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Saturday, November 30

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  • Saturday, November 30

    Good morning Rounders! I was in a cleaning mood yesterday and cleaned all the floors. I cleaned that 6 ft table, I cleaned the kitchen really good while I was scrubbing the microwave, which is a Panasonic btw. Another good brand. I straightened and organized this place and moved things around. Yep, you guessed it, I'm getting the house ready for putting up our tree. I have hung the Primitive Ornaments in the kitchen on the peg rack. They look adorable. So far that is it on the decorating.

    I hung a picture on the guest room wall that has been leaning on the back of a table for ages. I put my sewing machine on top of that same table. I need to buy some spools of thread the next thrift shopping day, which will be today hopefully. They close at noon though.

    DH got me a bunch of puzzles at the library yesterday and one of them is the cast of Downton Abbey. I like it.

    I was out in the backyard yesterday evening and saw the 3 1/2 ft garter snake laying under a tree beside my neighbors dog lot. She had the dogs out and I ran in and called her to bring them in. Cissy has already been snake bitten and I knew if that snake came inside the lot she would tangle with it.

    This morning I'm going over to her fenced in dog lot to take cuttings from the Camellia bush. She had it cut down, but it's growing again and those fresh shoots might just propagate. I sure hope so. I watched a video on the propagating process yesterday morning. The weather is almost like summer and the snakes will be crawling out to sunbathe in the hot afternoons. She lets the dogs out around 6 am and when they go back in and it gets daylight, that is when I will take the cuttings.

    The winds were really blowing those leaves down yesterday. There are still many left on that big tree though.

    Peace & Plenty.
    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Good Morning to all...exciting day for football around here, the big game of the year, Ohio State University vs Michigan...the day around here that the restaurant, pizza joints, bowling alley will be filled with people, only have a few bars so those will be filled also...we prefer the confines of home, will have my own wings and fries.

    I have a beef brisket to get prepped for smoking tomorrow, also need to finish cleaning out large freezer because our half a beef will be ready for pick up this looking forward to good beef, not water added or anything..

    On Thanksgiving Eve I felt a chill in our home, looked at thermostat and sure enough the set temp and temp in house didn't match, something had happened to the furnace, hubby went down in crawlspace, which is about 4 ft. high and all cemented, and worked on it, got it working again...this morning, wake up, notice the chill and sure enough it had happened again, woke him up, he went down and reset it, says we need a new switch on it, he went back to bed but once he is up for the day we will be ordering that switch for him to install...don't want to be in the midst of cold, cold winter and have it happen...the furnace is only 5 yrs. old..

    Karliann you and your propagating, LOL and flower loving...wish I could see a far as snakes go, the further away the better...thankful that around these parts we don't see many. Well time to get moving and read the news, maybe fix some breakfast...Have a good day one and all..

    Go Crimson and gray
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • karlinann
      karlinann commented
      Editing a comment
      We had to get a new thermostat a couple of years ago. It would not hold the temp setting.

      I did some research this morning and I decided not to take the cuttings of the Camellia yet. They need warmth and I have no warm place to put them. That may be God trying to tell me that I have enough bushes in this yard.

    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      Oh, I would have smoked brisket any day!!!

  • #3
    Good morning! The internet and tv have been out because of the heavy rain and thunderstorm this morning. It rained all night and looked like the middle of the night when I got up this morning. Nasty day! So today I no excuse not to stay home and clean the crumbs from Thanksgiving Dinner from under the table. Yesterday Scott and I went to the cemetery and out to lunch then he left for home. I put the candles in the window and hung the wreath on the door. Exhausting work but if I don't do it no one else around here would decorate. Jon is off Monday so I will have him haul up the totes and do the tree. If I had half of Karlinanns energy this place would be a Christmas showcase.....LOL! I crack myself up!

    Blues won last night and play again tonight. Baseball and hockey are the only two sports we (I) watch. Never could understand football or why the game takes so long to play. Hope your team wins Boffler.

    Karlinann if I had half your energy I could wiz through this place and clean. There is always someone tracking in or dripping something. I cannot imagine worrying about snakes in the winter. Ick!! But boy are the squirrels pesky and noisy. Jostoy we are surrounded by big old oak trees and the yard is knee deep in leaves after the wind storm. They will fall the entire winter..nothing like a fresh snow and seeing oak leaves scattered across it. Beth hope you had a good visit with your grandmother.

    I am off to shower and start the day. Laundry is caught up but have ironing and a sink full of dishes to load into the dishwasher. Kitchen floor needs cleaning. Bought new yarn the other day so want to finish up the afghan I am working on and start the other. Lots to do but all the energy in the world went to Karlinann and Cookie. Have a good one everyone!


    • #4
      good morning. I am on my way to the PO to mail some books to my great nieces and grandson. A friend wrote and illustrated it! a picture counting book and just so cute. I had her write their names in the front and sign each book.
      And, are you ready for this? Mailing two hats to a friend for her two Kittens! Yes, kittens. Another friend crochets hats for cats and her kittens even modeled them so I thought why not? anyway, I have them wrapped in Christmas paper and in big envelopes (that I went to Walmart at 7:30 this morning to buy) and they are going in the mail.
      Becky has her packages of cookies ready to take also and this is a huge deal for us...

      donna, your day sounds like one for a tv show! I ca' tsay it enough how amazed I am by you!
      Jostoy, everytime I drove by our Walmart yesterday, even late in the day, the parking lot was full! I don't even care what deals I missed, because it is a good thing to miss those crowds! When I was there this morning I could not find any regular tape and I guess they had a deal on that. I found the packing tape and just used the rest of my Scotch tape for the books. I know they will restock.

      My piano and end tables and armoire are decorated and the tree is almost all fluffed out and filled in. I keep sticking more snowy branches in where I thing there is too much kitchen garden window is almost done.

      I am running to the post office now and hope your day is going well and there is time to rest form all you have been doing!

