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Friday, November 8

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  • Friday, November 8

    Good morning Rounders! You are not going to believe who I saw on a gardeners world video I just watched. It was Mary, of the Great Bristish Bake Off show. Yes indeed! They showed photos of Mary when she was a girl and she has been an avid gardener for over 30 years. I just love her and now I will love her even more.

    I checked my pepper plants yesterday morning and I noticed little green bell peppers the size of my fingernail. They are so adorable! I sure hope they have a chance to mature before the first frost.

    Yesterday morning also showed quite a few fallen leaves and I mulched up a 5 gallon bucket full by hand. There are so many more to do. They give a good mulch with the rich brown, green, and yellow color combos. Some of them are a nice mahogany color. Love those!

    I made meatloaf and smashed potatoes for dinner. Today I'm making Chicken Salad. I have lot's of celery, walnuts, and chicken and it will go great with toasted split top wheat bread and apple muffins for dessert. That sounds like a menu for a Tea Room doesn't it?

    I am still quilting my square blocks. I'm doing it by hand and the results are satisfying. I work on it a little each day when I relax with a good Hallmark movie. The new movies that I've seen already are spectacular.

    I'm off to the kitchen to make bkfst. I've been up for hours and already had my coffee, watched tv, and watched that Gardeners World video. I'm stoked for the day. It's Friday! Have a great weekend.

    Peace & Plenty.

    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Morning Karlinann and all to come. I love that no matter how early I am you have already been here and started our day! It is a cold morning here with temps in the 20s...only go to reach a high in the 30s today. I may be unhappy with the weather but know this is just the beginning...going to to get a lot colder before Spring!

    My darling granddaughter did not stop by yesterday but is coming Saturday. So she says...if not we will pay the grass boy to come help. Sick and tired of this thing sitting here months and no one has the time to help out. Not going to say anything more because we all know who I blame.

    Finished Andrew's afghan. My hand is starting to get a little sore so hopefully it will heal up while I am waiting for the new yarn to arrive. Plus maybe I will have the incentive to get up and do something around here. Andrew left right after eating last night but still managed to track in mud or whatever. His mother is home sick. I gotta say she must really be sick to miss work. No matter what you think of her she does not miss work and has dragged herself in before. I ask Jon how she was when he dropped Drew off and he said he did not go in....'when she misses work she is sick and I am not going near her!'

    Scouting bags will be dropped off tomorrow so need to pick up something to fill it if I go out today. Not cooking tonight since it is Friday. Andrew says he wants biscuits and gravy one day next week. Sounds like a plan for me. I like when he picks the menu since I am having a hard time coming up with ideas. How did I feed a family cooking 5 days a week? I feel like I am cooking the same thing every week. But I guess when you do not want to cook you are not thinking about what or how to cook something. I envy you people who cook every night..mainly for having the imagination and energy to come up with ideas.

    Hoping to clean house today. Need to finish up the laundry.Sierra is coming to pick up her Christmas totes of stuff and take home a tree. We have not decided if we are giving her the big one or the skinnier one. I should move that end table out and see how far I can move the couch. Jon is delighted to have her totes gone and one of the trees out. More room for his junk! He and Andrew have taken up a large portion of my laundry room with their train table and now complain that anyone else would want to store a bottle of laundry detergent or something!

    So I do have things to do today. Just need a bolt of lightning to hit my butt. Need to clean the kitchen table. Looks like he dumped his lunch bag out but not sure why a bath towel is laying on it. I know I have a lot of gripes but why can't you just pickup after yourself? Just clean up after yourself, ya know?!

    Well anyway, I am going to start my day and hope to do something constructive. Saw a Christmas wreath on a if I got out at night I would see a lot of bright lights turning on. Have a wonderful day every one.


    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
      Editing a comment
      My table is a dumping spot and I need a good jolt of Someone’s coming over to get me to clear it!

  • #3
    Good Morning to all...Maxie I need a good jolt also, I am in one of those funks that I just want to sit and not do much of anything, cleaning being the main one, LOL... Got a lot going on so not much to say right now, in conference with a few cousins with some major things going on with them, so keeping my messenger and phone open...

    Have a great day one and all..
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • #4
      Good morning...I need a jolt too. Just getting around so I Am rushed


      • #5
        Well, three of us said jolt so when it happens I better not complain!
        One child ( biter boy) is home today. And Monday is a day off. I had one mom ask me if I am open. She will be off but probably wanted to go into the office.
        Another texted she is off and school is out but little school boy wants to come over.
        I texted her my days off and sent her a heart emoji but sometimes I just wonder how people think I would be open all the time!
        Christmas being in the middle of the week will be a different 3 days off. But I need time to cook and bake and time for after Christmas sales!

