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Monday, December 02

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  • Monday, December 02

    Good morning Rounders! It's 69 degrees going to 71 today. My hands are so stiff from mulching leaves. The kicker is that when I came in we had a stinker of a wind to come through here and it blew the leaves right away from one of my Tea Tree Olives. It blew all the leaves that were between our houses to different places. Weird!

    The door is open. I'll be back later to read. Peace & Plenty.

    I wore another pair of my capri pants yesterday and they are so comfortable. Basic Editions. Walmart brand. Who knew?

    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Good morning! Not anywhere near 71* around here. It rained or misted all day yesterday and was windy and cold. I never left the house! Andrew's mom came by and helped me order the Six Flags passes for the kids. She found all kinds of upgrades but they have to be activated before January 1...not my problem. All I did is pay for them and will use them as stocking stuffers. She spent so much time on that I forgot to have her reset the thermostat. Jon is taking Andrew out of school this morning for a dentist appointment. He could not get anything for after school. I hate taking kids from school but what ya going to do? Those after school appointment are for the orthodontist kids I'm sure.

    This morning I am up early to run back home and pick up Sierra to get her to urgent care. This is her third day off work and needs a doctor's slip. She is also still not feeling well enough to go back to work. She has a cold in her head and chest and has had the stomach flu. No doubt she is miserable but she is also one of those people that wants sympathy and attention while sick. She did not get that from me or her father...when we are sick we shut the bedroom door and do not want anything! After a day or so you can sneak in and see if we are still alive but do not hover. So Jon will be running with one kid and I will be running with his other. Is there a bigger den of germs than urgent care? But she will not get an appointment at the doctors office for a few days and all we have to do is wait at the clinic.

    Still dragging up Christmas decorations. And this is the fun part? Still not an ornament on the tree. Or a package wrapped. Sierra's mom posted a picture of the snow they got in Minnesota this weekend...18 inches! She sent a picture of a guy with snow up to his shoulders shoveling and saying 'we do not get hurricanes, we do not get hurricanes, we do not get hurricanes'. It was kinda cute. Six of one half a dozen of another.

    One more cup of coffee then gotta hit the shower. I doubt they will be giving her any prescriptions but I will pick her up a heating pad and thermometer. Chicken noodle soup! Finished my afghan!! Have a good day!


    • karlinann
      karlinann commented
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      Baked Potato Chips and Energy Drinks are great too when you're sick.

    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      Maxie I sure hope with Sierra being sick and you taking her to urgent care that you don't bring all those germies home with you...lots of clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, etc. and lysol spray at your house, LOL...I set a bottle of hand sanitizer out during holidays and a good supply of hand foam wash on the kitchen counter also, and paper towels...I am not above asking people to wash before you touch....handles on dishes being served are a catcher.. happy you got your afghan it is very pretty.

  • #3
    Good morning everyone.

    Will make this post while waiting for the Dr.'s office to open. Just hope he will order x-rays for me without seeing me. Or IF he has to see me, it will be today.

    Saturday morning I had to mop my kitchen floor 3 times to get the stickiness up from where I spilt my whole mug of coffee. It even splattered onto the front of my refrigerator. All this while making a green bean casarole for our Thanksgiving dinner. I went to my SIL's to keep the dishes done up for her.

    Everyone of my family members made it, even though my nephew forgot about it. When it got to be 2p, and we were to eat at 1, he was called to see where he was. We thought maybe he got held up at work. He was home blowing his leaves. Then it took him 25 minutes to get there as he lives on the south side of F.W. So we just kept watching the clock so we could get everything heated back up.

    Well the Doc's office should be open now so will wish you all a good day.
    Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      Oh my Jo that had to me a big mess, seems it always happens when you have other things going on...I seem to be getting a bit worse lately about making messes.. Well he is lucky everyone waited on him in this house we would have went on with our eating and he could heat up when he got's getting ridiculous trying to make plans that work for everyone, I say set the time, if someone isn't there then let them eat when and if they do show up...hubby said last night holidays are starting to be so stressful with everyone wanting a certain time, day, etc. not our family, his...imagine that.. Hope your appt. goes well and they give you some xrays and indeed see if those ribs are cracked. I will send bubble wrap soon..

