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Sunday 1/28 I won't breath on anyone!

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  • Sunday 1/28 I won't breath on anyone!

    I am here really early asking for all the prayers I can get...On top of strep and upper respitory infection I have let myself get dehydrated...Today is the first time since 2 AM Friday that I can actually swallow. I was able to choke down food with meds...and warm water and sips of water...Today I woke up with horrible abdominal pain and an excruciating head ache. I was able to wait it out til 5 and call mom..I was ready to call an ambulance thats how bad my stomach pain was. Mom told me to start drinking..and I can because it doesn't hurt nearly as bad...I made myself a big glass of iced decaf green tea...I working on it then going back to sleep!! When I wake up I will make another glass of tea. I think my mom is going to ask my sis to bring me some sprite and maybe popsicles.

    Lots of resting today..I have to go back to work in the morning and dress shopping with my mom

  • #2
    Good frosty morning to all..
    Beth sorry you are feeling so badly, I know it hurts but some warm tea with honey and lemon is a big plus when you have a sore throat. You do have to make yourself drink even if it is only done by sipping.

    I of course have been sick, sick, sick, cough so much I cracked a rib and have pleurisy and it hurts like the dickens especially if you roll to the wrong side while sleeping, the pain will wake you up. Lots of Tylenol and Mucinex on the charts, LOL...I have had an off and on low grade temp but do not have the flu, it is a nasty cold...I am at the Drs. office so often anyways why add to it, LOL...I am hoping to wear a mask and have the hubby take me to the store, there are only so many things I can trust him to buy the right thing and honestly sometimes it gets frustrating when he goes to the store for me and texts me a million times, but I am thankful that he does so much for me, he surely tries...cooks, cleans, shops, etc. On a happier note, out of the blue Friday I received a call from the The Granary where I purchase all my furniture because of the quality, amish made, the owner, the sales people, etc. they make you feel so comfortable, well one of the associates ask if I would be home, told her yes, but I was also sick, she said the owner ask her if she could drop something off at my home, well she handed it to me, we talked between glass, it as a large glass vase filled with tulips, well actually the bottom is filled with water and the roots, the bulbs are the next layer, and then all the green from the tulips which are about to flower...She said Diane the owner was thinking of me and my health issues and wanted to thank my husband and I for being such loyal customer and show her appreciation...WOW was I ever surprised...she has been in touch with me a few times, she recently lost her husband after his battle with brain cancer, he loved the amish country and the amish men and women loved him...Such a thoughtful and surprising thing to happen.

    Well I am thinking a shower to wash away the stink (Vick's) might make me feel a little better this morning..Hoping for bright and sunny days ahead...can't keep a good woman down,
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
      Editing a comment
      Oh, what a wonderful gift! You sure deserve it for all you do for so many in your family and friends!

  • #3
    Sunny morning here after another beautiful day yesterday. Right now the house is so quiet with everyone at work but they left me with a pile of laundry and I want to make a pot of cream of broccoli soup. That will in all probability be all I do today. There is no energy to spare lately.

    Had a wonderful day with my sister's family. Everyone worked here so I went just never know what those kids will talk about! Always get an education, useful or not.

    Beth sorry you are feeling so bad. Do take care and drink plenty of fluids. Sharon you have really had a battle with this stuff too...just another reason to do away with this winter crap. Happy you have a husband who is willing to step up and help out. One more cup of coffee before my caffeine intake is shut down for 24 hours. Have a happy day to all and get well
    quickly to those under the weather.


    • #4
      Good morning....

      Boy, did I ever sleep in today! Til 8 o’clock.

      Nothing much new here. I’ve been just pretty busy around the house.
      Things are warming up here again....looks like highs will be in the high 70’s for the next full week. I don’t see winter coming back.

      Beth, you just keep drinking and sipping your liquids. Keep your glass close to you and keep filling it. Clear broths should be good for some of your meals, and easy to swallow. Take care.

      Sharon, that’s such a beautiful thing the store did for you...sounds like a beautiful gift. What nice people! But nice attracts nice, and you’re one of the nicest people I’ve known. I’m just so sorry you have all those health issues.

      Well, I guess I’ll go outside and get the newspaper. It’s what I do on Sunday mornings. See what’s new in the world, with my mocha and maybe breakfast. Clip coupons for my girls. And I will be in my comfy chair all morning. After noon, I’ll be busy again.

      Hope everyone’s colds, flu, and ailments go away. I’d like to send some of this springtimey weather to everyone! ☀️
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • #5
        Just want to say, I’ve been trying to post for the past 15-20 minutes. Couldn’t. So copied, got offline, came back, and tried again, but had to log in this time. Then pasted in my comments.
        What the heck is “your post doesn’t match the thread?” That was what had come up while trying to post.
        Oh well.

        Hi Maxie & Paula....your posts weren’t here when I was trying to post.

        Have a good day.
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #6
          I didn't get here yesterday after trying in the morning. I just now read the posts from yesterday and came away a bit panicked from everyone saying we may not have this site much longer...What would I do without all of you!??

          Today is supposed to be sunny and much warmer: 71*! I am counting on it, too. And no rain is forecast for this coming week. I need the yard to dry enough to really clean up for the kids to play. There are places where the mud just doesn't dry and of course, that is where the kids run around the most...we definitely have a track around part of the yard.

          Church and then a visit to a friend on hospice care.
          Sharon, those tulips sound perfect. And what a great surprise and perfect timing.

          JoG, I lhave never been able to post pictures here. Pat is the one who put my profile picture on for me. I like the one on Facebook better, but I am not able to do it here.

          donna, your Groundhog cookies sound so cute. Did you post a picture on Facebook last year?

          Yesterday was full of things to do when I thought it would be pretty empty. My nail appointment got moved from Friday to Saturday, I remembered I had another package to send to the MD boys (Ravens hats for the two who didn't have one; I bought one for the middle guy already), a big grocery trip for the whole week because Becky's schedule has changed enough that I don't have the car back until it is too late for me to go shopping mid week. I know there was something else and I even cancelled going to one event. It was a case of I don't really Have to go so I am not and you can't make me...

          Hope you all have a great day!
          Beth and Sharon, I am praying for you to get better! Beth, we all need you to drink and sip and do it again!

          Love you all!


          • #7
            I awake again feeling better! I have glass in my bathroom. Every time I am up today I am going to make myself drink a glass. Back to sleep head ache is trying to come back