        Karlinann, that menu does sound like a sweet tearoom brunch! I went to one on Mother’s Day weekend a year ago in Salt Lake City at a super swank hotel and was very impressed! My brother was hosting my mom and I and his family so it was as painless as it was delicious!

        I finished up my Mexican lasagna and ended up making a second pan. It just did not seem like one pan from me and one from my friend would be enough. Layered tortillas, meat and enchilada sauce, cheese, beans olives with sour cream in the enchilada sauce... nice and heavy! The first week of the shelter schedule tends to be light numbers and I was told the numbers were around 15.

        I have a decorative pan outside with water for my cat but saw a few others drinking out of it, too. One day I saw a cat drinking out of my pool so I moved my cats water to over by the shed so anyone can get a drink and I don’t worry about an accident in my pool!

        Maxie, that menu planning gets to us all! Even in daycare I get so tired of trying to find food most will eat. Nevermind all of them! Not even pb&j pleases everyone!
        I was watching a beach real estate show that really made me want to go to Surf City NC! But I want to go as a guest, paying my fair share, but someone else making the arrangements. So tired of being the decision maker/ card user/ person in charge. Whining over now.

        Beautiful day here already. It is a tough day for many: the 1 year anniversary right now of the Camp Fire that destroyed Paradise and killed 88.
        So, keeping all of us close in thoughts!
        Maye, hope you are able to read the posts and know you are thought of!
        Take care and take time for yourself and family!


        • #6
          Good afternoon all.

          Have been baking and doing laundry. I only have 1 more project to do in the house, and think I will start it next week. As you can see, I left in house jobs for the cold weather.

          I did get all my "touch-up" paint jobs done yesterday. My next week job is to make wall heater straps. I bought flashing metal to do the job with. Fortunately, the flashing came in white, so I won't have to paint it after I get them on the heaters. These wall heaters are too old to be able to buy the "straps". That is according to the guy who checked out the boiler this fall.

          Maxie, you asked about my appt. that I had in Indy. It wasn't for my back, but for my "pea-brain". I told the Dr. that I wasn't ready to have the surgery yet, so we are trying a med. to go with what I already take. It is a muscle relaxer to hopefully calm the tremors down to where I can at least write legibly enough to write my own checks. Right now my SIL writes any check that I need written.

          My back I see the Dr. towards the end of this month. I have had injections in it for 6 years. I called his office the middle of Oct. and have to wait over a month just to see him. I just wonder how much longer I have to wait before I get the injection. I do know I won't wait for the pain to get this bad again before I call him.

          Enough griping and complaining. Will wish you all a good day.
          Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


          • #7
            Hello! It's frigid and the dusting of snow last night is still laying out there. BRRRRR!!!!!! At least the sun came out a bit today, which is better than yesterday's rain.

            Yesterday and today...actually all week...have been busy cookie & pie baking days. This morning I baked 4 pies, then eventually Theresa & I made 12 cream pies for the freezer stock. Now I need to bake 6 carrot cakes later, then I'll be stocked up again for a couple of weeks. I desperately need more freezer space. I really need a walk in freezer. Shhhhhhh…..don't tell Corky that.

            I took a couple sample cookie plates down to a newer customer's nail salon along with cookie sheets. Well she called & said she was out of the sheets, and could I bring more. I called back & ask the gal that cuts my hair if she happen to have time to do it since I was coming down, and she did. I feel so much better now.

            I think Blaise will be here for the whole weekend & is off Monday. They are holding P/T conferences all day Monday, and my appt is at 1:10pm. Kathy supposedly is coming too. Yesterday was report card day, and it wasn't a very good one. He got at least one of each letter grade.

            Kathy just called. They got an apt she just applied for. It's just down the street a couple blocks, but has a 3rd bedroom, which has been her excuse for not taking Blaise. She is so excited.

            Back to work.....have a good one all!


            • #8
              I remembered what I forgot this morning from reading your post, Karlinann.
              That is so interesting about Mary and her garden ( how does your garden grow?
              Anyway, they seem to be in tents outside and often show beautiful landscaping and wondered if you have ever heard Mary refer to gardening on the Bake Off?

              My daughter got me into that show!

