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Friday the 13th

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  • Friday the 13th

    Good morning..I didn't want to get out of bed....yesterday was a long cold day...started my day with coffee with mom and daddy...then work...then lunch with everyone but my bro law. Then mom and daddy headed home and I took a nap...wrapped up my day with dinner out with friends...followed by trying to stay awake to watch the cubbies win....They did win meaning Washington Nationals are eliminated.

    Today is work...then a visit to Saint Elizabeth Adult Day care (my happy place) followed by late lunch early supper at a very nice chinese buffet with a different group of friends...

    Tomorrow Cori and I don't have to get up and I don't even have to get dressed if I don't want too! I am looking forward to it

  • #2
    Good SUNNY Morning! I needed this sunshine for sure. Yesterday was wet & cloudy.

    Yesterday was another busy one. Will life ever slow down? When I'm 6' under I guess. LOL!

    Started the morning with going to Bible study. Then I headed to Giant Eagle to pick up their sale items & the bread I need for tomorrow. Decided to eat lunch there in their deli/hot foods section. They have tables & chairs there. Then it was home to get busy. I did fit in a power nap before it was time to get Blaise off the bus. After he was in bed, I mixed up some cookie doughs and did up the laundry.

    Tomorrow is a Women's Conference at our church, and I'm in charge of the lunch. We are having a salad bar and a big dessert table. I'm preparing for 100 people even though only 55 are signed up now. Today I'll be prepping as much as I can here at home, then tonight we are gathering at 6pm for a run through, and then they'll decorate & help me finish up prepping food. I'll have everything in their dish & covered for tomorrow. We are going to put the fruit salad in cups & ready to be set out too. I had planned to make homemade bread & croutons, but that didn't happen.

    Aunt J may come over this morning and scoop grease, and chat with me. I have no car today since Corky's car is in the shop for a tune up.

    Have a good one all!


    • #3
      Good Morning from chilly Ohio, but it is October after all.. Hope Friday the 13th doesn't scare people away..

      Getting around this morning for our journey to my sis in southern Ohio then tomorrow onto KY Natural Bridge State Park for an Amburgey family reunion...(my Mom's family) only three out of 13 are left) I made deviled eggs, coney island hot dog chili sauce, and pineapple upside down to get my shower and get a cooler ready and car packed..pretty small suitcase..

      As for how it went last weekend, she wanted everyone there to help them clean out the house, but anything of any importance etc. to anyone was gone already, the house has been gone through already and one section under lock and key, LOL...they are treating it as their own already and brother in law even had Grandpa's truck parked in their driveway...really all they wanted was help cleaning out the cabinets and basement...I did bring home a few things she wanted me to have, meat grinder, bread machine, sausage maker, pasta maker, all things she said she would never sweet. Hubby ask for a pocket knife that we had bought Grandpa 20 yrs. ago that was an expensive one that Grandpa always kept sharp and in his pocket, funny thing is bro in law had already claimed it and had to go to his house to bring it to hubby, LOL...will has not been read for the life insurance policy sis in law wanted to use for funeral cost found out there was a total of 4 people on it and each person would need a death certificate and fill out a bunch of paperwork and take it back to funeral home, I said that is ridiculous to expect each of us to do that surely Grandpa has enough money in his account to pay for his own funeral, so she had to use 'Grandpas/her money' to pay it...wasn't what she wanted to do... Less hassle for darn sure...Let's just say it is tense, I for one am out of it, let hubby deal with said sister, he thinks his sister walks on water and can do no wrong, that I am mistaken about her, I know a snake when I see one, LOL...

      Okay that is my story, now onto happier times ahead...

      Ny promise to myself, this winter I am starting to go through all drawers, cabinets and closets to clean out clutter...never want my children to have to do it for me...

      Have a great day and weekend, see you when I return on Minnie Pearl would say, "I'm so happy to be here".

      Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


      • determined
        determined commented
        Editing a comment
        Boffler been there done that with family members grabbing everything. When my Grandpa died the one Aunt (executor) locked the door and wasn't going to even let my mom in to get her medication, she had been staying and taking care of grandpa.

        My sister packed out what she wanted and when others asked for something her answer was "we'll see).

    • #4
      Good Morning. Oh dear. Had not thought about it being FRIDAY the 13th!!!

      Hi beth! Hi Sharon - safe travels! Hi Donna!

      Not cold here. Back to hot again.

      Nothing happening or going on.

      Haircut for John today will get us out of the house, but nothing else planned.


      • #5
        Good Morning, just popping in before having to get a shower and go to Dr. Regular one ear, nose and throat one isn't until end of November. Football game tonight. Today is Ellen and Larry's anniversary, doesn't seem like 2 years.


        • #6
          I had not thought about it being Friday the 13th either...dates are just another of those things I am never sure of. I am pretty good at remembering what day it is but dates...not so much! I do know that today is eat out day for this family!!!! Andrew has early dismissal so we can start out earlier and that means home in my jams earlier. Blues lost their first game of the season last night and I knew when they lost it would be with an off sided score. Oh well, I love watching the game and tomorrow is another night.

          Sierra had her last class cancelled yesterday so came home for homework. Math and then she had to take over spelling from Dad. He was losing it but after she took over it ran smoothly. I can hear all this from the stress free safety of my bedroom. We will not touch homework tonight...Friday is our homework free day and Sunday is his mom's turn to suffer! Although when Sierra was little I made her do homework on Friday after school same as any other night and then the weekend was free. When her dad was little it was the same rule. Who wants homework hanging over your head all weekend? As for Miss Sierra she finally talked to the head of her department and got her class schedule fixed. It will throw her back a semester and the error was not hers but classes need to be done in order and it is what it is. She is young and does not have to be in any hurry to join the big girl world.

          Sun is suppose to come out today and warm up with hot tomorrow and more rain and cool Sunday. As long as we get the lattice going tomorrow I will be happy. I know we will still be at this in November! Lesson someone to finish the job and have it over...worth the money to have a completed project.

          Do not know what I did yesterday but nothing got done but supper. Today I still have to iron and then start laundry. Vac needs run and should change my bed. Hoping to get grocery shipping done this weekend and I know Jon wants to go to the mall...don;t ask why but will be smiling as we drive along the highway thinking of where I will have lunch out. Sierra says she might take time from her busy weekend if the Olive Garden is in our Sunday plan...all the girl thinks about is her wanker boyfriend and food. I think I just ground my teeth!

          Beth enjoy your Cori and the Cubs moving on. Sharon have a great visit and your sil sounds like a pip! There is always one in every family. Cookie enjoy your carless day. I just cannot imagine all you volunteer for and then run a home business. Enjoy this day and hope it is sunny and bright and warm for each of you!!


          • #7
            Good morning, everyone.
            I was up during the night again. But I did go back to bed after an hour or so, and did fall asleep again. Usually I don’t.

            Have a good Friday the 13th today. Need to get an anniversary text to my cousin today. He’s in the hospital for his heart, expecting to be released today. They’re waiting for a heart donor now.

            Not a whole lot going on here today. E’s friend is going to drop by this morning. Says he has shopping to do here.

            We’ve run our errands the other day. I need to do some pickin’ up and maybe mop here.

            Looks like you’ve all got your day started. I should start mine.
            Have a good one!

            [Hi Nalani!]
            Last edited by JoGee; 10-13-2017, 01:44 PM.
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

