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Friday 3/23

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  • Friday 3/23

    Holding the baby who isn’t supposed to be here.
    Colder, windy morning.

    I have a tile guy coming to replace 20 tiles that have cracked. I schedule repairs for Friday’s because they are supposed to be easier... oh well.

    I hope your day is an easy day and things go as scheduled!

  • #2
    Good morning
    I overslept this morning, and just got up.
    The sun is glad to see the clouds go, as it's been very cloudy most of the week.
    Nothing much going on today. Pollens have been very high, my eyes reddish and swollen, this week as well.
    So I doubt I'll want to be outside just yet.

    Hope you all have a very good day,
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • #3
      Good SUNNY Morning! The snow is melting.

      ​Yesterday was good...once I FINALLY got my rear in gear. Got the pie delivered, then headed for WM. Got the items on my list & checked out before our eye appt. This was the medical one, so my eyes had to be dilated....on a sunny day. Afterwards to popped into Aldi's and picked up a pizza at Little Caesar's. I had someone coming for their sugar cookies and I had forgot to pack them up, so I did that as soon as I got home....hers and everyone else's. I'm short 2 doz or them and the LL....guess I'll be baking those again next week. I've got Sue coming Monday morning to help me. After everyone was in bed, I mixed up and baked 14 Oreo crusts.

      ​Big news....I've become a puppy grandma. Becca rescued a 15 wk old Pit Bull named Oliver. He's got the runs now and she's not sure what to do. I say part of it might be nerves. He's also not eating his food that the guy sent with him. Oh the worries of a pet mommy. The other big family news was that my nephew is moving into a bigger place out in the country paying the same as his apt in the city. He's so excited. Our children are growing up and spreading their wings. It thrills me to death. I keep telling my SIL that if we've done our jobs right, that this is what they are suppose to do. I've never been one of those parents that wanted their kids to live at home forever. I want to get them ALL out and move my Mom in with us. She won't come as long as Blaise is here.

      ​This morning I've been working on the PB pies....8 of them...and now have to make the 5 Samoa pies. I wanted to make 6 of them, but I don't have enough caramel to do that many. I'm hoping I can at least make 5. I'm hoping to go up with Blaise to see the puppy. I need to bake a bunch of cupcakes this evening for an order tomorrow (only 1 doz mixed) plus 4 other orders next week. I got my second request for Paska bread for next week. I never heard of it before, and now 2 people ask. I'm going to give it a try. I'm game if they are.

      Have a good one all!


      • #4
        Morning...I was here earlier and even started a thread but had to leave since I am such an important person and people in this house cannot move some days without me. I cannot get my son to move out because it is his house!!

        Today is take out night for us because I have cooked my allotted meals this week. Jon put the turkey in and even boned it and peeled potatoes but I got the privilege of cooking the rest of the meal. I know, bitch bitch since he did the hard work. You just have to understand how much I hate cooking!

        Have Sierra's shirt and work pants in the machine and then will do a load of towels. It is almost like a holiday for me! Sun is already fading away behind clouds and rain for tonight. Weather guy says our area is no longer in a drought and we have up to 3 inches of rain coming next week. Need to be thinking about painting the porch....remember the porch? Our life long project! If I could only get it painted and say 'all done'. I need Jostoy here to boot us along! Then we need to landscape. I do not know why nothing either runs smooth or is waiting for weather.

        Morning is wearing on and I need to get going. Your teachers still on strike Cookie? Heard on the news that the neighboring school district here is also threatening strike. I blame the state for being so negligent with funding the schools. Another reason to dump our governor in November.

        Have a wonderful day everyone...


        • #5
          Hubby and I are still both sick and I do mean sick , he bought some Boost today because he feels so week and has no energy. He doesn’t have a temp it now in a nasty cold stage. This stuff has it all, diarhhea, headache, me a temp as soon as the Tylenol wears off, congestion, throw up I think if not better by Monday to the Dr. I go. Will be back when I feel better.
          Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


          • #6
            Good afternoon everyone...
            I am late again..
            I was coach potato to day...

            We have kids that live above us..The kids keep me up all night..Did not get any sleep...None...
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