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  • Friday...4/27

    Good morning all.

    ​Having my coffee then will get my rear in gear to take the mower out to E's. My roofer is to be here around noon to replace 6 metal panels on my roof.

    Everyone have a great day.
    Last edited by jostoy; 04-27-2018, 06:49 AM.
    Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.

  • #2
    I am glad its Friday and this week is behind me! This week just wasn't that good! The high light was going into Saint Louis and seeing the Cathedral Basilica...Yesterday I would say that yesterday was the worst...I woke up with stomach trouble in the night...but did manage to get through work yesterday...then in the afternoon I got a message from the lady that lived next door she and her kids are being baptized on Sunday...I am very happy for them...any ways I mententioned that they were taking down their house yesterday it was the one that Marci decided to come over and brought the 2 year old...I went out into my front yard to help occupy the little guy while his mommy went next door. I was dumb and went out with out shoes on and cut my toe open on a scrap of siding.., now I have to fit in a tetnis shot today...after that I am being dropped off at a church is doing an event for over 1000 people...and I am helping in the food part of things...

    Mom and dad will be here when I get home more than and kym have a big cake to do.... I will hang out with mom and kym tomarrow and deliver the cake with them...then we will do something just kym and I with our mom.


    • #3
      Good Morning....supposed to be a nice sunshiny warm day out today so outside work is on the agenda, but first I have to go buy more garden gloves as I wore mine out last year...and also need to buy a different bird feeder and seed...but I want to go alone, hubby is always making 'suggestions' and giving his 'opinions' on what I pick so if he does go with me I am prepared to 'stand my ground', LOL Yesterday as I was using my rotisserie for the first time out on the grill he was in the kitchen and as I was putting the chicken on the pit he said, "if you ask my opinion I would do this", I responded, "I don't want your opinion", he walked away and I could tell he was shocked and a little upset, tired of him influencing everything I do...taking a stand..

      Took the golf cart for a spin around the neighborhood, took a little getting use to especially if you want to go in reverse, it was fun...need to get me some mirrors for it, need to see what is behind me..

      Well I have rounded up the trash, had my coffee, now its time to have some breakfast and get busy.
      Enjoy your day everyone.

      Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


      • #4
        Good Morning.

        Sharon, I think as you two get used to spending your days together, you will begin to work much better together. Hope so, anyway.
        Yes, we have one of those Kabota Mule things, and we had to get side mirrors. Crazy they don't come with the machine.

        Well, I have another shelf done and am heading to town. I could do more than one at a time, but nowhere to put everything I have to take off.

        Have a wonderful Friday, Everyone.


        • #5
          Good morning.
          Well, I did get my hair cut yesterday. Traffic was lighter, so I ended up being 20 minutes early. There were no other customers there, so she started in right away. She is revamping a bit, making the business more into a spa thing. But I don’t like my body and face being gooped up with all those creams, lotions, hot rocks, and all that. I’ll stick with my haircut. I also edited the new brochure she will be having made up. She is also getting a new web site, which she said is worth the extra expense. When I got home I noticed my bill was $10 more. No warning that her prices were up. Even on the products I picked up. Maybe it’s time to find another hairdresser??? I can get the same hair products from Amazon.....they do work for me and I like them.

          Well, today it’s back to the same old grind. There is no end to chores. But I thing I’ll make up a batch of Elaine’s cleaning solution and clean up some places here.

          The weather will be nicer, on a cooling trend, slowly but surely. By Sunday it will be back in the 80°’s, by Wednesday in the 70’s, then will climb again. Time to get E into a bit of yard work while it’s cooler. The last day of the month is bulky pickup like tree/bush clippings, and general yard cleanup. I’ll stack my old flower pots by the curb, plus garden castoffs as I won’t be doing that any more. Maybe someone else can use them and take them away before the city does.

          I think I’ll make some macaroni salad to keep in the fridge. I also have a few potatoes I can turn into potato latkes to use up. Love those potato latkes!

          Well, I need my breakfast and get this day started.

          Have a great day, whatever you will be doing. 🤗
          Last edited by JoGee; 04-27-2018, 08:27 AM.
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • #6
            Sharon, can you say something like, that's a thought. I might try that next time...If Doug was used to being a boss or in charge at work for all those years it might just be second nature for him to try and do quality control

            We might have thunder storms coming in. and we will have much cooler temperatures, whatever that means. It probably means in the 70's instead of the 80's.

            Jostoy, are the metal panels part of a whole metal roof? My neighbor across the street has one. I wish I would have looked into one when I replaced my roof a couple of years ago.

            Bethina, your week kind of sounds like mine. The kind that leaves you with a lot to talk about and look back on and for me, the kind I think of how can I make sure some of this does not happen again?!

