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Monday, October 28

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  • Monday, October 28

    Good morning Rounders! Aunt Maye, so good to hear from you. I've been wondering where you were.

    Yesterday was a slow day for me. I only went outside once and didn't get off the sidewalk. Long day.

    Today I have nothing on my to do list, but you never know. The weather man has forecast more rain for the coming week. I sure hope so.

    I have some painting jobs to do, but I'm going to wait for cooler days. It's still in the 80's.

    Peace & Plenty.
    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Good Morning! It's currently foggy, but the sun is suppose to shine today.

    Yesterday wasn't very productive, but oh well. I needed a day like that. Maureen left about 930am. I got a text from the one restaurant & got their order ready. I napped a couple times. Blaise & I went to a local nursing home with my SS class. We did their Sunday service. Blaise actually likes going with me. They gave him a 2 page reading to do, and he did a great job. He only stumbled over 2 words, and they were names of chapters in the Bible.

    On our way home Blaise ask for BK. We stopped, ordered Chinese, and then went down the road to pick up some BK for him. Supper! The only thing I did productive was doing some laundry.

    Now today I hope is more productive. First thing will be heading into town to grocery shop. Then once I've got everything put away, I'm going to start mixing up cookie doughs. Tomorrow both ladies are coming to work, so I'm getting ready. Serious cookie baking will begin.

    Have a good one all!


    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      Donna as usual busy, busy, busy, I wish I was as fast at doing things as I once was, now it seems to take me twice as long to get anything done..I agree, every now and again you do need a day to not be as productive.

  • #3 is still dark out but I have to get up early and get moving. I have no problem getting up it is the getting going that seems to be my downfall. I must cook a decent meal for the guys around here and need to go to the grocery store first. Thinking meatloaf and baked potatoes. May a waldorf salad. But I have none of the necessary ingredients for any of my planned dishes. I will have to run to two stores so need to start early.

    Started Andrew's afghan yesterday and watched the Blues win in OT. Jon cleared off the front porch and cleaned up everything before putting it away. That should be the last outside job! The bird population has seeing Bluejays and Cardinals..those little brown things I don't know the name of. And a dumb woodpecker. I heard him at the front window and sneeked around to see the dummy pecking the siding. Later I was in my bedroom and he was at my window. How dumb is that? But he might have brain damage from pecking at the telephone pole all summer. He is a beautiful red headed woodpecker and not to bright. He needs to be saved from himself!

    Jon talked with Andrew's mom and their uncle is taking the boys back to 6 fags this Friday evening so they can ride all the rides one last time this season. He will not do the haunted houses but there will be characters wandering around scaring people. Sierra told me yesterday that she noticed how deep the boys voices had gotten but then she laughed herself into tears when she said 'but they still scream like girls!' Cracked me up!

    Well I have nothing much to say. Nice to see Karlinann you are resting and relaxing. And Cookie gearing up for cookie season. Aunt Maye so good to hear from you. Paula what good friends you have..hope the generator makes life easier. Saw on the news that your section of California is in the trouble area with the fire. What a scare!

    Have a great day!


    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      Funny about what Sierra said about the boys, LOL...Maxie I love watching woodpeckers, had one this year that made a complete circle around one of our trees.We need to get busy on our outside and porch furniture also..I believe in cutting things back hubby disagrees, I just think it looks better but he says I can take care of the inside he will take care of outside... I wish I could crochet or make anything with yarn.

  • #4
    Good Morning early birds, watch out what worms you catch, LOL....back from GA, left at 7:30 yesterday morning arrived home at 7:30, stopped for breakfast, a quick potty break and stopped for today will be catch up on laundry and stack of mail...I now know why you have children when you are young, my daughter and her family are on the go all the time, we attended soccer games, basketball practice, swim practice and swim meet, went to a school play of Fiddler on the Roof, in between one grandgirl had a birthday, baked her a cake and bought a Oreo blizzard cake also. I cooked a few meals, but most times things were done on the fly...she is a parapro at the school, they all leave the house by 7:15 and everyone but hubby is home by 3:30 then the running begins and at 8:30 p.m. they are home just in time to get ready for bed and a snack. Her hubby travels a lot so daughter has most of the household and children things to take care of plus a dog...she is like a well oiled machine in organization and planning 30 mins. meals...

