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Thurs 5/24/18 Well hey there good friend(s)!

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  • Thurs 5/24/18 Well hey there good friend(s)!

    Good SUNNY morning! Yesterday started out so oppressively cloudy, but eventually turned nice & sunny. Perfect temps for doing outdoor work...if that's your thing.

    ​Yesterday wasn't very productive at all. Just lacked energy. Was also trying to finish a distracted. Ran to town first thing and got errands done. Decided to get the pool water tested at our local pool place. She told me I needed to drain some of the water so it circulated better. I did that for about 15 minutes and apparently that was about 5 minutes too long. Then needed to add water, which even after 2 hrs was still not enough. It drains much quicker than it fills up. Also tried to use the push mower, and it kept stalling out. I had great intentions, but things just weren't working out. Did get the carpet scrubbed again where the litter box was located.

    ​Today I've GOT to be productive. Finish with the cleaning and prepping food for our lunch Friday & Saturday. My friend Maureen is coming from Ohio tomorrow. She's driving directly to Becca's and I'll drive up there around 10am. Before going up there, I need to take Blaise down to Kathy's for a weekend stay. There is no school tomorrow. He hasn't had any karate all week since they were doing testing to advance to the next belt. I'm giving Kathy gas $$ to take Blaise to lessons on Fri & Sat. I'm a wee bit miffed at her. She's acting like she's doing be a really big favor by doing all this. Granted she is, but he's her son and she should do this all willingly and gladly as far as I'm concerned. She's not a babysitter.

    ​Today Blaise is going home with a friend of his for the friend's BD party. They are going to a trampoline park. They wanted him to stay overnight, but since I already had plans with Kathy, that isn't happening. I'm taking him down to Kathy's around 8am.

    Time to get lil man up and ready for the day. Have a good one all!

  • #2
    Good Morning and quick hello and a quick goodbye, getting all rounded up this morning...still need to shower, blow the hair dry and finish putting 'stuff' in my overnight bag, we will stay in Knoxville, TN this evening and finish our journey to Bishop, GA tomorrow...getting a late start heading that way, luncheon at 11:00 which will last about two hours, then on down the road..looking forward to this, my oldest sis will be meeting us at my daughters house, she is over the moon happy to see the girls...she never had children so she has been a wonderful Aunt to all my children and as well with my grandgirls...she was with me when I almost lost my daughter and stayed in GA and we took care of the newborn and 18 month old..she is one of a kind, and the kindest, most loving person a sister could have...well time to get going, take care one and all, will check in if and when I can.
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • #3
      Good morning.
      It’s early, but the sun hasn’t come over the mountain yet. Then it will be quite bright and sunny. It keeps the morning cool, I guess. It’s 61° right now, but will be 98° this afternoon. 🌵

      I did finish yesterday’s laundry. 4-5 loads took most of the day. There’s always chores to be done. E helps when I ask, but he has to deal with limited movement of his right arm. Sadly, it will never get back to what it was. And I’m a lot weaker than I used to be.

      Got a nice note from eldest DD, thanking us for being such good parents, and the way we are always thoughtful to all the kids. Just wanting us to know how very appreciative she is. That was a nice unexpected perk to our day.

      We do have a bit of shopping to do, and pick up a med refill while we are there today.
      Otherwise, just general stuff to get done.

      Have a safe trip and a good time, Sharon.

      To all, have a beautiful day. Hugs to whoever needs them! 🤗
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • #4
        Good Morning!..Had a quick visit with Scott yesterday but will have a more leisurely one on Sunday. Looks like Sierra will be joining us so maybe Andrew will go. They will be the only kids this year. But we will all be together the last week of June for our reunion week where people come to stay or wander in and out.

        Today I have to start her work clothes and then want to run out for a pedi so I will have beautiful toes for sitting the pool....and be sure those toes will not be hitting that cold cold water for another month! Need to shop tomorrow. My sister requested macaroni slaw and Scott ask if I would bring a melon bowl. Have not tried the honeydews yet this year but the watermelons and cantaloupes are pretty darn sweet so will gather my supplies tomorrow. Jon has a doctors appointment after work then will head out for Andrew's baseball practice so Sierra and I will run out for a fast bite when she gets home from work. Maybe she will let me get groceries.....

        Yesterday Scott brought home an old desk that actually goes with Drew's bedroom furniture. He will be so surprised to have a desk. Andrew is using his grandpa's bedroom set from the 50s and Jon had used it as a kid before. Scott refinished the desk which has made to rest of the set look shabby...looks like another project to NOT be done. He painted it an industrial gray but sanded the top and left it natural wood. It is really very nice looking and would be easy enough to do but starting is our strong suit...finishing not so much! Does porch come to mind?

