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Cat personalities

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  • Cat personalities

    different personalities for sure.... thats why I think getting a kitten is the best plan ...

    my daughter has sister cats... sophie. and Chloe... Chloe is lazy.. fat. but oh so lovable. lays on you like a blanket.would starve if not for the daily feeding..
    Sophie is the hunter... slim.. likes to come for a couple hours a day to get a quiet restful sleep.. then out for the night. she brings her presents home and lays at the door ..

    Jo .I think I will see If I can move this to the Kennel forum..
    Last edited by Mayebarnes; 10-19-2013, 09:30 AM.
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

  • #2
    Aunt Maye, my two boyits are brothers and they definately have different personalities as well. I wouldn;t have it any other way though.

    I still think Huckie has a bit of rag doll genes as when I pick him up he instantly goes limp and just cuddles against me as close as he can get. Bobby is a stiff little board and really makes me reach to pet him. LOL!

    But, I think Bobby really missed his mama while I was on vacation. He is sneaking his way onto my lap more and always jumps up on the arm of my recliner arm to get some pets and loves. I feel kinda sorry for my sweetie as I sit here in my chair covered in cats and he is all by his lonesome. I always tell him to come over and snuggle in too.


    • #3
      It's so neat how they all have their own personalities even being litter mates. Our three dogs have very different personalities but that is no surprise. They are different breeds and different ages. Each has his own pros and cons. Mostly pros.


      • #4
        In San Antonio, my cats were Shen (obviously the Alpha cat) and Toodles, we eventually adopted a puppy (a peek-a-poo). He was so darn cute! But Shen didn't think so. She would not let him (Fella) use the litter box or papers. At least, not til he learned to Meow instead of yipping. One day I came home to a dog that meowed! Fella was not allowed (by Shen) to eat in the kitchen where and when the cats ate. I have no idea what she wanted from him, but he was so sad as he waited for the cats to finish eating so he could get his dinner.
        Then one day he started "humping" ankles, furniture, whatever he could. As frequently as possible. Good sign of deep frustration. A friend who had admired him said she would gladly take him, so I gave him to her. But he never did stop that habit. So she kept him outdoors after that. Her house number was on a dog-shaped sign in the yard. All her neighbors saw his bad habit. So she gave him to someone else.

        It just showed what a controlling, independent personality Shen had; Toodles didn't care or have a clue for anything, a happy-go-lucky cat; and Fella, well, he just couldn't hold his own, even though he was a bit bigger than Shen.

        In New Jersey we had an indoor cat we called Sam. He was very much attracted to a squirrel outside that sat on the other side of the window where there was a large tree. The frequently "visited" through the glass. One day we took him outside so they could meet. The squirrel scampered up the tree. Sam didn't know he could climb a tree. The squirrel never returned after that. Sam pined at the window every day. I think he died of a broken heart.
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #5
          Awww Jo, that is sad about Sam.


          • #6
            My three cats are definitely different personalities. They are all sisters but it's Miss Uno who is top cat and makes sure the others know it. They never really fight but she gives the other a swat now and then just to let them know.
            Bitz is the clown and as lazy a cat as I've ever known. When she comes inside through the front door she wants to roam all over the house and will come up to my chair and rub against my ankles. She also thinks that my feet need a comforter as she wants to lay ion them when I'm in bed.
            I say she's lazy but she is a good hunter as are the other two.
            Elphy is very timid and will only come into my bedroom outside door. She will let me pet her and does the ankle rub but she runs and hides whenever I or anyone else is in the yard.


            • #7
              Our cats are Mother and Daughter and also have different personalities. Gus started her life in the wild, the kitten of a neighborhood stray. Since we got her fixed she has become more tolerant of being petted, and will come lay on the foot of the bed but mostly she is and feed me and leave me alone type cat. But as I've said before she is a great hunter. Ebil is more of a I'm awake, your awake, so you must be holding me and petting me. She sleeps either on my hip or on Kenny's chest. Since she has only been outside maybe three times and Gus doesn't allow any mice in the house don't know if she would know what to do with one.


              • #8
                My cats are brothers, rescued...Sam & Rufus, Rufus is big and can be such a bully sometimes, he loves for you to spank him (weird I know)and it can only be on his left side cheek butt...then he puts his head on the floor and rubs it all over the place while you do it, he begs to be beat on...he is very jealous of Sam...Sam is very timid and hides if he hears a knock on the door, or people come in the house...while we were preparing to move I cleaned out the bottom of the bathroom vanity, put a towel in there and that is where he hid. Rufus wants attention 24/7, Sam loves sleeping with me either beside me or on the foot of the bed...they both follow me all over the place, can never close the bathroom door... They are total inside cats and I like it that way, less vet bills for sure.
                Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


                • #9
                  My cat are rescued too.One cat is pure black.And he is stuck on those terrible twos..The other one the black and white want get comb everyday..He just love it..The black and white he is a lover not a fighter..And they are so

