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Monday 23rd

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  • Monday 23rd

    Well, today's the day. Finally Tex gets his operation to have that darned gall bladder taken out. With so many delays along the way, it's been nearly 4 months now.
    I'll admit I'm scared, as he's had so many complications on the way.
    I just want it over and done with, and him home to rest and recover.

    We leave for the hospital in an hour. (It's 1021am here.)

  • #2
    Hi Lisa.
    I’ll have you and Tex in my thoughts today. Hoping everything goes perfectly well.
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • maxie
      maxie commented
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      My son had his removed and had a speedy recovery so wishing the same for Tex. Will be thinking of you both and sending good wishes and prayers.

  • #3
    Good Morning!

    It'll all be fine Lisa. He'll feel so much better after he gets that darn thing out. I know...BTDT. Prrayers sent your way.

    Yesterday I spent the afternoon napping. Trying to recoup from the weeks and weeks of hustle, hustle, hustle. Kathy picked up Blaise at the church from us after SS, so I didn't have to pay attention to what he was doing. Once I got him picked up around 7pm and got him to bed, I settled down to figure out what cookies I needed to bake & how many. Then I created a shopping list for the first group of cookies I'm going to bake. I'm going according to how many cookies were ordered last year. It's a good start. I really need the flour, sugar, and CC to go on sale.

    This morning I'm baking a rhubarb pie for a customer. He bought them all season long at the stand, and was excited to find out he could order them directly from me and in a bigger size. Originally he ordered 2 pies, but he must have finally realized he didn't need to. That he could just call me when he was ready for another.

    After the pie is picked up, I'm heading into town to pick up my supplies, then maybe mix up a few batches of dough. Will cook a good dinner.

    Have a good one all!


    • #4
      Good morning.

      ​Cookie, I don't know which of your "seasons" are the busiest. The stand or Christmas cookies. Know you are happy that your "business" has taken off as it has.

      ​The radio said we have already had 1.3 inches of rain, and it is to rain all day. You know that slow, messy all day rain. I'd rather have it rain good instead of that drizzly mess.

      Got the granules spread yesterday afternoon, so this rain should put the "poison" down in the ground to kill the mole food. The moles have sure made a mess of E's yard these past 2 months.

      ​Today will be a lazy one for me. Have to get up at 3 A in the morning in order to get cleaned up and dressed. I have to leave no later than 4:30 to be at Vincennes by 5:30 our time. The Cardiologist starts his work at 6:30 their time. That should help the "old ticker" be under stress without the treadmill. Then it's on to dye and that lovely x-ray table. Who knows what else I have to go through for him. According to the message I got on My Chart, all I have to go through will take about 5 hours.

      Nothing else to tell, so I'll bid you all a good day.

      How many heard this when you were young?

      My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
      "If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!"
      Last edited by jostoy; 10-23-2017, 08:10 AM.
      Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


      • cookielady
        cookielady commented
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        I heard it....either next week or the next county. Blaise hears it too.

    • #5
      good Morning ..

      oops .supposed to rain today..... darn, I smell Fall in the air.. rest of week its slowly but surely cooling down.... big sigh..

      took me a while to get moving today.. knees and ankles are starting to declare arthritis season is here too . .( and old age).. will dig out the wooly socks and warmer slacks.. Don't think we will go anywhere today... nothing needed today..

      Lisa , will have you two in mind all day.. Gall bladder surgery Generally are a quick operation. with good recovery... will Pray Tex is on that list of people...

      SassyGirl?... need some nagging.

      will be back to read later..


      • #6
        Good Morning...seems a bit cloudy out there this morning, windy and a bit chillier...but sure am loving the colors I am seeing...

        jostoy, in my thoughts tomorrow, BTDT and didn't like it one bit...being medically induced on that stress test for me was not pleasant, but with COPD my lips turned blue pretty fast, LOL...hope they get it all figured out for you.

        Donna I don't know how you do all that you do, those kind of days are over for me...not having good health has changed me so much and I don't like it one bit...BUT I am very happy to enjoy the life I do get to live...

        Lisa thoughts and prayers with Tex today, he will be feeling so much better soon, as will you....hope it is a very straight forward operation.

        Maye I will join you in the creaky and old feeling on the joints, if any of my joints look like some of the knots I am getting on my fingers then I know why I am hurting most times..

        Well it is off to two more Dr. appts. today, one for the hip joint the other for the heart...hubby is at the office today. When I get back home I need to do some dusting around here, opening the windows when farmers are taking off the crop was not a good idea.

        Have a great day one and all, catch you later...

        Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


        • #7
          Well, good Monday morning and I will be thinking right now for Tex, as the time difference is kicking in. prayers that all goes as well as all the gall bladder surgeries my friends have had.

