Good Morning.
Well, I've been wandering this house since 4a. Changed the clocks and made some oatmeal bars for church.
Nothing new happening here. Weather is unvelievable. It hit 90 yesterday, and it's not much better this morning.
We were infested with a swarm of Lady Asian Beetles on Friday afternoon. I walked through the entry, and the door and entire porch - walls ceiling, columns covered.
Had to call for help. Jarrett washed down the front porch and front windows and door with hose. Nephew arrived with insecticide.
If it had not been for this vacuum, we would have had to move out. Probably sucked up several hundred from inside alone.
People all over the county were talking about it on FB. Not just here. Very scary bugs.
So, might as well get ready for church now that everything is ready. Have a wonderful day.
Well, I've been wandering this house since 4a. Changed the clocks and made some oatmeal bars for church.
Nothing new happening here. Weather is unvelievable. It hit 90 yesterday, and it's not much better this morning.
We were infested with a swarm of Lady Asian Beetles on Friday afternoon. I walked through the entry, and the door and entire porch - walls ceiling, columns covered.
Had to call for help. Jarrett washed down the front porch and front windows and door with hose. Nephew arrived with insecticide.
If it had not been for this vacuum, we would have had to move out. Probably sucked up several hundred from inside alone.
People all over the county were talking about it on FB. Not just here. Very scary bugs.
So, might as well get ready for church now that everything is ready. Have a wonderful day.