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Good Thursday Morning

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  • Good Thursday Morning

    Another blustery, cold day outside...I did have to go out yesterday for my INR finger poke, then we went for breakfast at Bob Evans, we went to IHop first but it was so darn cold in there we left....I have a nasty cold, lots of thick greenish yellow stuff from nose and chest, not going much but taking Mucinex and Tylenol when needed....I am not a big fan of getting antibiotics every time I catch something, which isn't often considering I have no immune system to speak of. I was pretty sure after attending the funeral with all those that were hacking, coughing, sneezing I was probably going to be sick myself and I did take precautions except for wearing my mask... I am not running a temp which is a good thing, but have coughed so much my ribs are really sore...Lots of fluids and time will fix me right up....

    We had a meteor close by in MI and it was seen for hundreds of miles away and the big BOOM that came later, was a sight to behold for sure...Got a beef roast out going to make beef burritos for supper, well what I call beef burritos anyways, hubby loves them...time to get off of here and go get under my nice warm throw, we are still in a deep freeze, but by Sat./Sun. they say it could be in the 50's, crazy weather...Baking some cookies sounds good.

    Jostoy how did the spine Dr. visit go?

    Maxie, I think you will always have to deal with Mommie dearest kind of like I have to deal with my ex's wife, LOL...she wants to be Grandma of the year to my Grandgirls and all cost...

    Cookie, sorry Cork did not get the job, getting at the age that I am sure he would just like to be doing a job he enjoys until he can retire...and you retire, LOL...Has Blaise inherited his Mother's genes? Do you see the resemblance? I sure hope not, don't think you could go through that again...

    JoG, Happy late Birthday wish to E....

    Maye sure hope you can continue to come here and visit with us....When I type a message or response and hit post, a little square comes up and says Working, never goes away, so I just close out and come back later and the post is there...crazy and aggravating and even worse that no one is out there for us anymore...

    Well time to get a move on....take care one and all...
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God

  • #2
    Good Morning

    Hi everyone,,,, yet again I am here.... taking for granted when you click on that you will just be here at RT.. and then not being able to get here
    is such an eye-opener of how much I love this place and all you dear friends... so.. I rejoice.. I'm am beginning to blame it on my old keyboard, Keys not quite functioning right ..will install another keyboard today.. and hope that WAS the problem.

    Had a great hour or more with Donna,,, who knew making cup size grease balls could be so much fun!... it is if you are with Donna.. she is my dear niece, friend,and Therapist. I need someone I can whine too about my poor dear hubby.. his aging process is sometimes so frustrating to me.... He is hating that he is unable to do all the ordinary tasks.. and that people have to help, with the yard, snow removal etc..His balance is the real problem .He can fall so easily.. and it is all stemming from the bad areas in his back.. and my big WHINE is he will not stop and consider if he FALLS and breaks a bone, hip,leg..etc.. he will be
    even more incapacitated..and dependent ,,plus my load would triple. ,, so she lets me complain .. btw.. I got to bring home a plate of fresh-out-of the oven cookies.. thats My pay hugs. ...

    today is grocery shopping .. and an appt for new glasses adjustment. hope the sun comes out and the snow stays away.. I will be back later to read and visit some more ..after I switch to new keyboard.


    • #3
      Good morning all.

      ​Boff, Medicare still hasn't paid him or the surgery center for the 4 patients he did in August. Therefore, no more surgeries until that gets straightened out. Can't blame him for that, but as I( told him yesterday, too bad the rest of us needing the surgery can't call Medicare to let them know how we feel about their crap. So in the mean time, it's another shot next Thursday.

      I also told him there wouldn't be another 5 months between shots. I have been in pain for the last month and a half.

      ​Hang in there Sharon, the heat-wave is on it's way to you starting tomorrow. It was 11 above this morning, and is to get up to 31 with sunshine today. Then in the high 40's for the weekend and most of next week.

      Nothing on my agenda today. Everyone have a good day.

      A second grader came home from school and said to her grandmother, "Grandma, guess what? We learned how to make babies today."
      ​ The grandmother, more than a little surprised, tried to keep her cool. "That's interesting," she said, "how do you make babies?" "It's simple," replied the girl. "You just change 'y' to 'I and add 'es'."

      Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


      • #4
        wow! the cold so many of you are experiencing! My mom texted me that Orlando was 28* at 7:38 this morning! Yesterday she was in a sweater all day in her photos.

        We are to get rain and there is some wind out now. The kids got to be outside a lot yesterday. I let the three older ones (4,4,5) play outside during the little ones nap time. These three don't nap anymore and it is better than watching a show and squirming. I just had to be at the door so they knew I was able tosee if anyone decided to push the rules (try and jump off the top of the climber, etc). No problems at all.

        I just ran off 6 bank statements. They are online and I wait till tax time to run them off for my deduction search. I have to add up all daycare food and supplies and home repairs, etc. A lot of the items I know but I am always surprised at what I see when I go back over, like a couple of children's books I bought at the Seattle airport last Jan. I also have to go through my Amazon and eBay and even QVC to find things I bought for the daycare and food products...too bad I didn't share the cookies I bought from donna with them!

        Yestrday was so much better than the day before. I am not even sure why, but kids were happier and the baby played more and was not crying so much. teething is awful for some. At the end of the day three parents picked up at the same time: I had a cop, a mom and a Social services parent walk in together. Just kind of strange when I thought of it that way...

