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Tuesday, October 15

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  • Tuesday, October 15

    Good morning Rounders! So good to see that Boffler is back, and good to know that Aunt Maye is okay.

    I am very happy to report my B/P is back down to normal today, or actually lower than normal. Yes, it's very difficult to not grab some processed food to eat when you are used to having it day after day, but I have to be strong and give it up. I learned a long time ago when I read Robinson Crusoe that salt was a killer for the human body, but since I've retired I've just disregarded my instincts. Now I have to pay the piper.

    I only went out once yesterday to spread the pine straw, (pine needles) that DH brought home. I have the garden in the very front of the house looking so good now, and I can walk to the water hose without getting my shoes dirty. Yay!

    We are almost finished with the Crazy BBQ puzzle. That thing is impossible.

    The highlight of my day is to come on here and write and then come back later and read what everyone has contributed. Thanks to each of you. You make a difference.

    Peace & Plenty.
    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Good Morning Karliann, its good to be back, better yet, it feels good to feel good...that ole ticker can cause a multitude of problems as well as the BP, so glad yours is down today and yes processed foods so full of sodium.. I know all about pine needles as much, my daughter who lives in GA seems those GA pines make great mulch as that is what you see...

    I was so glad yesterday to take that monitor off and ship it back to the Preventice people, what a nuisance it is Remicade infusion day, that takes about 4 hrs. and it is a 30 min. drive to the infusion center...thank gosh for WIFI and Netflix to help pass the time.. I have things prepped for supper, having chicken enchiladas, yummy. We had swiss steak over rice yesterday, had been a very long time since I made that, thankfully I have lots of peppers in my freezer, and onions in a basket..

    Thanks for the welcome backs yesterday, don't want jostoy confused, I am the old me, LOL not a newbie, I just had so many things going on health wise, garden, house, etc. I just had to 'downsize' for awhile. I have Drs. here and also see one in another state MI for my crohns disease, well my insurance needed authorization again as they do every year for a medication I take to my surprise the Dr. I had is no longer there so at that point I called my local Dr. and ask if I could stop taking Imuran because it is making me I need to taper or can I just stop, he said I could just stop, yeah. from there I went and got Biotin, Rogaine for women, and complete vitamin b6.

    Well geez I have now written a book. Maxie, I don't know how you do it with others in the house, I think at my age that I kind of like the solitude of just me and the hubby....and Donna, with a child in school, wow, how do you guys do it...I like laundry for two...

    Time to get this day started.

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • #3
      Boffler, bless your heart for having to take all those meds. I'm glad you can come off one at least. I have never been a big fan of taking meds, of any kind. My pcp does not promote meds either and for that I'm thankful. I have seen way too many elderly who are taking way too many meds and it just breaks my heart.
      "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh


      • #4
        Good SUNNY Morning! Frost again this morning, which means the furnace has been running.

        It's so good to see both of you first thing in the morning. I may go days w/o seeing or talking to anyone outside this house, so coming here is my friend time.

        Today is one of those days I'm not leaving least I'm not planning on it. Yesterday I spent my morning grocery doing that. I know most people hate it. Took forever to get it all in and put away. I bought cases of evap milk, ck noodle soup (for Blaise), and 100lbs of sugar. Sounds like a lot, but in the next month I'll be going thru most if not all of it. Somehow my afternoon just flittered away. Cleaned a little of this & that. I finally got my head on straight and started on the cream pies. Made 14...8 PB and 6 Samoa. Didn't get them finished until late evening, but it felt good to get those crossed off my to-do list.

        Had to meet Kathy to get Blaise. He came home in a grumpy mood. Oh yea. I got a call from his guidance counselor. Yesterday was teacher in-service day, so she was working. Both of his teachers have sent him to her, and they ask me before doing it. The GC told me about a couple programs they offer thru the school, and I'm going to sign him up for both. One is a counselor comes from the counseling center I took him to last year, but they come right to the school, so I won't have to take him. It'll go thru our insurance. He has to learn how to control his frustration and anger. Another call I made was to the photographer who took the school pictures. Blaise's were awful. He looked like he was snarling. Found out there is a re-take day next week. I normally only buy the smallest pkg, but since I wanted to give some to Kathy & Kody, I bought a bigger package. I didn't want to remember him looking like that.

        Hey, miracles never cease. State Farm FINALLY issued the check for my car, and Gary ordered the parts yesterday. He hopes to have my car done mid-week next week. YEA!!!! I miss my car.

