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Thursday 8/23

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  • Thursday 8/23

    I hope that is the right date! Talk about a month going fast...
    Yesterday a daycare mom was signing a paper for my food program and neither one of us were sure about the date. And she works at the school office!
    The day had started differently for her as she took the very fussy 1 yer old to the doctor: no ear problems, no upper respitory...just fussy. I really think he has issues with having another baby in daycare. He is really attached to me and we just work with it.

    The first day for the new child went well! He didn't even cry when his mom left and he played and thentook a nap so I was happy. He was here before but gone for almost a year...he comes at 6:45 so I have to be ready and finished with anything that has to be done in the back of the house, like this!

    I have to decide what to take to the church pot luck Sunday...seeing all the things you all have been baking and talking about I want to take a couple of things. A Coca Cola cake and probably a Southwest layered salad, the one with the layers of pieces of cornbread, beans, tomatoes, corn, peppers,etc. I call it my 25.00 salad if I have to buy everything for it...but I have a lot right now because of vegetable donations from friends with gardens!

    I hope you all are well and able to take a break form the appointments and pokes and distractions.

    I will check back in later on my phone!

  • #2
    Morning Paula and those behind us coming through. Aunt Maye good to hear from you. It is hard when you have to take on all the responsibilities...I remember learning to do things that I did not even knew had to be done. I imagine that is similar in some ways to the situation you are in now. Your afghan sounds like a good idea for a little is so cool in here this morning I wish I had one to snuggle up in! I am afraid to check the temperature outside but it has to be pretty cold for August.

    I need groceries today and Jon is off to help carry. yesterday I did not get home until 3:00 so drove through Ky.Fried Chicken for 3 meals. It was a hit! Jon is cooking tonight. I just hate this cooking stuff. I just hate it!

    I knew right where to go to meet up with the chums yesterday but ran into closed roads and detours and got lost. I ended up on the Southern Illinois Campus and believe me when I tell you I could not have found that place unless it was an accident. I almost turned around and went back home but already had a lot of time invested in this darn lunch. The trip home was less traumatic since I had already blazed the trail! The ladies laugh at me but I just do not have a sense of direction. They tell me to get an app on my phone...well I am as tech savvy as I am directionally challenged.

    Need to start my day. Need gas and told my sister I would bring pool snacks for the weekend so that is added to the grocery list. Andrew has added things we have not had around all summer. Called to check on his boots yesterday and they are backordered until Aug. 27. Then he came up and needed track for his lego trains and a broken part replaced so things are slowly getting back to normal.

    Have a good day everyone...waiting for the hot to come back. The oak tree is so full of acorns the branches are sagging and I sure do hope it is not a sign of winter to come. I have not heard a winter prediction and really do not want to..


    • #3
      Good morning.
      I woke to early this morning, couldn’t get back to sleep. So got up and read. Just got myself some cereal so I can take my meds.
      i will have some alone time today. Probably most of the morning, while E takes the car for a routine checkup.

      yesterday we had thunder, but no rain. Mother Nature can be such a tease....she has been doing that a lot lately. Today we are supposed to have rain....we’ll, it is forecasted, but we will see if it happens at all. Plus, it’s only 90° in today’s forecast. With the A/C coming on, I will wear a long sleeved tee.
      Speaking of rain....I see Hawaii will be having a hurricane. I think of Nalani. Hope they will be okay there.

      Need to do do some laundry and get a few things done here today. There is always stuff to be done. It gets harder to keep up with.

      yesterday I made a big pot of shredded chicken, with onion, bell pepper, celery, a bit of honey, and tomato bouillon. In my slow cooker. It was really yummy!
      Today i think I’ll make a nice macaroni salad. It is a good side dish, or small meal in itself.

      Time to get E up, so my day is about to begin.
      hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • #4
        Maxi, are acorns good for anything but feeding squirrels?
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • maxie
          maxie commented
          Editing a comment

      • #5
        good after noon... good intentions never bloom for me!!!...

        Son with his little granddaughter, Elsie,, my one and only Great Grand Daughter... were coming for lunch today... He stopped in really early ,left his truck here, took our "old", second car home so Elsie could be in back seat ..I made a big pot of my own variation of Potato soup.. takes forever to put together but worth it.... HOWEVER,,, coming back to our house.. something went really wrong with the car...He got here .... but... the car had a serious unfixable problem underneath... so it will end up at the junk yard... not a big deal it is 19 yrs old.. has done its duty.. Just Glad it got safely here.. and did not break down on some major highway!... after we ate and played with her.... I gave her the little "drag-around" afgh with the nice slippy binding.. she loves it..

        I took them home in the Good Car... got back to my recliner and fall asleep.. soooo...Hello to all...
        I hate cooking anymore too... and thank heavens David is the least fussy of all persons about food... but I can see me not wanting to cook big meals for company anymore...much too tiring!..

        so hopefully get here earlier tomorrow... be good, be well and behave...


        • #6
          I worked on tomatoes most of the day, got 7 more qts. of juice done...think thing are winding down...
          Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God

