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Friday...Nov. 17

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  • Friday...Nov. 17

    Good morning.

    ​This morning is more mulching of leaves, but that won't happen until it warms up a bit. This afternoon, I get to entertain the appliance man AGAIN.

    Nothing else happening here so I bid you a good day.

    Bad Parrot - a Thanksgiving Story

    A young man named John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary.
    Every word out of the bird's mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity. John tried and tried to change the bird's attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else he could think of to 'clean up' the bird's vocabulary.
    Finally, John was fed up and he yelled at the parrot. The parrot yelled back. John shook the parrot and the parrot got angrier and even more rude. John, in desperation, threw up his hand, grabbed the bird and put him in the freezer. For a few minutes the parrot squawked and kicked and screamed.
    Then suddenly there was total quiet. Not a peep was heard for over a minute.
    Fearing that he'd hurt the parrot, John quickly opened the door to the freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out onto John's outstretched arms and said "I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I'm sincerely remorseful for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend to do everything I can to correct my rude and unforgivable behavior."
    John was stunned at the change in the bird's attitude.
    As he was about to ask the parrot what had made such a dramatic change in his behavior, the bird spoke-up, very softly,
    "May I ask what the turkey did?"

    Last edited by jostoy; 11-17-2017, 08:46 AM.
    Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.

  • #2
    Good morning, everyone.

    Looks like the weatherman has taken away the cooler (70°’s) and leaving us in the mid-low 80’s for another week.
    Today E & I will be doing a bit of cleanup in the back yard.

    Think I’ll mix up some brownies this morning. Surprise E with it.
    His sweet tooth is calling for it.

    Other than that, it’ll be a “ho-hum” day. Maybe I can get the floor mopped.

    Hope you all have a very good day. ☀️
    Elaine, we both hope John is feeling better today.
    Last edited by JoGee; 11-17-2017, 08:53 AM.
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
      Editing a comment
      I will post here and let someone else merge. I did go read the other thread.

      JoG, have yu tried the Belvitas? A little breakfast cookie item? the orange cranberry is beyond good! I thought I remembered you liking orange cranberry..Becky bought them accidently. She really likes the blueberry and I don't eat them, but this flavor is so good. I will just pace myself and use as a cookie.

      I have a lot of cooking to do for the church dinner tomorrow. I signed up for dressing and cranberries and a vegetable casserole. I was going to do my broccoli, cauliflower and carrot dish, but after cooking broccoli yesterday morning for myself, I just don't know. I kept checking the diaper kids luntil I realized it was the lingering broccoli smell! I had my exhaust fan on but it was a long time before I got that out. When I make it for our big dinners there are other good smell that help keep it down like pies or turkey cooking. I may just do a big green bean casserole. I saw the sign up list and I am worried they didn't sign up enough people. this dinner and the Christmas one are well attended. people bring family and friends and not extra food...I better stop myself before I really go into complaining mode.

      Donna, are the grease balls for cookies? I keep trying to tell Becky that I grew up making cookies with Crisco. And if a recipe said margarine or butter, we used margarine. I wuld love an expert's opinion. I know some cookies need the real thing!

      I gotta go. Hope my post yesterday was not offensive to anyone.

      Have a good day and hope all goes well with it!

  • #3
    Another Friday morning has come Today, 08:42 AM

    Good Morning, from what the weather men are predicting we are supposed to get some nasty storms this weekend, sounds like a good weekend for soup and grilled cheese, I have soups canned and also in freezer..

    Got all of my Thanksgiving shopping done, 3 pie crust made and in the freezer, turkey will come out on Monday so I can get the giblets and have the gravy already made, I have also chopped up onions and celery ready...anything I can do ahead is getting done, have to do things gradually...

    Had a good time with my daughter and family, the ornaments were a big hit with the grandgirls, they loved the way the cinnamon ones smelled, they also loved the frog cupcakes I made...I made lily pads on waxed paper and froze them so after the cupcakes were frosted I put the lily pads on them then frogs I had bought at a candy store...and Madison was grinning from ear to ear when she unwrapped her doll a quick visit but a rewarding one...(but my son in law was in a mood and his usual a**hole self) also the temp was set at 65 and I just about froze the whole time, our bedroom was 59-60 and I was glad I took my lounging pj's. He controls the temps on his phone and if you should dare increase it he would just turn it back...some people never change their stripes...We did go see a Christmas musical at the Lincoln center in Athens, GA A Christmas Story, was a good production just a little to long..

    Elaine so sorry to hear then news about John, thoughts and prayers with both of you.
    Donna sure hope things continue with Kathy, now that would be a miracle, and during this busy time of year for you, please take care of you!!
    jostoy, I am hoping all goes well for you, wish I lived closer and could be with you, better a hole than the alternative if not taken care of...yes you love the sun and being outdoors but just use 50 sunscreen and wear a hat....and still enjoy the outdoors...

    Maxie, I think you are so right in not helping Andrew anymore with the homework thing, it isn't on you and it brings far to much stress, you raised your family, now let others raise theirs...(I know easier said than done) Can't believe you have you Christmas shopping finished, I feel I have just begun, but after Thanksgiving I must get busy and complete mine...yes our world is in a sad state right now with a very immature person holding the a bomb shelter is in order...