        Today is baking. Need to make 3 pumpkin pies for Mel's. She's having Thanksgiving meal as one of the specials starting Wed. Making an Italian Cream Cake for someone. Never have made one of those before. And finally a bunch of carrot cakes for the freezer supply. Will just plug along slowly but surely.

        I'm blessed with decent BP. I do a lot from scratch, but some days when I'm in a hurry, it's processed. I like the taste of some processed foods.

        Take care my friends!


        • karlinann
          karlinann commented
          Editing a comment
          Cookielady, I've made the Italian Cream Cake many times in the past and it's a good one.

      • #5
        Good morning. Today I am driving home to meet Sierra for lunch. Seems this is just to far for her to drive so I go to her? Who is the grandma and who is the kid? But I do not have to have lunch with the bf so it is worth the drive. I need to pick up asiago anyway. Andrew is back today so I will put chili on in the crock pot before I leave. For me a can of not like chili...not even my own!

        Yesterday was a good lunch with my friend. We then walked the mall, small as it is anymore, and into Penney's. She is still working part time and dresses to the nines. It is nice to see how the other half dresses then it is nice to come home to my sweats! My walmart sweats are way less expensive than her work clothes!!

        You know Boffler, I lived alone for a while and it was nice. Doing laundry once a week, eating what and when I always clean because I am a neat freak. I have a lot of alone time here and on the days I do not feel like it I do not do anything and that includes cooking. My son is a better cook than I am anyway. I would miss seeing Andrew every evening after school but I am normally just as happy seeing him leave. I guess if I was not cleaning and doing laundry I would find other things to do but what? I would never can and freeze and cook like you domesticated, talented ladies.

        Got home from lunch in time to see the Blues blow a 2 goal lead and lose in OT. Cardinals cannot buy a run and lost 3 in a row. If Washington wins tonight we will take our ball and go home until Spring. But on the bright side I am in the midst of working in the last skein of yarn. It is not as wide as I wanted but I just could not get enough yarn and had forgotten how wide I was making them. I will start Sierra's and try to make it a better size. Even if I have to order more yarn. I have never had a problem getting yarn before. We are being forced to order on line and then stores cry because no one shops..we would love to shop! Just carry what I want to buy!

        Guess I will catch up on the news and weather. Need to get the chili together. Have a wonderful day. Hope you find a good movie to watch Sharon.


        • #6
          My day yesterday started off a bit rough, with one toddler just not wanting to be there, but he got over it and the rest of the day went well. I let both babies walk aroundin the yard for our outside time Up intil now, I had one in an activity chair and one in the stroller. And they were content enough, but they both walk really well and I felt like following them that really tired them out!

          Then, after daycare r went to a pot luck for empty nesters from church. Oh my gosh! The 85 year old lady whose house we were at decorates better than any Halloween store ever thought fo doing! We walked through fog up to the door past an open coffin with a skeleton in it and just so many awesome things! I did not take my purse so had no phone with me. I need to go back and video it for my grandkids, and sons, if I am going to be truthful.
          It was a soup pot luck, with sides and desserts. I took a dessert: apple snack cake. It uses a spice cake mis and a can of apple pie filling. Lots thought itwas gingerbread...very moist, but not sure I remembered it just right. Of course, I could not find my original recipe. I know I posted it in the archives at mimi's cyber kitchen but that site is now gone.

          I better get gone, too. Kids will be walking in and I haven't unlocked the daycare.
          so happy to hear all the good health results.
          I amnot a fan of laundry and have no idea why there is always so much and I do just my own!


          • #7
            Good morning...I am having an off week. The students really seem to have aditude lately!


            • #8
              Good afternoon all.

              Oh....I remember who Boffler/Sharon is now. She's my friend that I talk to.

              Yesterday I spent a lot of time in the electronics department at Walmart. I got a e-mail from straight talk that they are upgrading, and that my phone would no longer work. So I had to buy a new phone. Fortunately my Walmart has a wireless tech that will set your phone up and then transfer everything from your old phone. Boy that made me a happy camper. Even though she was a "techy", it took a while to do everything. I can't imagine how long it would have taken me...probably days.

              This morning I spent it on the phone getting a new drug plan and a new Suppelment Ins. I will save over $2000. by switching to new insurances. Now that is worth the time on the phone this morning.

              After I get a bite to eat, I'm going out to cut out more dead limbs out of one of my trees. I usually fill the garbage can, then have to wait until they empty my garbage before I fill it again.

              So I want to wish you all a good day, and stay safe.
              Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.

