing I did yesterday, but they will toughen up as I go..felt really good to be working on a quilt again..I had been all into them until hubby moved me to IL in 2010, then I just lost the desire, had a quilt top finished but had never put it together, it is for my youngest son...

    Well time to get this day started, just hope I don't spend most of it in the bathroom today the way my stomach is sounding...

    Sure hope Justy can get her oxygen and breathing problem taken care of.
    Nalani, how is Bim liking his new home?
    Maxie, moving and then remodeling plus all other things thrown in can make for a very hectic time.
    Donna, take it easy lady, slow down, take time to enjoy the views..
    Maye how is your sis in law doing?
    hrhouse, any more disasters at your house? How is Sam handling all the changes in his life? Look forward, when you are ready, to tell us what the heck have you been doing the past 6 months.
    jostoy, hope your back/leg is feeling much better.
    Elaine, don't think the ballgames came out like you wanted?
    Darla,if and when you get pics of your daughters wedding, share a few please.
    Paula, how are things in your world?

    Now I want to get this day started. Peace, love and harmony shall reign.
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God

  • #2
    Good Morning.

    Sharon, my morning was started around 4:30 when I heard my husband get up. I was determined to stay in bed, so I read. Saw you had replied on Val's FB page.

    So, now that I'm up, nothing much to do. I made one quilt top in my life and hated the process. Glad I tried, but not my thing. Spent too many years sewing my clothes, I guess.

    What I would LOVE to do today is make a batch of sugar cookies or a chocolate cake, but unlike Donna, I eat what I bake. LOL

    Hope you each have a very good day. Hugs to All ~ ~ ~


    • #3
      Good Morning

      there are a lot of sleepy heads this morning .. I was busy myself getting the overnight news!

      TODAY , I BECOME A GREAT=GRANDMOTHER!. Kristen is in the hospital.. her water broke .. but so far, according to latest bulletin, she has not went into
      "Hard " labor.. but Dr has not been in yet to see her... when we get the news that she is further along . we (or I) will go set with grandson Ian .. and the rest of the family cheering section.... I was at 5 out of 9 of the births of the grandkids.. ( the other four were out of state).. and hope to be here for no 1 great-grand. ...

      Sharon , sister in law is home.. sounds fine. yet again... David has to be pushed to call her.. thanks for the reminder ,,,,,I will push him again today..
      and I think I need to nag a bit.... don't go wearing yourself out with too many things to-do... slow and easy!..

      Hi to you all

      Hope Justy post in today
      and would love to see Mickie here.
      Hi Paula.

      Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


      • #4
        Good morning...Gotta say Maxie what happened with the cardinals!!!! Go CUBS!!! I am a cubs fan has been for about 25 or so years....Today is my one full day of the week...I have my meeting with the job coach lady...then group...I will get home around 4:45 and leave for church at 6:30. I am excited about going to church have not been able to attend since I moved here for different reasons....hoping nothing stops me tonight...then I have to get my bags packed up to go to my parents for the weekend...there is a hot airballoon event in a near by town and I am helping with it..One of the things that I am most looking forward to is lunch with my best friend on Friday. I am returning to the workshop that I used to work at and taking lunch to my best Friend...that will be on Friday...I will either come home Sunday evening or Monday afternoon.


        • #5
          Morning all

          Aunt Maye - I'm so excited for you! Aren't babies just the best?

          Nothing new here. Chris grilled steaks for us yesterday. I ate and promptly passed out on the couch for 2 hours. He woke me up and told me to go to bed finally.

          Y'all have a good 'un!
          The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


          • #6
            Yep.....time to get this day started. Been sitting on the patio with the coffee cup in hand. Watching a millipede trying to navigate the crevices in the patio blocks. Decided to help him out......sent him along to bug more stress for him. Oh, the excitement I have to deal with !!

            Shopping yesterday for necessities. When that occurs, first we have to figure out WHERE to go and HOW to get there for the things we need. Our GPS and city map have become attached to the ends of our fingertips. People ask me "do you like it down here?" I just have to look at them and sorta laugh. I tell them " I don't know yet.....the only places I've been are the grocery store - the doctors offices and the hospital." More time is needed for me to make a fair judgment.

   of these days.....I will share the happenings.

            Gotta get moving here......bought shrubs yesterday - they need to be put in the ground along with a peony bush I want to move.