    Well time for some breakfast, trash collection, etc...have a great day one and all.

    Last edited by boffler; 11-17-2017, 08:47 AM. Reason: Because I saw another post for Friday morning
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
      Editing a comment
      Can you sneak in an electric blanket for when youstay there? Control freak kind of guy!

    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      Oh Paula he is so much more than a control freak!! condescending, arrogant, narcissistic, opinionated, a**hole pretty much covers it...

  • #4
    I also made a good morning post, copied and pasted it to jostoy's post, then deleted good morning JoG
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • #5
      Good Morning

      zipping past just now.. going to go help Donna this morning .. Grease balls and conversation!.. a mini vacation . ..
      be back later in afternoon to see whats up here at RT..


      • #6
        Oh, my. Looks like we were typing together then. I need to see Jostoy’s post.
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #7
          Hi. Jostoy, I think we started new threads at just about the same time this morning. I haven’t merged threads before, and don’t want to mess up either one.

          Glad you had such a great visit with family. I wish I could have seen the girls’ enjoyment. Did you take a picture of the cupcakes? Sorry about the ex was like that whenever anyone of my family came to visit, and nobody finished their stay. What a jerk!

          We plan to eat out on Thanksgiving this year. Am letting our niece make reservations, but we will pick up the tab. Nephew has just gotten back to work after his motorcycle accident, and he won’t have full use of one arm either, like E.
          We’ve been helping them with groceries, etc — they’re raising 2 of their grandkids.
          The Cracker Barrel has the most reasonable price per plate for a traditional dinner, with a bigger variety of choices, and they give fairly generous helpings.

          Hope everyone is doing well today. 🤗
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • #8
            Hi Everyone

            I deleted Sharon's delete and merged jo and jog and now I don't have time to write anything because this computer is so slooooowwwwwwwwww!

            Thanks, everyone. John had a very good day yesterday, after 2 very bad days. This morning is last chemo shot. Fingers crossed he is OK today.

            Boy who is building fences brought his granny yesterday and she picked up all the pecans in the front next to the house. She wanted to give us half, and I said. NO! Was thrilled she picked them up.
            She was out there about 3 hours. No way could I do that.

            Well, gotta get ready for town.

            Janet and Donna, wish I were with you.


            • #9
              GOOD morning!! I slept from 10:30 last night until 6:00 this morning! I have not done that in a very very very long time and feel pretty darn good so far this morning. Tell me that damn homework hasn't been causing stress! When Andrew came in there was no mention of it although I know he had some because i checked. His dad took him home early and I curled up with my hockey peaceful around here!!

              Today is take out Friday, a day I always look forward to. As part of our new found independence Andrew no longer gets to hog the decision on where we eat, we will go where I want. Ok, no that is not the 'my way or the highway' profile I have just that it is my night to choose. But I will lean toward a place diet friendly for Jon.

              Yesterday while out and about my knee gave in and it has been sore. Darn old knee is wanting to act up but I just do not have the time to mess with it besides I have lots of other ailments so it will just have to wait its turn. We will do the final Thanksgiving meal shopping on Monday. I have been stocking up and replacing certain spices. Only baking one pumpkin pie since Scott is exercising and diet conscience and Jon just cannot eat what he wants anymore. Andrew will eat pie but not Sierra. That girl did not get the family sweet tooth. Can you imagine having a bag of peanut m&m's for a week then giving them away? Those little babies would not (and did not) have lasted 20 minutes with me in front of a hockey game! But she has always been that way which is a good thing because she has a little brother that will gnaw your fingers off for candy!!

              Don't know if I will test my knee on the steps for laundry but should run the vacuum and the kitchen is a disaster. Nothing of any great importance going on. I have toys to donate and need to find a place or just may run them home. The scouting bag is filled and needs to be set out tonight. It is wonderful to be completely finished with the shopping! Now I can go into those crowded stores and enjoy all the hustle and bustle and not be a fighting part of it. I love to Christmas shop after I am all done...makes perfect sense to me.

              It is totally ugly and wind is blowing but I have no idea of a forecast. I am watching some news but trying not to dwell on it. But I just gotta tell you there are some people in this administration that I will champagne dance when they are exposed. Sharon happy to see you home after a nice family visit with the grands. Every family has that one in-law that is a dandy..makes for lively conversation while driving home. Jostoy I laughed out loud reading that story. Still makes me chuckle! JoG glad you will have family close for dinner. My sister texted the final head count for our Saturday Thanksgiving Dinner and she reached 23...immediate family! Guess that happens when the kids grow up and bring home their own families.

              Have a great Friday all. Seems I am thinking a lot about food this that what sleep does to you?


              • jostoy
                jostoy commented
                Editing a comment
                Maxie, I also laughed out loud when I read it. Thought it was perfect timing for Thanksgiving.

            • #10
              Good morning..looking forward to my quiet weekend


              • #11
                Elaine, thanks for merging the posts. I wish John well on that last chemo shot.