  • #4
    Good morning..having trouble finding my go this morning


    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      Me too Beth...just no mojo at all..hope we both find some today.

  • #5
    Good Morning, a chilly, damp morning out there..did see a few minutes of sun yesterday, lifted my spirit for a few minutes.. I am starting to be a big grinch at Christmas, seems like so many demands, expectations from others, people not appreciating things you do for them, or respecting your feelings, the true meaning of the season is the birth of Christ and being with family, that is well and good if family wants to be family... I am just feeling upset because it seems in hubby's family everytime there is something going on WE are the ones expected to do the most...his sister decided to have a surprise birthday for his Mom's 80th birthday, that is wonderful but it is between hubby, his sister and his brother, so far she ask what everyone could bring, not much response, she ask if we could bring something for sandwiches, then it was could we bring meatballs and wieners in sauce, then we need sloppy joes also, so now we are supplying the sandwiches, buns, wieners & meatballs...also ask about punch and if we could bring our punch bowl, told hubby what and how I make mine but do not volunteer us to bring and make that also...anytime their is something going on we foot the bill, its ridiculous....I would be so embarrassed not to ask how much I owe someone if they did that... I am getting old and tired and fed up, jostoy has had a front seat to all that has happened to me with his she will more than understand my anger..

    Well this is the place I come to to blow off some steam and pent up hostility, all said that is why you are here, hope I didn't ruin your day, I guess all of this plus hubby 'volunteering' me for making a goodie basket for his employer just put me over the edge..

    Now I will proceed to do some finger shopping, the tree and decor is all out in front entryway, and tree in livingroom ready to be put up..but not today.
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • karlinann
      karlinann commented
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      Oh dear Boffler! I cannot believe that your dh is being so persistent about you making that basket. You will just have to stop, because believe me they won't stop asking. I have been in a similar situation and it is stress galore. Do not put that stress on yourself. Life is short.

      Take good care of yourself. You are important.

  • #6
    Well hello there! It's another dreary one here today. I wish there would be a little snow to brighten things up.

    This weekend was busy...sort of. Saturday I actually got to sleep in...wonderful! I then went to a new orchard. After Thkg they reduce the price of their bushels of apples. I ended up with 4 bushels of mixed apples. I like to have a good supply so that I can't make a pie for someone if I so desire plus have lots for orders. Dropped those off at home, then headed into town to pick up some supplies. Of course I forgot a few items. Finished shopping for the 6yr old boy I picked off the angel tree. Got that wrapped and dropped at church yesterday. Had a very relaxing evening.

    Yesterday was Meat & Greet after late service. We supplied everything for tacos. I had PLANNED to get out of there by 1pm, but somehow I ended up being the last one out at 1:30pm. Came how and zonked out for a while. Once I got my energy back, I worked on my cookie orders. Called or text all my customers who purchased last year, but still haven't ordered this year. I really need their orders in the next few days. Mixed up some cookie doughs & prepped for two others I wanted to do this morning.

    Blaise had no school today. Hunting season. Sue & Theresa both were here. We accomplished a lot. I still have cookies to bake off. I'll make the icing for a couple of the cookies we'll finish off tomorrow. Will also mix up some more dough. Tomorrow it's only T.

    I feel a nap coming on.

    Sharon....your SIL is a piece of work.



    • #7
      I can not imagine asking All that of just you and Doug, Sharon!
      What is left and what is She supplying?

      Maxi, my kids schools probably thought they had the worst teeth ever! I used the dentist as every excuse to get them out: oh, you need a hair appointment? Fine. Dentist. Want a long lunch And you will bring me one, too? Got it. Dentist. Mental health day?? Well, not quite that bad, but my kids were way too healthy and did not get sick so an extra hour here and there did not present a problem.
      The girls were the ones who did the most hair appointment / dental but Stuart also
      started wanting highlights in his hair!
      Spencer never took advantage but the other three found creative ways to find their diversions!

      I told them I didn’t care if they got the Attendance Award; i

      wanted the Bumper sticker that said
      I have an A+ Student at RBHS!

      Rainy inside day and one 2 year old is chattering away and soon all will be awake.

      Love to you all!
      None of you do anything but add a smile to my day!

