Good morning to all.
Didn't see Nalani post for 2 days. Hope she is doing better with that hip. Nalani, if you are reading, you can see a lot of us do read in afternoon or the next day, so post away even if your time is much further back than ours.
Well I guess I've done enough rain dance again as more rain is to come the next 2 days. It had called for over an inch then said less than 1/2 inch. Last night the weather man said there was a probability for 1-2 inches. Now the reason for my watching this closely is that I need to spread some stuff on E's yard to help kill the worms and grubs so the moles will go somewhere else. I can't spread it for les than a GOOD 1/2 inch because of the kitties. It needs to get down into the ground or it is harmful for humans and animals.
Anyway, now my underground weather is calling for over an inch today and tomorrow. Don't know if she will let me spread it on Sunday. She is a believer in no work on Sunday. Me, I believe if some work is necessary, then do it.
Yesterday I did get all my grass seed thrown on the bare spots in the use-to-be garden area. What is coming up does look nice. I plant red fescue as it will grow in sun or shade, and in almost any kind of soil.
Now that you have had your lesson on spreading granules and planting grass seed, I'll bid you all a good day.
Question: When is a retiree's bedtime?
Answer: Three hours after he falls asleep on the couch.
Didn't see Nalani post for 2 days. Hope she is doing better with that hip. Nalani, if you are reading, you can see a lot of us do read in afternoon or the next day, so post away even if your time is much further back than ours.
Well I guess I've done enough rain dance again as more rain is to come the next 2 days. It had called for over an inch then said less than 1/2 inch. Last night the weather man said there was a probability for 1-2 inches. Now the reason for my watching this closely is that I need to spread some stuff on E's yard to help kill the worms and grubs so the moles will go somewhere else. I can't spread it for les than a GOOD 1/2 inch because of the kitties. It needs to get down into the ground or it is harmful for humans and animals.
Anyway, now my underground weather is calling for over an inch today and tomorrow. Don't know if she will let me spread it on Sunday. She is a believer in no work on Sunday. Me, I believe if some work is necessary, then do it.
Yesterday I did get all my grass seed thrown on the bare spots in the use-to-be garden area. What is coming up does look nice. I plant red fescue as it will grow in sun or shade, and in almost any kind of soil.
Now that you have had your lesson on spreading granules and planting grass seed, I'll bid you all a good day.
Question: When is a retiree's bedtime?
Answer: Three hours after he falls asleep on the couch.