or is it a Medicare thing now. Sheryle was telling me that Jerry was admitted to the hospital "for observation" and Medicare wouldn't cover his meds. They told her that "observation" was not considered to be "treatment" even though they were running test and trying to get his numbers under control. So the next time the Dr told her to take him to the hospital to figure out what was going on she took all his meds with her and had to spend the time at the hospital pharmacy getting them "approved" so they could be used. She noticed when she got the bill that she was charged for his meds, the big one being his insulin at $500 per "pen" and they claimed they used 2 of them. They actually had used maybe 3/4ths of the pen she had brought in from home. Needless to say she if fighting it, but it is their word against hers, even though she has the papers where the pharmacy approved the meds brought from home.
No announcement yet.
Is it just here in IN?
Medicare is federal so it must be everywhere. Either that or it had something to do with that particular hospital. I think she is right to fight it. $1000 dollars doesn't come easy for most of us. Darla, I'm afraid we are in for more and more "surprises" as Obamacare goes into full swing. It's terrifying if you ask me.
She is paying the first bill because he was given the meds through the hospital. The second one she is fighting the insulin charge because she knows how long a pen will last and he had more than enough to last the time he was in there, plus the fact that they did not give her the partial pen that she was charged for. They said they can't send any hospital meds home with the patient. That part I know is true because when I was in the hospital the nurse gave me the "unused" insulin, inhaler and nasal spray and told me to put them down in my purse because she had already signed off that she disposed of them. She basically put her job on the line because she knew that I have no insurance.
Oh and the $1,000 for the insulin was just part of the charge, he is on pills that range anywhere from $5 to $10 each.
When I've been in the hospital, I took along the prescription meds (not the OTC ones) that I take every day, because they didn't always give them to me or understand why I needed them. Sometimes they just make a note of it, sometimes they give me the hospital brand.
Frankly, those days I was sick enough, I never saw the bills. Right now we are just starting Medicare....it's new to us. But we get the bills and E analyzes them. We still have to call and straighten things out. We've changed our info for doctors, clinics, etc. And we've filled out Medicare forms plus placed calls to re-update them all. Our medical units all share a new computer system, and they haven't got it right yet. Monday or Tuesday E needs to call and ask about my last bill and get it straightened out.
So far its not so much an insurance problem as it is a people problem.
I haven't heard anything like Darlas problem out here. (Yet?).~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Create a beautiful day wherever you go.
Darla that is just awful to be charged so much for something you didn't receive, and like you said, her word against theirs, I had the same problem when I was in the hospital in IL for the carotid surgery, had my own pills because they didn't even carry ones that I take and would take days to get an order and receive them..I'm not in the Medicare things yet, but watching and listening to everyone else hoping things will settle down by the time I do..Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God