                Paula, I have tried the plain Belvitas.....I don’t like them. I haven’t seen the fruited ones at all, yet. But cranberry-orange is a taste I love! I will look for them. I’ll get E the blueberry ones, if he wants.
                In the meantime, I’m thinking of oatmeal-raisin cookies. I found orange raisins at Trader Joe’s store.

                Oh...speaking of cookies, one of my aunts told us that in the cookies she baked, she used half butter (for the taste) and half Crisco (for texture). She was the best baker of all goodies that I’ve ever known.

                That’s a good idea about the electric blanket! If we visit anywhere in the north or east this season, I’ll do that. My brother lives in the NE (Michigan), and in years past I’ve been comfortable enough there. But I get chilled so easily these days. They must think I’m a real wimp!
                (My house is 76° and I have a lap blanket on right now.)
                Then there’s our DD in’s always cooler there. I can’t sit comfortably on her couch, so they gave us dining room chairs by the living room windows. It’s very chilly by the windows.
                Both their houses, bro & DD, have an electric fireplace in the living rooms. They turn the temp on high for me, but I can never feel it! Go figure. I guess it’s an aging thing.
                Oh, and the hotels? You can set the heat/cool to your comfort they say. In most of them, you can set it to whatever, but we suspect there’s a master control for all rooms somewhere, because nothing changes. E is usually warm enough anywhere, but he agreed with me on the hotel temps. I bring extra warm clothes and pj’s. Somewhere I have 8-hr hand and foot warmers, but so far have forgotten to pack them. That’s what I took to Alaska, and they worked good.
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • maxie
                  maxie commented
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                  If my family ask I want an electric throw for my feet. If I could just keep my feet warm at the mattress warmer but cannot sleep with it. I agree that those thermostats in hotel are already preset no matter how many times you adjust them. On of the coldest places in the world is a hotel room!

                • Paula A
                  Paula A commented
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                  Jo, take an electric throw to those hotels!

              • #12
                hello , I'm home ..lots of margarine 1 cup balls. made .. and sample of Donna's Pumpkin roll..yummmy ... .

                to keep your feet warm at night in solution.. if you have ,(beg or borrow) those lose slipper socks , very little elastic at the top. wear to bed.. get out a heating pad.. set on low . put at foot of bed where your feet usually are.. and then put an extra layer of cover. like afghan,folded throw. at the foot of the bed too.. now climb in After the heating pad has made a warm spot..
                If your feet are warm ,,means the blood will stay down in helps eliminate cramps in my ankles and toes.. amazing how your feet being warm will make the rest of your body relax.. if you are a person who wants your arms out from under the covers... wear a long sleeve sweater to bed.
                no one is going to see you ,, so dress anyway you want to , and get your best sleep .

                time for lunch .. keeping it simple this noon,, sandwich , with home made bun,, salad. dish of fruit.

                MAXIE,, LISTEN TO ME...the steps and your knee would not have been as bad as running that darn sweeper..!!!!! . sweepers required you to twist sideways and put pressure on your knee as you move back and forth... its also is hard on a sore back..

                does anyone have Kim address and /or her phone number?... since I had to change my name and reregister. I no longer have the ability to merge threads .and only she can assign it to whomever.. ..

                back to getting lunch on table..


                • #13
                  Good Afternoon! The sun has FINALLY appeared. I'm so sicked & tired of the dreariness.

                  Yesterday was OK. I woke feeling lousy, but I ate & went to Bible study. I was OK. On my way home, I stopped in Saxonburg at the local grocery store to get wax paper. Called Mom on the way there & ask if she wanted to go out for lunch, which we did. I was fine until about halfway through and a neck muscle zinged. By the time I got home, I was feeling miserable. Took a nap until it was time to get Blaise off the bus. Once Cork got home, I went back to bed for 2 hrs. I got up feeling much better.

                  Spent the rest of the evening prepping for today's pumpkin roll making. The only thing I didn't have done was cracking the eggs.

                  We were doing great until about 10:30 and my energy just left me. We continued on and got a couple more things done. Think I'm going to have lunch and then take a nap.

                  Paula....I substitute Margarine for Butter most of the time, except for a few recipes. I know people are :"butter only" when baking, but if I did that, I'd be broke. Some days I can go through 10lbs of margarine or more. The only cookie I've substituted shortening for butter is choc chip cookies & I now do 50/50.

                  Have a good one all!


                  • #14
                    Thanks, Donna and JoG for your answers! Becky is so literal that she bakes exactly as the recipe goes... which is why her cookies are often under baked.
                    I use what I used the first time I made a recipe.
                    Texas sheet cake is always with margarine and buttermilk even though a lot of recipes call for butter and sour cream.
                    I love baking with you guys’


                    • cookielady
                      cookielady commented
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                      Some things you need to follow, but others it doesn't matter. I always "feel" my dough, and if it's not right, I add more flour if it's sticky & shouldn't be. Same with baking them. It just comes with time & experience I guess, though my SIL is still a literal person. She times her potatoes for 20 minutes when she's making them. Shoot, I have no idea how long they've been cooking. I just know they are done with the boiling sounds a certain way & the fork goes through them. She makes the best mashed potatoes though, so maybe there is something to it. LOL!