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Tuesday, December 10

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  • Tuesday, December 10

    Good morning Rounders! Yesterday was like another spring day coming in at 81 degrees. I wore shorts and a tee. I got out there in the garden and transplanted some Pink Baby's Breath onto the border at the top of the Bank. I trimmed off some of the dead tips of stuff that the frost nipped and it looks better.

    I saw "S" yesterday and he asked me if I had anything for him to do. At the time I thought he meant in the garden, but this morning it occurred to me that he meant a paper craft. I gave his mom all the stuff with the drawings and patterns.

    I have already bagged up parts of the microwave to put into the trash when it goes out tonight. It is a 40% chance of rain and I do hope we get some.

    I think I'll make some tomato soup today and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. I will use lots of Cilantro and garlic in my soup to beef up my antioxidants.

    Congrats on your property selling, "Fingers Crossed" Jostoy. I know it ain't over til it's over. Bless you.

    Peace & Plenty.
    Last edited by karlinann; 12-10-2019, 08:45 AM.
    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Good's an up and moving kind of morning...first a carotid scan with a few hours in between to do some shopping then onto my Remicade infusion and four hours later I will be food in crockpot for supper...

    Yesterday I spent getting the boxes of goodies all put together and ready for hubby tomorrow...people did bring things and have to say some I used and some I did not, you could tell who bakes and who does not, told hubby I should have just done it all like I did last year, trouble is my sciatica wasn't bothering me then...but I made it clear, next year they have to order from Sheryl's!! I was picky about what in the boxes....I have tried to post it here but just not good at that, it always tells me I have exceeded the limits on size, tried resizing and such same thing happened...I could post it on my facebook page but the ones that do not have Facebook could not see I will just let it go..

    Hubby did as I suggested, went and bought the part needed to fix the furnace, hope that is what the problem is, that is the code it was showing...only took him 5 mins. to replace it...we are supposed to be in for some cold weather, unlike the 81 degrees Karliann is enjoying.. Well I best get moving, have to leave in an hour...have a good day one and all...the season is closing in..
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      Oh, I really wanted to see it but totally get I was wondering what kinds of foods the other office people would bring.

  • #3
    Good morning. I am laying here with Cori not wanting to get up. It super cold!

    Two more work days after today.


    • #4
      Morning! Boffler, don't say the season is closing in!!! I am so far behind. Being the one man show around here is a lot of work and I am feeling it this year.

      Grandpa's hat from Andrew came in yesterday so that is wrapped and gone under their tree. I still have to shop for Sierra from him. I have nothing more on order so no need to worry about packages on the porch. I need to go to sporting store to finish my gifts for Scott and need one more for Jon but have no idea...will have to talk to Drew to see if he has any ideas. It doesn't have to be anything big or great but it does need to even out my gift count. I MUST start wrapping!!! I really thought I could make up one batch of stupid Christmas tree cookies so there is a cookie for Christmas Day but you know what? If there isn't any then there just isn't any. I'm turning in my pointed ears and green leggings and they will get the Christmas they get. I think I am finally and officially an old lady! Drew needs a gift for the Toys for Tots box at school and he ask me because he knows he will get one on time so I need milk and lettuce for tonight and will pick it up while out. Cuts into my wrapping time but then that hour and a half I spent on the phone with my sister yesterday also cut into my wrapping time. Good thing yesterday was ironing day! And that is finished.

      81*! That was almost mean Karlinann! It misted all day and kept the sidewalks and roads wet and then when that stopped a cold wind started in and brought in cold temps. We do not even keep the house at 81* in the winter! How wonderful to walk out and be warm...

      Want to hear the impeachment announcement then will shower and head to the store. Going to make beef and noodles for supper and that is easy. Fridge is making a horrible noise and I think it is the thing that is defrosting or blowing or something because it stopped now. We have extended warranties so just need to call. Already had the ice maker replaced. Sure do not make appliances like they used to.

      Have things to do this morning so better get moving. Have a good day everyone.


      • #5
        Good morning everyone.

        Thanks Karli for the congrats on the hopeful sale of my house in Illinois. And believe me, I sure have my fingers crossed. The contract is supposed to be signed today sometime.

        Today is laundry day for me. Have 5 loads as I'm doing the bedding plus I changed out the quilt for the comforter. So the quilt will be washed before putting it away.

        Maxie, I still have a gift to buy for my SIL. I drew her name so will spend more on her gift instead of buying 2 gifts. I think I'll buy her a JIM Shore Santa as that is what she collects.

        Time to fold the first load of clothes from the dryer. Everyone have a great day.
        Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


        • #6
          It is a grumpy kid morning here but I am in my Whatever mode and determined to muddle through. I used to think it was me and the kids not wanting to be here. Everytime I text and ask if something is wrong the parent says something like the kid wanted candy etc and the answer was no..

          Sunny and cold here but the heater is on and turns to 70 so we are warm and having a day. The pot luck went well. My potatoes were yummy and the ham was perfect! Spiral sliced and now I want one for here.

          So few people bake that I am no longer surprised when people bring plastic containers of store bought cookies to anything. And I know why Becky and I get asked to bring them every single event. When she took cookies to work last week they asked her what bakery she went to!!! One woman said, You made them?! But they were perfect! Becky had dipped the molasses cookies half way in white chocolate and then added little gingerbread man sprinkles on them. Cute!

          I am ordering from Amazon today and then need to wrap for Becky but also need a gift card for clothes for her.
          Buying for Toys for Tots a d the shelter has given me a false sense of having my shopping done!

          I need to go and just wish you all the best today!


          • #7
            I have been to 3 stores and pumped gas...all without a coat and gloves because I am a hearty midwestener...and because I hate wearing a coat and forgot my gloves! Karlinann had 81* yesterday and I pumped gas while it is 21*. Yep Beth, you have the right idea to stay in bed snuggled with Cori!

            Picked up Andrew's donation gift and bought what I needed for supper. Drove through my favorite restaurant and picked up a breakfast biscuit and am now ready to start wrapping. Keeping my fingers crossed Jostoy. Let us know!


            • #8
              I am hoping our Toys for Tots does ok this year with the change in committee. Wrapping is always a big volunteer event and I hope they are covered.

              I am just checking on any news. I made a small batch of cookies and had to cool and seal and freeze right away. Even the ones I made that I didn’t like tasted much better today when I let the kids frost and decorate their own. Tomorrow they will take home a box. I will need to make up the boxes and with such young kids it is impossible to keep cookies clean and edible!

              See you all later.


              • maxie
                maxie commented
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                Those are cookies made with love! We always said that with Sierra and then later Andrew's decorated cookies...they were made with a lot of love and licks!