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Saturday morning, let the weekend begin..

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  • Saturday morning, let the weekend begin..

    Don't have a clue what the day will bring for us, supposed to be a nice day, should probably stay home and clean the house but figure going to have all winter to do that...
    Seems this week has been nothing but run, run, run to Drs. and other things...just want to truly relax and not really do anything, you know just a lazy Saturday, do what we feel like week more of the same, three different Dr. appts...why is it the older you get the less time you have to enjoy yourself because your always going to appts...

    I know its early but I might just sit down and address Christmas cards, LOL (sorry Maye) seems every year I put it off then next thing you know I get so busy with candy/cookie making I do them last minute...well hubby is awake time to get some breakfast, have a great day one and all...

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God

  • #2
    Good morning Sharon, and everyone else.

    ​Today is Laundry and grass seed planting. Will throw more grass seed on my "use to be" garden. What I threw out earlier has come up, but I missed a few spots.

    Just for Paula:
    There was a feud between the Pastor and the Choir Director of The Hicksville Baptist Church. It seems the first hint of trouble came when the Pastor preached on dedicating yourselves to service.

    The Choir Director chose to sing:
    "I Shall Not Be Moved"

    Trying to believe it was a coincidence, the Pastor put the incident behind him. The next Sunday he preached on giving.
    The choir squirmed as the director led them in the hymn:
    "Jesus Paid It All"

    By this time, the Pastor was losing his temper. Sunday morning attendance swelled as the tension between the two built. A large crowd showed up the next week to hear his sermon on the sin of gossiping.

    Would you believe the Choir Director selected:
    "I Love To Tell The Story"

    There was no turning back.
    The following Sunday the Pastor told the congregation that unless something changed he was considering resigning. The entire church gasped when the Choir Director led them in:

    "Why Not Tonight."
    Truthfully, no one was surprised when the Pastor resigned a week later; explaining that Jesus had led him there and Jesus was leading him away.
    The Choir Director could not resist:

    "What A Friend We Have In Jesus."

    Everyone have a good day.
    Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


    • maxie
      maxie commented
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      How funny! I am still chuckling!

    • jostoy
      jostoy commented
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      I also got a good laugh with this one.

    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      Might be for Paula but I read and got a really good laugh on this one, will have to copy and save it then share with a few others...LOL
      Yes he is our friend and always looking out for us, thankfully...

  • #3
    Good morning I am headed out the door in a few minutes for the last bunk bed build with church....

    The craziest thing happened yesterday at the adult day care that I volunteer a couple of months ago we got a new gentleman...Yesterday I learned that he shared the same last name with a college friend...well long story short..she came to this area after college...and we lost touch...I talked to her right after I moved over. Anyways she has had to relocate her parents to this area..something I didn't know...well come to find out the new gentleman that shared a last name with her is her FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am hoping to hear from her this weekend...or be reunited on Tuesday..I am volunteering and staying extra late to be there when she gets her dad.

    I may be getting pizza with a friend for lunch or supper or it could end being me some pizza!


    • maxie
      maxie commented
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      It truly is a small world sometimes. Hope you get to see your friend...

  • #4
    Good morning.
    This morning I woke well before 5am, and was surprised that I fell back asleep for another hour and a half.

    Today and tomorrow the Orionid meteorite shower peaks. Don’t be surprised to see a “shooting star” in the daytime, as well as at night. Just for fun, make a wish on any you might see. 💫✨⭐️

    Today is supposed to be only 83° outside here. The night will drop to the 50’s. (But tomorrow we’ll get back to the low 90’s again.).

    No plans today. E is trying to fix the garbage disposal. The You-Tube “experts” had part of the repair process backwards from the manufacture’s instructions. I think we’ll have to get a new one in the end. But we’d have to get someone else to install it I think, considering his bad arm.

    Sharon, I hear you on this doctor visit thing. I was so glad to have this month free of them all.
    Jostoy, that is so funny! Thanks for the laugh!
    Beth, how nice that you’ve discovered your friend! Enjoy your pizza today.

    I’m going to have breakfast and get back to my book.
    Have a great day, everyone!
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • maxie
      maxie commented
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      Oh Jo, I bet this frustrates E to not be able to do what he did before. I think most of these appliances are made to be disposable anyway. They must be with the prices repairmen charge!