            Oh yes......MAXIE........I asked a few days ago where you moved to since I seemed to have missed it during my fog these past few months.

            Maye......are your arms beginning to tingle for want of holding a newborn ? WR & I have been present for both grandchildren and the great grandson. Exciting and an awesome experience. And just think......way back ALL started with you and David.


            • #7
              Good Morning, haven't been to facebook yet to see if anyone has posted pics.They actually got married in the exact place they met. They had mutual friends on facebook and got to know each other, then decided that they should actually meet. So they met up at one of the local bar/grill places (she took a friend with her, for safety) He was watching the front door and they had came in through the beer garden so when she texted him he went to archway to let her know where he was sitting. Anyhow when they decided to get married he went and asked the owner of the bar (he is a beer salesman so knew the guy pretty well) if they could get married there. The guy thought it was pretty cool idea and mentioned that he had a license to marry people and said he would be happy to preform it for them. He opened up early so they could decorate and the plan was to say their vows under the exact arch they met under.

              Boff, we have a friend that is into gadgets and he is going to loan us some of the older camera's he has plus some motion sensor lights (wireless) to set up in the driveway, he also has a tripwire alarm. Kenny has set up our webcam in the bedroom window for right now.

              Aunt Maye looking forward to seeing pics of the new baby.


              • #8
                Grrrrrrrrr I lost my whole post!

                Mayr - i'm so happy for you. I pray that Kristen has a safe and easy delivery. I thought you were already a great-grandmother.

                Pat - you make my mouth water and I crave a charcoal grilled steak! Maybe I can talk her girlfriend into going to lunch with me today at O'Charleys. It's free pie day!!

                Boffler - I envy you and your kittens! I miss having a pet. I do not envy your Crohn's disease though. Get better fast!! I envy you and your kittens! I miss having a pet. I do not envy your Crohn's disease though. Get better fast!!

                Bethina - good luck with your busy day. I hope you get to church tonight. What goes on at church on Wednesday nights? Do they have a dinner or just a Bible study up for a group?

                Elaine - you need to teach John that 4:30 AM is just too darn early! Even God isn't awake at that hour! Just kidding. LOL

                It is really foggy out this morning. And it is only going to get into the high 70s today. That's good because it will be dry. No rain in the forecast.

                I need to make some phone calls today and I also need to try to find an ATM that isn't broken! It's a semi busy day.

                Y'all have a great day!
                "God loves us so much, He gave us friends!" Amen!


                • #9
                  Punkin- The church that I am thinking about being a part of here has there large services on Wednesday evenings instead of Sundays. Then on Sundays they have 'family' groups. They are groups of 15 to 20 that get together for Bible Study. I have been to one of family get together for Bible Study...I loved it!


                  • #10
                    Thanks .. still at home... they gave her pitocin... to get her moving along ... waiting for updated text from family...
                    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


                    • #11
                      Well I made it. Was doubtful for awhile as an update messed my computer up. Took a couple hours messing to get it back to it's usual working order.

                      Lincare never got back to tell me if their nurse would be here this afternoon or Friday afternoon. Don't seem to be doing but a tad better on the new meds my regular Dr. prescribed. Maybe expecting too much too soon.

                      Waiting to get an email from insurance company about son's back so I can send in information. Wait, wait, wait. I always did hate to wait.

                      The guys were putting in a furnace and AC yesterday and didn't come in for lunch. Since I had just fixed a big pot of ham and potato soup that will be what they'll have today.

                      Lovely day again today. Hope every ones health and other problems go away.....


                      • #12
                        Good morning!
                        I overslept again, but who cares, really! And it felt good.
                        We are facing 97° outside today. You can expect me indoors all day.....til supper time, when we are going out with E's friend to eat.
                        This morning I have floors to clean, and E will help by moving furniture so that everything gets swept up.. E will be picking up his areas. Busy morning, after I finish my coffee.

                        You all have such an upbeat tone this morning --- you've already made my day.
                        Sharon, I hope that 'discomfort' will pass quickly and get under control for you.
                        HR, I'm sure that millipede is grateful for the help! 😂
                        Maye, babies are so great. I was present at the births of 5 grands, but not the other 7 or the 4 or 5 who came into the family via marriages. Have not been to the 6 greats' births, and doubt if I'll be asked to the 7th-great. Distance and timing is the general factor in the greats' cases.

