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Friday ~ October 27

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  • Friday ~ October 27

    Good Morning!!

    Been up for hours, thought for certain someone would have started this thread.

    So many chimed in yesterday. Good day for the RT. Loved reading the threads. JoG, you had some very interesting parents.

    Well, fence builders DID pick up the big limbs, but we handled the small ones (all under one pecan tree). Wind had blown so many pecans down that we picked up 5 gallons in no time.
    Unfortunately, we still have last years' crop that we never did crack. We need to take these somewhere, as cracking is not easy on old hands.

    Ordered a couple of blouses on line, and they are way too big. Not because I'm smaller. The blouses are cut weird. Glad we do have a local store I can return them to. So I will make a trip into town this morning.

    OH! I hear the trash people. Yay!

    Hope you each have a very good day.

  • #2
    Good Morning to all...trash day here also, I have it all rounded up just hope hubby gets up in time to take it all out, think he is getting to comfortable with me doing it.

    Got back home yesterday and read the post for Thursday, so nice seeing so many participate...hoping with colder weather more will show up.

    Donna goes from one baking season/reason to another, no way could I ever do all of that baking, I have gotten way to slow in my older age..

    jostoy glad you made it on the treadmill and didn't have to be medically induced for your stress test, and also glad it was more comfortable than you thought it might be.. Now to wait for results...your slow down season is just about here, time to relax and rest that weary back of yours.

    About cleaning out the drawers and such here, its going to take me 6 months to accomplish it all because I do not feel like I have to get it all done immediately, I said, much slower these days..

    Maxie, sorry to hear about your son and his diabetes, but then it does explain a lot...his way of eating will be good for everyone...I would love to use artificial sweeteners but for some reason the no sugar things upset my innards big time...

    Elaine you have pecans we have 10 5 gallon buckets of walnuts, and no, I will not be cracking them and others do not want them unless they are shelled, to bad...

    Maye and Donna I am also getting to that point of needing more sunshine in my life, the LED bulbs that are in our ceiling fans just don't put out the kind of light that I like.

    JoG your Mom sounded like a stickler, amazing what and how our childhoods can either break us or make us stronger, mine made me stronger...but felt the need to graduate early, have a secretarial background, and leave home the day I graduated...and did not go back to walk down the isle with cap and gown...and moved 8 hrs. away and it still didn't help.

    Well the Drs. visit was informative to say the least, more testing, seems from xrays and blood work they think I have some sort of infection going on in my lungs and need to get to the bottom of it, but in the mean time it is time for a colonoscopy again, YUCK.... My heart is also out of rhythm again and it is causing swelling of my hands and feet and fluid around my lungs making it a little more difficult to breath, just means I take it a little slower and easier, LOL.... dang haven't even made it to my social security age yet and I have already fallen apart, oh darn...

    Well hubby is up now so will check back later.... Hope someone somewhere has some sunshine today....happy day to all, there is always so many things to be thankful for..

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • #3
      Good morning.

      Laundry day around here. Then tomorrow I'll pack for my trip.

      ​Nothing else going on, except I'm still doctoring that poison ivy ring around my neck. Can't understand why I can't cure it.

      That's all folks. Have a good day.

      One Easter Sunday morning
      as the pastor was preaching a children's sermon, he reached into his bag of props and pulled out an egg. He pointed at the egg and asked the children, "What's in here?"
      "I know, I know!" a little boy exclaimed, "pantyhose!"
      Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


      • #4
        After two three day weekends in a row, I am home and having a regular work week. that means the baby does not come today and so I have activities planned and looking forward to more hands free time.
        It will be a yard work weekend with some curb appeal if all goes as planned. I enjoyed my time out of town but it is now time to get some things done around here and the cooler weather is perfect for it.

        We should be down to the 80's today. Mornings need a sweater and the afternoons need a fan on!

        Laundry is calling my name, too and I am hoping to clear out some stacks of books, etc. that seem to find a way in...

        You all sound good and busy. Sharon, your doctors sound really on top of things.
        Everybody, have a good day and know that I will be thinking of you all!


