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Monday 1:30 AM What in the world am doing up?

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  • Monday 1:30 AM What in the world am doing up?

    Morning...I am here to talk a bit...I will start with I am extremely greatful to still have my daddy..My parents came yesterday and we went to my sisters on the way home we stopped to pick up my new phone at walmart but they didn't have it so we went to Sam's to see what they had...Daddy let mom and I off at the door because it was right before they and I started into the store and we hear an aweful was my daddy..he was watching people that wouldn't get out of the way and slammed into a parking pole...He smacked his head hard on the window and hurt his neck pretty bad....the car is drivable once dad and a very nice young man got the tire popped a tire bent the rem and everything...after the fact both mom and I said to each other our heart was in our throat until we knew daddy was ok..we both were so scared at first that something had happened to daddy that caused him to hit the pole...Mom and I were both a case of nerves when it came time to go to bed..I took extra didn't do anything for me here I sit...I am saying cori is partial to blame...she was in bed with me on I couldn't move...probably can tell her mommy and grandparents just aren't quite right...

    I have a meeting at 9...I am nervous....I shouldn't be its the exact same meeting I went through before when I began looking for a job.

    We have a girls day out planned for my mom my sister and my oldest niece and I...It should be great fun...I love my youngest niece but it will be great to have the one on one time with the oldest...

    I am nervous about leaving daddy...I am not ready to lose either of my parents and I realized it could happen at any time yesterday...I will definately treasure the times we do have together...Daddy has now out lived both of his parents.

    Sorry to start our morning post like this..but this is my safe place.

  • #2
    Good Morning to started out as a nice sunny morning but then the clouds moved in.

    Bethina, I am sure that was a very scary experience for you and your Mom, and even more so for your is never easy losing parents but it is the course of life sometimes..I think that is why they try so hard for you to be independent, take charge kind of daughter, they want to know and feel in their hearts you will be okay, that you are a responsible adult and able to accomplish things on your own...that is their comfort...knowing they did and do all that they can to make that possible. Hoping today goes well for you..

    No plans for me yet, will just play it by ear, I do have one thing in mind to do, wash our sheets. I do have all the ones washed from the motorhome, might go out and put those on our bed also. Its pretty cool out this mornings so it will be nice to open the windows.

    Hubby washed the house down yesterday with the power washer, now if he will just clean the windows on the outside I will be a happy camper...they are so spotted now, all the windows are still clean on the inside, LOL...

    I do have some calls to make to day and reschedule some things, have not been able to have the colonoscopy because of high dose blood thinners, blood clot and cardioversion, I now have the go ahead to schedule that...Also need to update some insurance 'stuff' so I am sure a big part of my morning will be on the phone...

    Take care one and is a blessing, live it, enjoy it..
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • #3
      Good SUNNY Morning! ((((Bethina)))) Sometimes I think we get those reminders so that we do appreciate the time we still have together.

      ​Yesterday was good for the most part. After church & SS I came home & started cleaning....I was hosting cards! Well Cork was trying to figure out why the washer has been leaking...found the problem! After lots of grinding, poking, & cleaning, he finally declared the septic tank needs pumped. I called my SIL and we changed the location of cards to her house. Didn't want to risk a toilet not flushing.

      ​So then I turned to cooking then. Made Cork's lunch food for the week and then a big skillet of fried cabbage & noodles for the swim meet tonight. It always tastes better the next day. Also made a veggie plate for cards. While at cards, Corky called. Kathy called my cell phn, which I had left at home. Apparently she got terminated from her job due to being sick too much. Glad I didn't get that phn call. When I got home, there was a call from my Aunt P....she was a bit shook up and had been in the hospital again. Glad she feels she can call me. She needs help preparing for a family gathering this coming weekend.

      ​I actually have no set plans until later this afternoon. I REALLY need to sit down and do some paperwork. My SIL & niece might come over to swim later. Waiting to hear back from the septic tank pumping company. Oh joy!!! LOL!

      Have a good one all!

      ​OH I think I forgot to tell you about Saturday night. Was in bed & noticed flashing lights, so got up and looked out the window. It was a police car and suddenly there was 3 shots. I then called 911. In this day & age I was worried about the policeman. They were very appreciative that I called, but the policeman was apparently shooting a deer that was injured on the road.


      • #4
        Good morning to all.

        Beth, what a major emotion-packed experience you had yesterday! I’m glad that your Dad is okay. I hope you did get to sleep and haven’t been sitting up all night. Hope your meeting goes well, and hope you find another job soon. Have a nice girls day out.

