Good morning all!..I am glad to be home but it was a wonderful weekend. So quiet and peaceful and we did an international tour of eating. Chinese, Mexican, Italian...hows did we common people live without franchised restaurants? Weather was very hot the first two days with Saturday hitting 100 but then the storms blew in. Funny how you never notice the heat when you are floating in the pool with a cool drink.
So back to normal. Laundry needs caught up and vacuum run. My shoulder is getting sorer and sorer and I have a MRI on Saturday scheduled. They did a CT Scan last week and still can find nothing. They did find a little something something that came up in the scan so I have a mammogram scheduled Wednesday. Seems like I run from one test to another with no results. None of this is in my head...or if it is why would you imagine pain and not good health and happiness?
Kohl's is having a towel sale and I have a coupon for 20% so need to run by there. School clothes are coming out so should start picking Andrew up a thing or two. Baseball season is over!!! Jon says they got to the field Friday night and the other team had forfeited. That means we won three games this season and all were forfeits. Does that count for a winning season? Not any any stretch my imagination!!!
Nothing new around here but the break in the heat this week. Read in the local paper last week that temps around this area were over 100 up to 113 in 1953. I ask my sister what year she was born and it was 54...can you imagine being pregnant in that type of heat when there was no air conditioning and no relief available? I do remember sleeping at the foot of my bed with the window fan on when we were little and I guess we lived. I think sometimes old is easier and quicker than learning all the new but I gotta say that a/c and central heat are my favorite things right up there with the microwave and air fryer and indoor plumbing!
Going to catch up on the last couple of days of posts. I have done a lot of driving the last couple of weeks and would like someone to chauffeur me...Jon is off today so I might offer lunch out if he drives me around and hauls in groceries. Enjoy the week and cooler weather...
So back to normal. Laundry needs caught up and vacuum run. My shoulder is getting sorer and sorer and I have a MRI on Saturday scheduled. They did a CT Scan last week and still can find nothing. They did find a little something something that came up in the scan so I have a mammogram scheduled Wednesday. Seems like I run from one test to another with no results. None of this is in my head...or if it is why would you imagine pain and not good health and happiness?
Kohl's is having a towel sale and I have a coupon for 20% so need to run by there. School clothes are coming out so should start picking Andrew up a thing or two. Baseball season is over!!! Jon says they got to the field Friday night and the other team had forfeited. That means we won three games this season and all were forfeits. Does that count for a winning season? Not any any stretch my imagination!!!
Nothing new around here but the break in the heat this week. Read in the local paper last week that temps around this area were over 100 up to 113 in 1953. I ask my sister what year she was born and it was 54...can you imagine being pregnant in that type of heat when there was no air conditioning and no relief available? I do remember sleeping at the foot of my bed with the window fan on when we were little and I guess we lived. I think sometimes old is easier and quicker than learning all the new but I gotta say that a/c and central heat are my favorite things right up there with the microwave and air fryer and indoor plumbing!
Going to catch up on the last couple of days of posts. I have done a lot of driving the last couple of weeks and would like someone to chauffeur me...Jon is off today so I might offer lunch out if he drives me around and hauls in groceries. Enjoy the week and cooler weather...