    It was such a joy for us to be able to participate in our grandgirls life for 10 days, and the visit went well...youngest one wandering when she would see us again...she is such a sweetie.

    Need to read and catch up with everyone. Oh there was a message from OSU heart center, after wearing the monitor for 30 days he was very pleased with results, heart is staying in rhythm and only had one episode of AFib in upper chamber...I know I was able to do more without being tired and short of breath while in GA which was so nice for a change...was nice to sit outside and in shorts, but the trees were starting to change colors...

    Karliann sure hope you blood pressure stays down.

    You know I love popcorn but why oh why do I always get a husk in between my teeth and gums that just is hard to get to...

    Have a great day one and all..beautiful fall weather.

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      Paula we use to lose power once or twice a year, enough that when we had this house built we had a whole house generator installed, this way we never worry when away from home, it kicks in automatically, Generac is the sister and her hubby who now also travel a bit had one installed at their house after losing all things in their freezer and fridge, they now have peace of mind also... We had a generator like you are using but I was so leary of pouring gas in and having to do it about every three hours.

    • karlinann
      karlinann commented
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      Boffler, I just checked my B/P this morning and it's very normal. I'm staying on the low sodium diet for ever and ever.

      I had to give up popcorn because of my teeth. Too much dental work to worry about.

  • #5
    Good then a psych appointment.

    Work yesterday was ok...thanks to those that staid over and helped such a blessing! We had 3 call off. I was more or less gopher girl on most lines. Not my favorite! I would much rather be serving...I am not complaining I am grateful for the help we had.


    • karlinann
      karlinann commented
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      Staying positive is a positive for you! You will go far!!!

  • #6
    Oh good morning! My dogs are barking to go out but they just were out.
    I had one parent come by with her toddler but said she would take him to her mother since I am still without power and he would be the only child.
    Then her husband came by to loan me a generator! I showed him the loaner we have and he showed me what he had and I think that is the kind I want. The Honda is quieter but no one else in the neighborhood is running quiet ones. This one he had uses gas or propane which does not mean much to me but he said the option was better. This is a dad that just comes across differently and not really friendly but today has changed my feelings! He was even willing to go up into my attic to run a line to run the heater!
    This state will have years and years of loss because of the recent fires. Judy Garcia said for the second time her son and family are in fire areas and may be Evacuated! The Santa Rosa / Sonoma area.

    It is chilly in the house. I have my down comforter on the sofa with me and the two little dogs. 62*. Did I already say that.

    I am considering what kind of comfort food I need. Soup will Be what I am searching out today. I really want a nice. Hot creamy soup!

    The elementary district is making sack lunches and giving them out at a church in the center of town. I texted a friend who is head of nutrition and said I can help. When school is out the kids miss two meals!

    Ok, giving up and letting the dogs out! Have a wonderful day!


    • #7
      Wow, it is still morning and I am finished for the day. Been to 2 grocery stores, made my meatloaf and it is in the fridge ready for the oven. For a Monday morning walmart had next to nothing in produce...had to buy organic celery. Organic means it costs a dollar more! Andrew has been asking for egg nog and they didn't have any. I envy people with good walmarts. I used to have one until I moved here. My sister called while I was roaming the aisles so we had a chat...she was surprised I was in a walmart since I am not a fan but sometimes you just have to go, ya know?

      Not going to make my bed because I am kinda looking forward to crawling back into it later. I made a sink full of dishes so have the dishwasher running. It is cold and misty out..another miserable day but the trees are beautiful. Seems like they turned over night. Boffler, I always trim everything back in the fall. I have been known to give spireas a haircut mid summer but the new ones I planted this spring are not taking off. Maybe they will be able to get some roots and take off in the spring. If not they will be rubbish and I will start over. I waited to long for him to finish this porch to have scrawny shrubs surrounding it.
      Well, my coffee break is over not that I am going to do much more today but you gotta get in your allotted coffee breaks right?

