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Monday a new week!

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  • Monday a new week!

    Good morning...I woke up with donuts on my mind. I have a little donut shop with in walking distance of my house. The rule I have is if I want it bad enough to walk to get it I can have it. Well this morning was one of those mornings. So hurried around the house and got ready so I could walk over and get a donut. Now I am waiting on my sister to pick me up for work. My plans after work are undetermined. I need to go to main street and I need groceries. Main street may wait but groceries can't wait.

    Yesterday was a really good day despite cubs losing to the cards again. Bible study was exceptionally good.

    A week from tomarrow a mom profit I am a part of is partnering with a local school to do work in some senior adults homes. I have been invited to be a part of that!!! I am so super excited!!

  • #2
    Good Morning to all you sweet loveable people...yes the beginning of another week...funny when I got up yesterday morning clicked on my morning newspaper I read online and was getting a might upset that it kept saying Sunday paper not Monday, yesterday morning was my Monday, nothing like trying to hurry my life along.

    I did get some of the closet done yesterday but I am finding I work more like the tortoise, slow and steady, key word, SLOW...being very careful go up and down the step ladder. Will continue my mission today, not sure I will get all the things accomplished that I wanted to this will be on to the motorhome to clean and get it ready.

    Beth "A" donut sounds good but I am afraid "A" donut would lead to more for me, LOL...we don't have donut shops around here anymore sadly...just the ones at the one grocery store we have in this town.

    Well on to read the news, drink my coffee and get this day started...a beautiful sunny one right now..Hugs to all.
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • #3
      Yep, a donut sounds great! Thankfully there is no shop within walking distance to us...only the grocery stores. I do miss a bakery..used to be one in every town.

      Beth, those Cubs fought hard and they fought late into the night. 13 innings and after midnight! No wonder I slept in this morning! I still need to get into that closet and do not know why I am not. My entire room is a mess and I need a total house cleaning in there.

      Beautiful day today with temps in the 70s close to 80 and pure full sun. Jon is off today and has his cancelled dentist appointment from last week. Hope he remembered. Sierra is working after class but whatever. This boyfriend of hers is the most important thing in the world and I can hate him all I want but he is most important in her life. I reminded her this morning that Sunday is Mother's Day and she needs to think about getting something in the mail for hers and got snapped at. wasn't like I was putting in an order for myself just a reminder for her own mother that needs shopped for and mailed.

      Again my mood is blah but maybe if I can get a haircut soon...going to call as soon as I can this morning. Not sure what I did yesterday. Couple of loads of laundry and sat out and watched the mole destroy the yard. I could see him moving! Made me mad because everything makes me mad anymore and I dug out the pitch fork. Evidently I have no hand/eye coordination and not enough strength to stick it into the ground because I got nothing but madder because I knew that mole was down there laughing. My son comes home and he is laughing until he see the ground move...well, he has hand/eye coordination.

      No plans for me so will get done what I feel like doing or whatever comes along. Going to be a beautiful day!


      • #4
        The doughnuts from the Amish farmers market in Annapolis spoiled me for any of the doughnuts around here...and that is a good thing!
        I hope you enjoyed it, Beth. And what a good way to get one: walking for it. Sounds like a good start to your morning. I can't wait to hear about the senior home volunteer project.
        Our women's church group always does caroling at senior homes at Christmas and they love it, but at the rest of the year they don't receive many group visits. We decided to go more often and have fun sing alongs. The next one is the middle of June and we have some patriotic ones and a few easy ones to get everyone singing. Becky l has all the words printed off and will make booklets.
        When we took the youth group to sing we had them stand by residents instead of as a group in front of them. The residents loved singing with the kids so that is what we will do from now on. And take any kids that want to go. Those cute little ones just make everyone happy!

        good Monday morning! It is getting hotter here. It will be 90* and that usually means it will get to there and then go up. I have some afternoon water play for them and we will see how it goes. I just need to let parents know it is time to send an extra pair of pants that are summer and not winter outfits. Tiem to change out the daycare clothing as well as our own closets.