        • #5
          Good cold and gloomy morning. Have a pot of soup started and hopefully this will get us through the weekend. I am at a total loss with this cooking stuff and the internet is not telling me what I want to know. Jon has been talking to the clinical people at work and getting some help and trying very hard. Scott was more upset about the news than I expected. It is just a matter of getting the correct info and following through. Besides I like soup but am not at all happy about giving up carry out Friday's! Not one bit!!

          No Andrew today but he will be back this evening with his cousins to trick or treat. He ask if I was ready which is his way of asking did I enough treats for him since he hasn;t seen any laying around. Well, smart guy...I have pop corn balls stashed back and there is not other candy laying around because I ate it. And before you are to hard on me it was tootsie products and everyone knows you cannot have tootsies laying around because they get hard and I have done a great service to all trickers out there by not passing out stale tootsies.....even though I had no intention of passing candy to trickers or treaters this weekend. Sierra is going in to work earlier today and working extra hours. She has picked up extra hours this week and that just means she is doing homework later into the night. How do these kids do it? It takes me a week to do what I used to do in a morning! Of course several of those days is just talking myself into doing it and not actual labor.

          Laundry today and need to wipe down the kitchen floor again before putting the rug back. The sink is full and the mess I made getting the soup pot on is still sitting there. Will write out a check to Sierra and have her cash today while she is heading to work so I will have cash this weekend. I made another order for Christmas and think I have a good handle on this shopping. Talked with my sister and got ideas for her grands..legos...and I just happened to have a bunch of reward points from the huge order I made for my grands so got their gifts for cheap! and free shipping! Andrew loves when the UPS guy comes around supper time because he gets to open the boxes and I cannot wait until I get to tell him he can't open one. I know I am mean but the anticipation is the best part plus I got to get even for that damn camo coat I bought!

          Sun is peeking out and showing dark clouds. Oh my, all those walnuts and pecans...makes me envious. Can you donate them to a food pantry or farmers market? All we have falling are acorns. Jostoy is it too late for a cortisone shot? Maybe it wasn't poison ivy but another of the poison families? Well, wrote a book again but just in a talkative mood this morning. Remember when Tinker first brought me here and I said nothing? Surprise!! Have a great day all....


          • determined
            determined commented
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            Maxie, you don't have to give up your Friday night out. The dietician, who also was diabetic, gave me a book. CARB COUNTING AND MEAL PLANNING put out by cornerstones 4 care, it has the carb count for everything including fast food. The website is don't know if you can order the book from them or ask his Dr about getting one. When my dad was diagnosed his Dr was also diabetic and his advise was "if you are craving something eat a little bit of it" the reason is that if you ignore the cravings they will get stronger and if you do break you will end up eating a package of cookies instead of one cookie.

        • #6
          Good Morning, today is the big day, riding 3 hours to hopefully see our boys win State, if they do don't know where the national game is played.

          COLD here too, got to make sure jacket and shoes are close to the door so I can slip them on when Molly gets tangled, about froze last night and she was only wrapped once. Of course I could just unhook her and carry her in and make the kids go out and unwrap it.

          Well nothing else going on here so everybody have a wonderful day.


          • maxie
            maxie commented
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            How exciting to be playing in the State finals! Are you making the trip? Once in a lifetime!!

            I am sure my son will get all types of diet info once he see the doctor again. We are just trying to keep things under control and try to do something until then. But I will say I am so happy that I may not have to give up carry out Friday! It is a real favorite day to me!!!!

          • determined
            determined commented
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            Yes we will be making the trip

        • #7
          Just read all the posts that came after mine.
          I am sitting with two toddlers who keep taking each other's toys.
          Maxie, there are so many helpful posts on Pinterest for diabetic menus and recipes. It will take some time, but it sounds like your son is taking on the responsibility of finding out what he can eat.


          • maxie
            maxie commented
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            Never thought to go to Pinterest...I know people love that site but I never seem to be able to find what I am looking for. I do like to look around on it though and see what people do.