        Sharon have a wonderful trip...sounds like you are really looking forward to it. Cookie, a non productive day to you is a weeks worth of work to me. I hope Blaise and Kathy have a good weekend and you enjoy yours without kids. Jo, you and E make a good team...I am basically healthy but have lost a lot of energy.

        Stay cool but enjoy the sun. Time to start the day....


        • #5
          I hope I can post: my male cat is making noises at the female and both have been fixed so I am not sure why he is always like this in the morning.

          Our days have been great weather and more expected. 80's and sunny. If I can find the splash pad I bought last year I will set it up...part of my brain thinks I gave it away and the other part is thinking the shed...

          A friend brought over two large pieces of her banana cake yesterday and the recipe. It is the same one Becky made! I first had a bit of my friend's at a funeral...and not at the dinner. When I brought my food into the kitchen to be served afterwards, the women in the kitchen were saying You have to taste this cake! I said, No way, I am not eating their dinner stuff! Two others said You Have to Taste tis! so I did. Wow! So good! I have been wanting the recipe ever since and the repice Becky found on Pinterest for this past weekend's dinner was it.

          I have been in our pool twice, maxie. It is a little cool when you first get in but then it is so Refreshing! I bought a couple of swim suits so I have enough now..
          And new pool noodles. They are a must for me. I love using them to float around or as resistance in swimming. But they last only about a swim season with the sun and the chlorine.

          Your trip sounds great, Sharon! Enjoy the sights and the hugs! I know they will enjoy your great food!

          Jo, I agree: you and E are a wonderful team!

          Donna, have fun with Maureen! Girl time/friend time is one of my total refresh and renew times. We all need to take more of it!

          Stay well and be happy!
          Hope sassy is doing well and feeling comforted.


          • #6
            Thank you for the compliment, Maxie & Paula.
            The cake sounds so good, Paula. What is in it that makes it so special?
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • #7
              good Morning

              been up "forever".. this getting up at 5am makes a long day.... but I get a lot of reading . thinking , crocheting done.. in the early hours... ordinarily we would get a nap after lunch BUT today is D. pcp monthly visit at 11.30... BUT.. since they had to squeeze people together ( memorial, no appts).. 11.20 apt will turn into ,,, "see the Dr at 12:30 if we are lucky".... will take some snack crackers and my kindle reader along.. ..
              after getting out of his office. we will go pick up prescriptions.. probably grab a bite to eat. THEN come home for a nap... my energy level will be in the basement by then..

              making out a list of the to-do jobs that must be done before DIL.gets here... and then line up some help to get them done.. ...
              but I have all of June to get it all done.. yea.

              Donna and I are basking in our SUNSHINE.

              you folks with pools... have fun,,, not my cup of tea!..don't do water. bathing suits. etc etc.. I love sunshine but not to set in..I don't really tan anymore.
              now the weird part of this paragraph is:,,,I like to do jobs that require using water!. laundry., hanging out on line. getting things clean ,walls etc.
              time to get moving .. clock is moving faster today.. see you all later.


              • #8
                Well this visit isn't all about least not to me. Maureen is coming to do landscaping at Becca's new home as a housewarming gift. You know me & gardening...we don't like each other. Currently I'm working on the food for lunch tomorrow. I'll feed them and keep them watered. Yes....I'll play in the dirt a bit too. Maureen will keep us busy and laughing. The 3 of us have a good time together. Becca is becoming more of a friend now. We'll probably go out for dinner each night. I'll have to take some clean clothes along.


                • #9
                  Good morning everyone..

                  Rise and shine...We need the rain...That pollen...

                  I had to empty sock drawer..that was fun..then i little helper..And it took longer..

                  My drawer nice neat...Not this one messy.I was wounder how can you find sock..It took me three hours..To match the sockes.

                  Aunt Maye...Here is picture that you will like...
                  You do not have permission to view this gallery.
                  This gallery has 1 photos.


                  • #10
                    Well, I am back early! Got my pedi and clothes in the dryer and washer...Now that, Donna, is a productive day for me! Now I am going to rest up the rest o f the day so i will have energy for eating out later.

                    I am thinking it is the allergies that have me feeling crappy. That and the fact that we are back with the depressing but she told me, then her dad, that it is her mistake to make but she has to give him a second chance. See the difference in people? I would have told him to keep the shoe I rammed because it is the last thing he would be seeing of me. But she is a sweet girl and no one has ever mistaken me for that!

                    Maye, I do not get into our pool here at is above ground and I will not climb into it. I will walk down into my sister in ground pool but only when it is bathtub warm and I do not go in deeper than my ankles if we are lake-ing it...will venture in farther in the ocean but not to much! My dad made sure we all swam and my boys lived in the water like fact they were all together at the pool all summer and my grands both swam at 3 and 4. They love any water but I am a little pickier!

                    Going to go in and graze the fridge...we are back into keeping food with Andrew not here every day.