                        Well, gotta get going. Will be reading here later.
                        Hope the day goes well for each of you! 🌞
                        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                        • #13
                          Barb, I have moved close to your old homestead...Brighton. My youngest son and I combined our households in July. Sierra moved here with her dad after graduation and he has a 9 year old close by so I babysit after school and help with the remodeling. I have a lot? of knowledge and he has the skill so we had thought of selling this place when finished but now I don't know. I hate this country subdivision but then I hated being totally alone in Staunton where I had no one to depend on. I was always worrying about falling and no one finding me so what do I do 3 weeks after moving here? Fall and break my foot! Got about the same amount of care and concern as living alone but at least there was a hand to help me up the day I fell! It was a should I shouldn't I, see saw decision but then my house sold so quickly that forces took it any doubt from me. Here I am! Although I spend a lot of time in the old home town....guess after all those years it is hard to make a clean break. Yes Beth, you can rub it in...our pitching stunk and our bats went on early vacation! yah, yah, yah, bla, bla, bla, yada, yada, yada. WE are loosers! lol!! So now I will cheer for the Royals...I just can't force myself to say go Cubs. But actually I am done with baseball for the season and have already moved on to hockey. GO BLUES! Had a wonderful evening out and talked so much my jaws hurt. Nice to see old friends. Sierra was officially accepted into the Occupational Therapy program yesterday and was thrilled. She will start in January. Darn cold this morning! I am heading home for a car appointment and a hair cut. Drew is coming in after school for the rest of the week. Must have smelled we had food! Son is off tomorrow so we will work on the kitchen door painting and replacing the threshold. Still no word on the new doors. I really want the porch painted before winter and I think I am loosing the race!


                          • #14
                            Well, after a few tries to finish reading, I hope it is calm enough for a few minutes so I can post.
                            One child came in Screaming for something his mom would not let him bring in. And I mean Screaming: shrill, piercing, right through the skull kind. Call the police kind!
                            Except if anyone was looking they would see he was just standing with his arms folded, looking at his mom and then letting it out...when he saw she wasn't buying it, he came in and started up. I told her to just go so he would see it wasn't going to happen the way he wanted...ugh. Of course, he stopped when she drove away and I walked over to another child to get their breakfast. But, my head is still reeling from the sound! Onward and upward...
                            So that is how the day started. It can only get better and I am off to my niece's wedding.
                            I am staying with my college roommate Linda, the one I told you about whose daughter is pregnant and who still is having drug issues. Prescription drugs which somehow her mom doesn't see as much as a problem as if it were street illegal I just need a big dose of Shut up and Listen! Not sure if that is an OTC or not.
                            Maye, I am so happy and excited for you! Will be keeping that sweet mother in my heart all day and watching here for the news.
                            Boffler, my carpal tunnel made quilting so difficult I stopped. But I am going to take it up again without the stress of a deadline. Most of mine were gifts for weddings.
                            Holding a needle is tricky for embroidery. Our family has done kitchen towel embroidery for all the brides. Mine is still not done for my niece. It may be her Christmas gift.
                            Hrh, I love peonies! You are so fortunate to have them. I smelled some when I was in WA and immediately was taken back in time to when we lived in Maryland and had tHem in our yard. I was 10.
                            Have a good day! Thinks no of all of you throughout the day!


                            • #15
                              Afternoon all! I thought I posted, but I must have got interrupted and then Cork must of exited out.

                              Anyways, I started my morning baking off the 4 kinds of dough I mixed up last night. Had a customer coming to pick up 2 doz German Choc cookies she had ordered and she did what she did the last time...bought more. She didn't buy any of the ones I baked off this morning though. Paperwork and a trip to Saxonburg are on my agenda for this afternoon.

                              Yesterday I worked on paperwork most of the day. Got much needed things done and bills paid. Still waiting on a couple return phone calls though. I hate that.

                              You know what made my day today...besides the cookie sale....found out Friedman's is going to have walnuts on sale for $4.99/lb. I'm buying 20lbs. I haven't found them that reasonable in years. Must have been a good crop. I saw where they said pumpkin is going to be in short supply...again.

                              Anxious for the arrive of our new family member. We love babies!

                              Have a good one all!

