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Wednesday morning, 10/25/2017

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  • Wednesday morning, 10/25/2017

    Good Morning, still so dark outside at almost 7:30 a.m. Soon this month will be over also...tomorrow head to MI for an appt., the Dr. here would not schedule a Remicade infusion because of the pneumonia, the Dr. in MI said as long as I was not running a temp or on an antibiotic no reason not to, think the Dr. here is in a power struggle with the other Dr., she is a no nonsense kind of Dr. and is not going to be happy...she is the one that has gotten me this far with adding and doubling my Remicade...he thought it was not needed... I called yesterday to see if he had a date in mind that I would get an infusion, no response, I just wanted to know so I could tell Dr. in MI...oh well.

    I really wanted to know also because we want to make a trip to GA before the nasty weather hits....think today I will make reuben sandwiches for supper, usually only make them on St. Paddy's day, just sounded good so that is what it will be..

    Have a great day one and to do my morning duties, LOL

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God

  • #2
    Good Morning, Friends. :

    Not sure if I've been here since Sunday, just so much going on with John's stuff. Dr. Monday, to hospital to have blood typed and crossed. Tuesday blood transfusion. Today my blood profile business.
    Visit from Humana counselor later on.

    Wish we could stay home ONE day and do nothing. Weather is turning cold. Need to sort out some winter clothes.

    Hope all is well with everyone. Hugs ~ ~ ~


    • LisaUK
      LisaUK commented
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      Love you lady. Bunches of hugs to John. xxx

  • #3
    Good Morning
    Chilly out today... sigh... the warm season is leaving .... leavin...leav.. gone... darn,, winter is soooo long and dark.. I was born in May and was an infant in the summer... so I must have loved that weather from the very beginning and thought it was to be my way of life. ... oh..well.....I do like to read and winter was made for reading and crocheting .. ..

    Elaine, staying home a day ,doing nothing,,, my favorite kind of day... however since I do the driving .. David gets tired sitting and likes to get out.. we do get on the road more than I like to be..I wish I could trust him to go on his own more.. He falls so easily. that to go on his own,, get in and out of car is a worry. I have housework to do and keep busy inside... ... son Mark keeps the outside work done now a days. so David only has TV and books.and sleep.. . He is having a very hard time adjusting to this "Old Age". thing

    Hi Sharon..two Drs. oh oh.. you may have a decision to make at which one knows the best for you.. ps. if you have an Arbys near, try their Reuben sandwich some day.. I like them.

    be back to read later..


    • #4
      Good morning everyone.

      Today is a run to get groceries, and the home until Bible study tonight.

      ​Boff, While waiting to finish the test, I was allowed to get coffee and something to eat. This was at 8:30 and as I sat perched up on my chair/stool, I was looking out the window and thinking how glad I was not living in the Eastern time zone. It was still dark out. Although it was cloudy out still, we don't have darkness at 8:30. Now at night we do.

      ​The test went pretty well yesterday. The x-ray table had a small padding and she put a pillow under my knees. Did have to have the x-ray before and after the treadmill. They got my heart rate up to 139 and kept it there for 2 minutes. I was at a very fast walk at this time. A whole lot better than back in the 90's when I had it done. Won't hear anything about results for 2-3 days. At least I didn't keel over, and should be fine for my trip next week.

      O.k. enough said. At least you all now know that I'm still alive. Everyone have a good day.

      I believe . . .

      that your life can be changed
      in a matter of hours
      by people who don't even know you.
      Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


      • Paula A
        Paula A commented
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        I did see the cute story and shared it with my friends! Sorry, I meant to acknowledge it. Trying to post on the weekend was not as easy as it has been in the past for some reason.

    • #5
      Good warm morning! Yesterday was another 90*F day! All this week it will be in the low 90's and then on the weekend the high 80's...I turned the air on yesterday. Just when I thought I could save a bit on the electric bill.

      Elaine, I know how you feel: after two very fun weekends away, I am looking forward to this one to just be home and not have to meet any scheduled flights,etc. Doing the home things that need to get done will be my relaxation this weekend. And figuring out what I am giving out to the Trick or treaters.