          My trip was so much fun and except for the Horrible wind that almost made us divert to another airport when I was arriving, (and almost made me start praying Out Loud!), the rest of the time was Great! I visited with two nieces and little chloe, who just turned 1. She is cute and social and doesn't seem to be slowed down at all with her disability (lymphogioma, which on her is a huge mass under her right arm that she can't move as well).

          I didn't spend much at all, which is so not my usual trip anywere with stores I don't have here. We also didn't go out to eat...and my friend I was staying with isn't a cook. She did make a Wonderful corn chowder for ur reunion luncheon, using fresh ears of corn! That was at the lunch on Saturday and we had the leftovers for our late dinner Saturday night. Another friend brought a great chicken enchilada soup, homemade rolls and another a wonderful Ceasar was all great but the talking and catching up and just being together after two years was worth Everything!

          Remember I said I couldn't wait to have one of the Swig cookies that everyone raves about and Pinterest people are all tyring to duplicate? Well.....IF you like the Lofthouse cookies you will like the Swig cookies. I am not a fan. In fact, if Lofthouse style (very soft cookie with a sweet frosting) were the only cookies on Earth, I would lose 10 pounds Easily! Cheryl's cookies are a step above the Lofthouse kind for me, because you can taste the butter, but In one way, it relieved me that yes, I can live without these cookies and Yay! I have many recipes I love much better and The BEst: I got Donna's Cookie List!!! her Ladylocks are the Best Ever! I did have a great store bought (go figure!) cookie that was a chocolate cake like texture with chocolate chips that I will be searching out the recipe.
          I should have brought some home for research value, right?

          Enough about food,; I am glad to be back where my Internet connection,even if my typing skills remain the same. I got the rental care returned. They let me return it here inREd Bluff without extra charge because I had to rent it in Redding. I have now rented two different sedans in the last two weeks, a Camry and an Impala and when the time comes to downsize from the Crossover I have, I may be looking at one of these. Nice rides.

          We are having a return this week to warm temps in the 80's. After the chilly winds and temperatures in Utah I will not be complaining.
          And I was surprised to see how much I loved coming home to my own house and yard. Usually, my Utah trips make me think about moving out there; not this time. My friend I stayed with has moved to a townhome and I realize I am not ready for that lifestyle. completely surrounded by other units, and no beautiful view of the mountains. And the stairs!!! Every level had abut 12-15 and her husband is recovering from knee replacement. Shades of things to come, so am staying put!

          I hope you all have a great day and that surgery is over for tex and he is on his way to better things!


          • jostoy
            jostoy commented
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            Paula, I posted a "funny" on Saturday just for you. I forgot that you had left for Utah.

        • #8
          Good morning everyone..

          Rise and shine...

          Rain..We are here..Not going anywhere...But we are getting some storm...
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          This gallery has 1 photos.


          • Aunt Maye
            Aunt Maye commented
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            so glad to see you here... the yarn is still in the closet.. ( shame on me)..
            stay in , stay warm and dry..

          • sassygirl01
            sassygirl01 commented
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            Maye,thank-you...Oh No.!!!..It is..
            We are..

        • #9
          I slept in again this morning but will admit that it was very late before I fell asleep last night. I don't seem to have any type of schedule...guess that is what daytime dozing does to you. Yesterday I spent the entire afternoon watching Hallmark movies and dressed only to run out for a sandwich. Today I have an over flowing laundry basket and I mean it is falling onto the floor high and yet not one other person in this family has noticed that they are tripping on towels as they come down the hall. Guess when the closet is empty someone will take notice. I know...another of my one man strikes that I always lose because I hate the mess.

          It is raining and has rained but I do not know how much. Gotten much colder too. Yesterday when I was out it was late afternoon and with the gloom and rain on the windshield and the trees getting bare it looked so much like winter. Winter is so ugly and loooooooong! Sweat pants day for sure! Need to go to the grocery but maybe I will and maybe I won;t. Have left over turkey in the freezer so will make a quick dressing and pour gravy on the meat and we will have a hot turkey dinner. Maybe I will pull enough meat out to make a pot of soup later this week. Kids are not fond of soup but there are times I am not fond of them so tough, I like soup!

          Made a Christmas order yesterday and I do think I have finished all but my kids and grands. I really do need to make a list so I am not out Christmas Eve looking for who I forgot wishing I had made a list in October!

          Guess I should get moving and start the day. Should change my bed but wonder if I should put on the heavier sheets or wait a few more weeks. This weather has been odd with Fall having a hard time settling in. Probably will just go straight into a winter mode. Do not know what my day will bring..hope it brings good things to all of you.


          • Paula A
            Paula A commented
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            Some in my family are so easy to buy for, that I can easily end up buying way too much for that one and only one gift for another!!

        • #10
          Good Morning, looks gloomy out there. Candie told me yesterday that the next football game is 3 hours away, so don't know if we will all ride together or what. Gonna make for a very long day.