            I have roses blooming now so I am going to make a bouquet with the calas, lilacs, and roses. I love looking out the window or sitting out back and seeing the flowers, but when everything is in bloom it seems to call to me for a bouquet for the house or church.
            We have a baptism this evening so I am going to take flowers to that,

            Next week Becky's internship group is going to visit Folsom Prison! And the paperwork that has to be signed off...essentially, that you will not sue and they are not liable if anything happens to you. And the dress code is very strict. No tee shirts, No Jeans, no gang colors (!), no emblems of any kind on clothing! Pretty much, wear black. Black pants, a plain white shirt is ok. Because of interviews and such Becky has professional outfits, but it is just unnerving.
            But they do it all the time, right? So, I told her it will be interesting to tell the family about in her group text and a cautionary tale for all of us...just the thought of visiting a jail with all the doors locking behind me is enough to get me nervous.
            I have a college roommate who volunteers with her husband at the Salt Lake county jail and she says there have been times when she was very nervous around some prisoners. I admire what they do. Ministering at a facility like a prison or a jail is really a service.

            Ok, I better be off to get the daycare opened up. Yesterday I was surprised with one child being brought by her day at 6:59. He is a deputy and that wasn't a problem but I hadn't got down to the daycare to even unlock or turn on lights and I still did not have on any makeup! That was the worst. At least I had done my hair.

            have a good day and enjoy yourselves! Even in the work we have to do!


            • jostoy
              jostoy commented
              Editing a comment
              Yes, Paula, the panels that had vents in them were replaced. All vents were removed as they leaked somehow. Should not be any leaks now. I have 3 gable vents that air can get through.

          • #7
            Morning. Sunny and temps in the 70s today.

            Yesterday was a wonderful shopping day. I did not get home until almost 6 and was pooped. Not used to rush hour traffic and it was hard on my back after walking all day then sitting longer than normal in the car home. No one bought anything big but we had a trunk full of little bags. And happy faces! My nephew and his SO joined us for breakfast and so we got a later start. Then I came home and bf was here. Jon had texted earlier to say we have been blessed. When I got home Sierra, Andrew and he were in Sierra's bedroom playing video games. He did not come out to greet me so I went in and said hello. When pizza arrived I had just eaten but stood in the kitchen while the kids ate and he said nothing to me. They returned to the games and even when Andrew wondered out stayed back there until he came out to say goodbye. I did not say 6 words to him the entire time he was here. He made no effort to speak to me although I was told he spoke to Jon. But if he was playing video games I did not have to look at his face. After he left Sierra did let it slip that he now no longer talking about school...when I told her I had already bet $20.00 that he would not start school in the fall she got all pissy. Even if he starts he will not finish a semester. I just know it! Plus he needed a haircut. I like longer hair on guys...length is not a problem BUT he needed a haircut and his hair was long because he is to lazy to get one. Ok, I hate him, always will and cannot see anything useful in him. He made no effort but left early because he wanted to see the detour home in the daylight. True love! He never worries about her being out late at night. At least he left early and that was our own blessing. Is it so bad that I want her to find a nice grownup man and have a normal relationship?

            Today I have to decide to accept a last minute dinner invite. I guess I will go but not in the mood. We have had to cancel so many times and have decided last minutes seem to be our best times. I just have to text her back and decide where we will meet. And I will not have to cook tonight but there is a fridge full of leftovers. Andrew has been wanting to go fishing anyway.

            I'm tired today..lots of walking yesterday. Guess I will see if I get an earful when Sierra gets up if I or we have offended this delicate little boy of hers. Ahhhhhh!

            Have a great day everyone. Happy Friday!


            • #8
              Good late morning

              been up for hours... thanks to noisy man and cat.. but I did get some reading done.. and a couple rows of crocheting done on afghan..

              David's sister is on hospice care. and they evaluated her condition saying she could possibly linger about 2 weeks yet.. but never know when her oxygen level will just too low ..

              not much going on here today.. a wee bit of wiping this and that .. and dusting this and that.. Went to see Bethany's musical last evening... made the decision after driving home in the Dark.. I do not want to drive at night again ..

              Maxie ,, hope that "dude".. falls in a hole somewhere and disappears from Sierra life.. he sounds like my Daughter first husband.. whom we called Turkey... but she married him.. within 6 months she knew it was a Mistake!... moved back home before their first anniversary.. . but it did cure her of the infatuation she had for him since she was 13. second husband was the winner.. and they are in year 26. .

              gotta go.. someone is asking for lunch already .. but we breakfast ed at 4am . so guess lunch can be a little early..

              Hi to one and all.. nice to read your posts.!


              • #9
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