    • jostoy
      jostoy commented
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      JoG, I was hoping others would get a laugh out of this besides Paula. I think she said she was song leader for her Church.

  • #5
    Slept in again this morning. I am beginning to worry that I am turning into that old lady that falls asleep every time she sits then hauls her bones to bed after napping all day! But I guess being able to sleep in a blessing. Looks gloomy out but not wet. I have not heard any weather forecasted..yes I am that person that turns on the news just to catch the weather and naps through it! I remember my dad doing that and how mad we kids were that we had to watch the evening news so he could sleep...thank goodness we all have our own tvs now!!

    No Andrew this weekend. His family has a huge hayride every fall and he said I could come but he did not think I could get into the wagon and he would be to busy helping grandpa drive the tractor to get me up and down and besides how could I potty along the road. Well, folks, I have been on enough hayrides to know that going potty along the road is not how I want to spend my Saturday night so hope he and his family have a ball...I may even go in and clean the royal throne just so it sparkles when I feel the need.

    Jon is working doubles all weekend and is pretty pissy about it. I see it as Christmas money but he sees it as work. Funny how different our visions are. Sierra is working today and with her bf gone for the weekend I thought she might be home to watch hockey with me. Silly me! So I will have a quiet night and day home alone and that is actually ok. i have a ton of stuff that I have been waiting to be hauled downstairs so guess I will do that today. I have been saving some of the smaller boxes that orders have come in for wrapping later and they need to be gotten off the kitchen chair. There is a flat of spaghetti sauce still sitting by the steps and the paint from the porch is sitting by the front door because it is still in use. I just have an itch to start cleaning and this stuff laying around that no one else sees...come on, who stumbles over a flat of sauce and never bends over to take it down to the pantry? One trip and it is gone for all the people in this house but I will take it down two cans at a time. Oh my achin' knees!

    Talked with Scott and he has his Christmas time all scheduled. Since he did not take vacation and with the plant shutdowns around the holidays he should be off the majority of November and December. Kids are hoping he will come down and bake cookies with them. They had a blast when Uncle Scott came down to bake with them. The youngest in that group is 11 but believe me when I say the humor level goes all the way down to kindergarten when Uncle Scott is around.

    Well, again I have written a book and told you nothing but a bunch of garbage. Going to be a quiet weekend around here and I may just make it a jammies day. Enjoy the weekend all!!!


    • jostoy
      jostoy commented
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      Maxie, I enjoy reading your "garbage" as you call it. You do have a lot of wit, and a way of telling your "stories". I think I'd be like Jon and see the work part. But one day he will hopefully get to retire, and see the same "vision" as you have. Only he will be looking at Andrew's and Sierra's working.

  • #6
    Good morning. Football game last night, our boys are division champs and are going to state. Grandson walking on air.

    Nothing happening here. Have a great day everyone.


    • #7
      Congratulations! That is a big deal in any size town or school. I know you will be enjoying as the season continues!! It is so exciting.....


      • determined
        determined commented
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        When football is over we move into basketball. I think he plays every sport the school offers. He is only a sophomore but he is hoping grades and sports will get him a scholarship to a good college

    • #8
      darn . had a post ready to send.. hit a wrong key and it all disappeared ... grrrrrrr.

      warm lovely "summer" day... as I moved the deck furniture into winter positions.. it is now ready for the winds,rains and snow.. yck

      Jostoy . loved your story!!... I can see it happening..for real.
      Maxie,, hayride,, no thanks , been there , done that.. was fun even then..keep writing your book. love to reading it.
      Sharon, I know the C. word is not uttered in this house. this early... but you made me think ..there might be enough cards in the C. closet to work for my short list.. ummmmmmm address the envelopes now?..

      well, got a good book going .. and a couple of not so good on the kindle. so will spend evening reading,,, as usual

      last evening the new great grd dau. and parents were at Karens.. and got introduced and held by the cousins.. spent a lovely hour or so admiring our 12 day old sweetheart Elsie ..their is such a magnet about a newborn..

      see you later.. Hope Donna is enjoying her day with friend Maureen.. and the apples!..

      Hi Bethina, ,JoG.,Darla. and any of you who are peeking in and reading.. Hi Nalani!!!!