      The garbage truck came a little later so I was able to get a few more things out this morning.

      the daycare is already opened up and thelights on; it is my 6:45 morning and we will see how it goes. Yesterday I read on Facebook that this early child had got really sick at home and seems like he had been from what the mom was, I am pretty sure she will bring him with some excuse as to how he drank too many smoothies (she told me this the last time he was having issues and she still brought him), and then it will be a wait and see how the day goes. She has recently split up with the other parent and I know life is hard right now, but I can't take a sick child!

      I hope there are no viruses coming your way and that your day goes well! I am going to stop overthinking what may happen and be grateful for the good start of this day!


      • #6
        Morning...up early today since I did not sleep well last night. Jon got news from the doctor I did not expect...he is diabetic and goes in on his next day off to discuss medication etc. Holy cow! That is an entirely different way to live. I remember when my stayed with me after a couple of surgeries and his meal planning. He was an experienced diabetic and told me what to cook and how and when he needed to eat but here we are starting out on a completely new adventure. He is also going to get a sleep study done. All summer and fall I have badgered him about this porch and maybe he hasn't felt well enough to do it? Oh well, guess I will bully my way through this too but it will be super hard on a guy who likes to eat! We ordered some cookbooks yesterday and I am sure the doctor will have him see a dietician.

        I have nothing to say about much this morning...just a brain crammed full of random thoughts not worth sharing. Need to force myself to mop the kitchen floor...that is an embarrassment...then wash the rugs. Then change my bed. Since I can no longer complain about the porch I need to find another project to work on myself and maybe cleaning this house the chore I need.

        Cold and gloomy out again...suppose to have frost last night and I have plants that never came in. Guess I will start the day...


        • jostoy
          jostoy commented
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          Maxie, a dietician is a knowledgable person on diabetis. If at all possible, go with him so you can keep him on the straight and narrow. My brother's theory was....he could eat anything he wanted because that's what the meds was for. Diabetis is a nasty disease. It will affect every organ in the body...especially heart and kidneys. And like Determine said, pastas are the worse thing to eat as they turn to natural sugar.

      • #7
        Good morning, everyone.
        The winds have been kicking up, on and off the last week or two. Must be stirring up allergens, as my eyes get red-rimmed, and I need tissues handy to wipe away the gunk that accumulates. I do use eye drops, but also use a washcloth 1-2 times a day as well.

        It’s haircut day for me. Yay!
        So I won’t be looking shaggy at Saturday’s wedding. We won’t be planning on staying too long. This niece never has contact with us, we don’t know her kids... I feel we’ve been invited just to give her the wedding present. But, they’re relatives, and we don’t want to raise any hackles. We’re too old to deal with hassles like that. We’ll make an appearance, give them a card & check, and leave before it gets too dark (we don’t drive at night). I take it the ceremony and reception will be in the same place, and the theme is C&W.

        I read somewhere that we reset our clocks on Nov 5th. Why do I think that this always happens in October? Oh well. Doesn’t matter that much, as it’s not an AZ concern. But we can’t ignore it if we want to be in touch with family & friends in other states. We’re getting days of cooler weather (this weekend back to the 80’s again) and I’ve been thinking about changing my closet to hold some warmer clothes so they’ll be ready when the weather calls for it.

        My cuppa tea needs warming, and I need a bite of breakfast.
        Let’s see how many were typing and posting with me.
        Have a very good day. ☀️
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • LisaUK
          LisaUK commented
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          I'd just give 'em a card!

      • #8
        Good Morning, another chilly day. Candie told me yesterday that we will be picking Krystal up from school Friday and going from there. It is also a Miki weekend, but don't know if she is going or not. She doesn't like long car rides, so if she is going we will pick her up from school too.

        Maxie, yes it will be an adjustment for Jon, the main thing is to watch the carbs (starches). Hopefully his Dr will explain this to him. Don't know how many people I've come across that think it is only sugar you have to watch.

        Paula do you have a rule set that if a child is running a fever they can't be in daycare? I'm sure the family's having to find alternate care won't be happy, but the ones whose children aren't sick would appreciate it.


        • Paula A
          Paula A commented
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          The State set that rule for us, so that one is an easy call. Temps over 100 can't be in care.