        Have a good day. I hope you are warm and you feel the hugs and waves coming your way form Red Bluff!


        • #5
          I cannot believe how fast this month is going by even if it is a miserable month! Suppose to warm into the 60s this weekend after below zero wind chills earlier this week. How can the weather change so quickly? And if it can why doesn't it just give us 80s all winter with one week of entire winter weather in January? I could live with that!

          Sharon so sorry you are still sick. We have been so lucky and I should knock on wood!! I guess when it hits here we will all go down together! Sometimes it is a good thing to go get an antibiotic and just kill the stuff, especially if it has hung on for a long time. But I know where you are coming from...see enough doctors without asking to see one. And today should be the last time I see the surgeon. That is one down! There is always an appointment for something on the calendar. But I will go in looking good because I got a haircut yesterday!! Shopped for some meat before coming home and then find out I do not have to cook the rest of this is a holiday for me! Since I am not going to be home the boys opted for Subway for supper tonight and Drew is not coming tomorrow after school. So I will stop for my favorite fast food and my favorite is whatever fast food place comes into view first on the trip home. Then jammies and hockey. As much as I love early morning appointments there is something to be said for late afternoon.

          Cookie, you are still baking? i thought about making a cake but didn't have a cake mix...I know, that just about curled your hair didn't it? No cake mix! LOL! But I am hungry for cake. Jostoy hope you can get your medicare problems solved soon. Maybe he needs to resubmit because of something wrong in his coding or something? I have had that happen but it does seem odd that he has a bunch of claims unpaid. Always something in the world of paperwork and government.

          Need to get moving. Always a pile of laundry in this house of dirty people. We just wear a lot more clothes in this cold. Sierra tracked in last night and used a towel to clean it up. Now I know I should be happy she cleaned it up but a paper towel might have worked as well as a bath towel that was left in front of the door. And that is why when you are drying from your shower you can play a little game of what is this should see the dish towels!

          Have a wonderful day all,,,stay warm and use your disinfectant! Maye, take care of David..happy you have a place to blow off steam...and very soft hands from all that grease dipping?


          • cookielady
            cookielady commented
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            Cake mixed don't curl my hair. Certain cakes I make from scratch, but the rest are with a mix. I may doctor the mix a bit, but I tried making vanilla cupcakes from scratch ONCE, and they were horrible. Nope, never again. I find it how much mix you put in your baking tins and how you ice them that wins people over. I fill mine 3/4 full. Bake at 325 for 18-20 minutes. Make a butter cream frosting and add some shortening & a pinch of salt to it to make it nice and not sickening sweet. I've tried that recipe going around FB for vanilla wedding cupcakes. VERY GOOD!

          • jostoy
            jostoy commented
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            Maxie, it's not my medicare that's in question. The surgery is still new, and medicare is using an investigational number. Heck this surgery was under scrutiny for about a year and half before medicare approved it. So it's time medicare moves on this. After 5 years of shots, it's getting very old.

        • #6
          Afternoon all! It's sunny, but not warm.

          ​Yesterday was good. Had a nice visit with Aunt J. She scooped grease balls and I scooped cookie dough balls. After she left, I headed into town. First stop was the doctor's office with their weekly goodies....homemade hot choc and a tray of assorted "grandma" cookies...plain kind. Then it was onto Aldi's. How is it when you only go in for a couple items, that you end up with a cart full and $80 poorer?

          ​Cooked Corky a real meal, and Blaise & I worked on some leftovers. Now tonight he'll have leftovers and we might have pork chops.

          This morning was Bible study. Not feeling 100%. Not sure what I'll do this afternoon. I need to make a mixed berry pie for a lady for tomorrow. Yes Maxie, I'm still baking. I haven't baked much in 2 weeks, and now people are starting to call again. This is what I want to happen. For them to think of me when the have a need for some goodies. I got an order for 10 doz Groundhog sugar cookies for Feb 1st. I had to look back in the phn pics from last year to see how I did them.

          Have a good one all!


          • #7
            Good afternoon, everyone.
            I’m just slow today.

            Weather wise, we’re still in the mid-70’s, the weekend will drop to 60 with rain, in the 50’s Sunday, then the temp rises again supposedly to the 70’s. (Is this where you want to be, Maxi? We’ve had few really cold days, but February is usually the worst of our winter.).
            But today feels chilly to me....probably because the neuropathy makes my toes feel icy, and they aren’t really. Anyway, a long sleeved tee shirt for me today, and sweaters or fleece this weekend.

            Nothing new going on here.
            Sharon, how exciting to see get that meteor! Near Bloomfield Hills, huh?

            Well, I’m glad to read about your plans for today. I haven’t a clue. Ellis really liked the steaks the last couple of days. I cooked them in a bit of onion-beef soup mix (just enough to season) and a bottle of Catalina salad dressing. I called it “Chinese BBQ”. One day with potatoes, the next day with noodles. Plus veggies, of course.
            So must decide on tonight’s meal. Eventually.

            So, hoping you all stay warm and well. Sharon, I hope you get over your cold/flu very soon. 👩🏻‍⚕️
            Elaine, how are you and John doing?
            Have a great day, all of you. ☀️
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • maxie
              maxie commented
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              Yes you are living my type of winter! It is sunny here and temps are suppose to rise into the 40s but wind chills will still be 30. We are so winter acclimated that Sierra left here in just a sweatshirt with temps in the 40s! When the temps hit 50 and the snow melts off the chairs I will take my coffee to the patio!