        I am cooking up taco seasoned ground beef for tacos for the kids and salad for me.

        I hope you all have a great start to your week! Stay busy and be happy! Sharon, be careful on that step ladder! Love you all!!!!


        • #5
          Good morning, everyone.
          Yesterday’s weather surprised us. It got up to 105°! 🌵 It is “supposed” to stay under 103° the rest of the week, and next weekend starts a week in the 90°’s again. The little birds had a pool party in the birdbath most of the day.
          Otherwise, nothing of note went on yesterday.

          Today E will be running errands, and I’m left to my own devises for a few hours. That will be nice. I still haven’t done any shopping for summer clothes. Maybe next week. I have a Macy’s coupon, so maybe I can get him to take me there this week. Wish I could drive, but my feet are a problem. Heck, yesterday I had to look and see if my shoes were on my feet or not, before I could leave my chair and go to another room. I’m not sure I shall ever get used to that.

          So that’s about all that’s going on right now.
          Have my tea this morning, and a waffle. That’s as good as a donut for me.
          🤗 hope you have a great day. ☀️
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • #6
            Good SUNNY Afternoon!

            ​Yesterday was good. Blaise & I didn't go to church because he was sick. I just piddled around picking up this and that. Cork came home from church and went to the local flea market. He called saying he wasn't sure if he should or not...WHAT?...I found an almost brand new push mower w/back wheel drive for $125...what did I think of that for Kathy? Merry Christmas Kathy!!! So Blaise & I had to take the Escape and the money to get it. I also found a really big pie basket that will easily fit 4 pies for $4. It's very well made and heavy. It has a lid that I thinks weights more than the basket. I'd like to remove it, but the hinges are secured with rivets.

            ​I spent the rest of the afternoon cooking. Made Corky's lunch food, then tried a couple new recipes....a chicken broccoli casserole and some rice pilaf...and some mashed potatoes. I took those dished along with the new lemon cookies to cards. My SIL called about 2pm saying she had a horrible headache & didn't think she's be able to play, so I started cleaning my place for them to come here. Told her to go lay down and see how she felt at 4pm. She was right as rain by then, and plans went back to original. Shoot...WASTED...all that time cleaning! LOL! They declared that all the new recipes were keepers & my SIL want the rice & casserole recipes.

            ​This morning Blaise is still home from school. I think it's turning into a head cold. Told him tomorrow he IS going to school. He's rather perky now. I had planned to go to Sandy's to sort eye glasses this morning. So much for that idea. So instead, I pulled out all the cookies I baked last week and boxed them up for the wedding order. Aunt J & cousin Mike stopped by for a plate of cookies for their neighbor who mowed their lawn on Saturday.

            ​This afternoon I have a choice of chores to be done...laundry...switching out winter & summer clothes...and/or create a Wedding Cookie list. So far the calendar looks pretty quiet for the week, though that can always did last week. Corky wants my help pulling the cover off the pool. I think it'll be leftovers for dinner. Since he's home sick, there will be no karate lesson this evening.

            ​Donuts call my name. Our Giant Eagles have $5/doz donuts of Fridays, and occasionally I'll buy them and PLAN to freeze them for Blaise's breakfasts. Well, the long johns holler my name really LOUDLY and pop in my mouth when I ask WHAT?

            Have a good one all!


            • #7
              Turned out to be a wired day for me. Dizzy, heart palpations, hands are shaky and arms feel weak. Out of breath. Not getting anything done today......I did throw 2 chicken breasts in the crockpot, but I better see if I plugged in the right appliance.
              In any case, E will either be hearing frozen dinners tonight, or ordering pizza. I think I’ll just go take a nap, and hope Mother Nature is nicer when I wake up.

              Looks like we need the birdbath filled every day. The suet is half gone, so E is picking up more. Lots of happy little birdies out there. The red finches are my very favorite. No pigeons or dives hanging around today. They’re learning. 🙄
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