        • #8
          Good morning, all.
          Today will be in the high 80’s, and next week will drop to the low 80’s! It’s cooling off. But it’ll be sunny, for sure.
          We probably need to get the car to a car wash today. (Because of the ongoing drought here, it’s illegal to wash your car in the driveway.) Some people ignored that, but as water ran down the street to the sewers, they either got warnings or fined. We now seem to have a police car or sheriffs car in a neighborhood driveway....they live on our street!

          I’ll probably be cooking up some ground meats i have in the fridge. Having meat patties in the freezer is sooooo handy for quick meals.

          Ladyebug, thanks for the nice comment. “Interesting” is a good description.
          Sharon, I finished school, but left home a week after graduation. I picked up my last report card on my birthday. I did mention to mom that everyone seems to have forgotten my birthday....I had no cake, card, or gift. She said “Graduation was enough!” Well, that coming Sunday was Fathers Day, and I baked him a cake. But that night I left home, I had a cheap suitcase packed and hidden under my bed. I left very late that night. I eloped. I had a good secretarial background, not just from classes, but for having worked in the school office on lunch hours, and working for a counselor one semester during what would be study hall, or a non-class hour every day. For a year I lived in the same city and my folks would take turns stalking me. Then my husband joined the service, and most of my life has been out West here, except for a few years in NJ. But he stuck around for just 2 yrs. still, life has been mostly good to me, especially since E came into my life.
          But I hear you on the health issues. We do our best, we take as good care of ourselves as we can, and get through it. Aging is tough. My problems are totally different from my familys’, and that fact really irritated my mom. Well, I can say my case may have been instrumental in helping others. I know it’s a case number, my name is kept private. When it started, my AZ docs talked with those at Johns Hopkins hospital on the east coast, and the Mayo Clinic on the west coast, and doctors in between. When I’d go into an ER, student personnel would read my record, say “You’re her!” and ask permission to bring in others to see me til the doctor arrived. What a heck of a way to be a “celebrity”, right? That’s over, now. But staying well isn’t always easy. I wish you well with your health issues.

          I did laundry yesterday. Even the bed sheets. But I can’t make the bed because of my hands which hurt most of the time now. It’ll be fun when E has his surgery, won’t it. We’ll work it out somehow. Wonder if one of the kids would come by to help?

          I need to finish packing a box to send to one of the daughters. Get it mailed off.

          Hope you all have a great day.
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • LisaUK
            LisaUK commented
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            Families, they can be the best of us, and the very worst. I got lucky with my Mom, and YOUR mom got lucky with you. Shame she couldn't see having a strong woman for a daughter is a blessing.

        • #9
          Thanks, Lisa.
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • #10
            late late evening

            got to sleep in until 7.. so had some extra energy this forenoon.. gave the house a decent sweepering,dusting, mopping. and made apple pie.. too..
            rest of day was little things..clean the litter box. sort out a cupboard .catch up book records.. etc.. . also finish a book on the Kindle..

            fun to come in late and read all the above.. so happy to see you all here.. JoG.. follow your health problems and wonder how you cope with it all. same for you Sharon... I guess its a case you do what has to be done!...

            Jostoy .. took me awhile to remember the ad with panty hose and egg.. cute..

            Hi Elaine. a giant wave to John...

            can hardly believe tomorrow will be the weekend again.. weeks seem to fly by.

            see you all in the morning .


            • #11
              Maye...thanks. Let me say that a supportive spouse is wonderful. He never makes jokes about my scars and lumps, even if I make light of it. He does what I have trouble doing these days, in the way of chores. Let’s me do what and as much as I can when I need the exercise of doing things. Since I tend to forget things (like details of my medical history), he’s there in the doctor’s office with me......which I first suggested when I didn’t like the doctor’s attitude, which has since improved a LOT.

              It sounds to me that Sharon gets a lot of support from her hubby, too. I love to hear her tell us about that, and am amazed at her mobility in the face of it all. (E’s brother and SIL both had Chron’s, and were mostly housebound.). Sharon is so awesome!
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