        No particular plans for me today. My heart monitor is becoming a nuisance, as I have to keep the monitor’s phone with me all the time. Most of my clothes do not have pockets. The phone case can clip to a waistband, but it’s weight is enough to drag the waistband down some, or just be uncomfortable. The case is heavier than the phone, for its protection. But I must keep it close for the monitor to work. Once I left the phone on the end table by my chair, and then went into my bedroom closet and slipped into my pants and shirt, then went to the bathroom, and when I got back I saw the phone lit up with a message admonishing me for not keeping the monitor and phone close together. I forgot about it, actually. I’m only starting my 2nd week with this thing, and already it’s a nuisance.

        I already find myself afffected by the heat and sun.....I think it is my newest med. I have a page full of listed side effects, of which maybe a half dozen affect me to some degree, with the notation that there may be more and I should talk with the pharmacist or my doctor about it. I get weak and wobbly and lightheaded and feel a bit faint and actually break into a sweat, in a minutes time. I feel like the Witch of the West in Oz melting, and don’t have the energy to call for the flying monkeys.
        So, as long as I have an idea of what it is, I can avoid it in the future, for the most part. This effect I’d new to me, as is the medication. I see my doctor in a couple of weeks, I think.

        A sunny hot day ahead. 🌵 I’ll stay indoors with the A/C for the most part.
        Hope you all have a good day today.
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #5
          Good morning.
          The police are looking for a van and a white male about the fires...ugh. It is awful to think of the damage and loss due to a regular fire caused by Nature but arson is just too awful. One of the businesses that burned is a towing service and automotive type. I know them and it is just heartbreaking. Ihope they got their big tow trucks out.

          Well, the new toddler with the over anxious mom comes today. On my contract it says Two week notice required to change it, like if in two weeks I think this is not going to work out...or if she thinks that. anyway, we all call that our Escape clause. I think in two weeks the mom should be ok.
          And the other baby/toddler is going on vacation so it will give us a little time to let everyone adjust.

          I have to go put on water out front. The wind we are having dries out the yard so fast. In the morning there isn't as much wind so it is a good time to water.

          Beth, I am so thankful your dad is ok. Watch that head bump, though. Can I ask how old your parents are? You sound like you are really trying to be there for them.

          Be happy and healthy and take care today, Friends!


          • #6
            Sharon & Cookie, it looks like you two were posting while I was typing.
            Sharon, that is good, solid advice for Beth. Beth, do listen well to Sharon’s message to you.
            Cookie, you had a bit of excitement, too, didn’t you! I’m glad it wasn’t a dangerous situation.
            Sorry to hear that Kathy lost yet another job. I wonder if her sick days are for actual sickness.
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • #7
              Well....some great news! Kathy called me about 10 minutes after I called her this morning, and she said a miracle happened! Her previous employer called HER and ask if she'd consider coming back & she has her choice of two in the AM & one in the PM. She prefers the PM. It told her she needs to say THANK YOU LORD!, but I could hear her rolling her eyes & she said yea Mom. I'm thanking God, that's for sure.


              • Paula A
                Paula A commented
                Editing a comment
                I am saying Thank you, too!
                Tell Kathy He is taking care of her ❤️

            • #8
              That’s great news, Cookie. And quick, too. Thanks for the update! 😄
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • #9
                Paula, I hope you are prepared for the loss of power today. In case it happens. Hope the fires don’t come any nearer to you. Summer heat is bad enough.

                We still have daily afternoon winds. They are very drying, too. Someone said that September will be unexpectedly cooler this year, after all the heat. I doubt it. It’s usual quite warm at Halloween. We will see. There is so much climate change, how does one trust the predictions of what’s unknown?
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • #10
                  good evening ,

                  thought I posted earlier in the day... but..... DAvid had a 9.30 pcp visit and I had slept until 6am!.. miracle right there... generally I hear him and the cat up about 4am. and so 2 more hrs was a bonus... a 9;30 appt with D. doctor means".. you will see the Dr. about 10:15 or so .. and leave the office about 1/2hr (or more) later. we go prepared to set and wait because he takes time to discuss anything that is bothering you.. unusual in Dr.s today!.. I seen the Knee Dr.for maybe 4 min. tops.. his assistant did all preview work and shots. .so I love D. doctor for caring about the person..

                  got some laundry done and a lot of reading done too.

                  Bethina. what a scare for you... I think Boffers comments to you were so good... as a parent, they have helped you get Independent. and you know how to take care of yourself. and they would be just as upset if YOU were in an accident ... thats called being a loving family.. Hope you Dad is ok now..

                  did not get much else done.. dang knees are complaining loudly.. will go find a tylenol. and crochet a bit more.. have a few phone calls to make yet. see you all in the morning .

