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Thursday Oct 5

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  • Thursday Oct 5

    Good RAINY Morning! We needed this rain.

    Yesterday was good. Very productive. You know I LOVE productivity. Got all the cookie dough baked off and most decorated. Had a nice chat with Aunt Janet and my Mom. Becca came for dinner....pork chops & apple sauce!

    Funny story....heard a car door & decided to check because I wasn't expecting anyone. Looked out & saw a black SUV pulling out onto the road.....MY CAR!!!!! HEY!!!! Then looked to the right & there was my Escape sitting by the side door. DUH!

    This morning I decided to make Salted Caramel Brownie Cups for a customer I'm delivering German Choc Cookies to later this afternoon. She mentioned that she should have ordered them too......I ask how many....she said don't worry about it....maybe 2 I've made them.

    Bible study this morning, then home to bake & do some laundry. I have orders for pies for tomorrow, so need to get the fillings made. Blaise has his first cub scout den meeting this evening.

    Have a good one all!
    Last edited by cookielady; 10-05-2017, 07:19 AM.

  • #2
    good morning..

    had a good day yesterday too.. visit to Donna, she gave me platter of cookies, got a couple of different apples to mix with mine, so apple pie on the to-do list today.
    visit to Karen,, she had made a great potato/meat stew, gave me enough for our lunch today. plus some of the Pumpkin Dip she was making, ( to eat with graham cracker ,ginger snaps etc)...must make more of these kind of trips. ..

    got all the throw rugs washed, dried on line.. now all the rugs, afghans, throws. bedding is clean and sunshine dried..yea!

    I will clean inside of cabinets, cupboards during the ycky fall days..

    my nose is so itchy where the dermatologist froze it.. but no blister so far..still look a bit like rudolph with the redspot the end of my nose..

    Bethina, should be having a great time,
    Boff . hope you are feeling better , at least a little bit, this morning .
    Maxie, lots to do today?, what are you cooking ?
    Elaine, hugs to you and John.
    JoG.. got a long to-d0 list today?,
    Sassygirl .. how the pillow making coming along?... remember, keep nagging me.

    and to any I miss..Hi . I love you too.. see you later.. pie making time..


    • #3
      Good morning!
      Hi, Everyone. 🙋🏼
      Just got my tea made. A load of laundry started. Then anything else I see that needs doing.
      I plan to shower this morning, then this morning we'll be going out to get our flu shot today.
      Will have to pack for 2 nights in SV. E doesn't care to drive after dark, either.

      [HAS ANYONE BEEN ABLE TO GET WORD OF OR FROM NALANI? Her old email addy doesn't work, and she never actually gave an address.]

      Anyway, while the temps here are in the upper 90's, SV will have temps in the lower 90's....the difference will be nice.
      It won't seem like a big heat wave this year, I think. E has friends there he's planning to visit with. One will greet us with supper on Friday night, one will meet us for lunch on Saturday, and another for lunch on Sunday. I know SV has built up a lot since we last were there. I won't know where a lot of the places are. Some of our favorite places are now gone.

      The laundry awaits.....
      Have a great day, everyone.
      Hugs to all.
      Hope you are feeling better today boffler.
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • #4
        Good Morning so far, No temp during the night and I slept great so that is a plus, did a lot of sleeping yesterday also...and as for the chicken noodle soup I have plenty in the freezer in individual servings and it did taste great, when I make it I also make enough to freeze because I get this aspirated pneumonia often...I actually felt it coming on Sunday, went to watch our son race and ended up with a temp and went to the car, reclined the seat and slept...but Monday I felt fine so we took the boat out for the last time, I might have gotten to much fresh I was sick again...feeling okay this morning and hoping to get the fridge cleaned out...I cancelled my infusion today they will not give it if you are or have been sick...

        Hubby sliced and diced all the green peppers from the garden, end of season and they went rampant, got enough that he did some for our son also..I had him make me some cup ones also for stuffed peppers...

        Have to make my calendar for next year, appts. that need to be put on the calendar already for next year.

        Time to get my shower and get busy before I lose all interest...

        Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


        • #5
          Good morning everyone..

          Rise and shine...BRRR.....

          Maye,I had some "Help"...I am making them wild.....Do i do

          Everyone enjoy this nice weather...


          • #6
            Good Morning.

            Wow! 8:30 and it looks like I'm finished for the day.

            Washed sheets, made bacon and waffles, got lunch in the crackpot, and steamed the floor. Trash collected.

            Well, maybe I'll go back to bed.

            Have a good day, Everyone.


            • #7
              Good Morning Rounders, wet and nasty here today, storms through the night. Porch and steps are wet so I'm not allowed to go out there, which means if Molly gets tangled, I have to have DJ come up to get her. The porch and steps are ceramic tile so the moisture makes them slick as snot.

              Sonogram of thyroid yesterday, I can say I have not met any crabby or grumpy people at that hospital, of course the tech couldn't tell me if she found any thing.

              Boff, when I came out of the hospital they told me I have to watch for the aspirated pneumonia, the girls got a big thing of thickened and made me use it for awhile. They both panic when I start choking when I'm drinking something.

              Well off to figure out what I want for breakfast. Everyone have a great day.


              • #8
                Good Thursday to you all (also known as Friday Eve around here). It is 69* in the house...but I had to have a few windows open because of the paint smell coming in...Some windows are taped off, like the bathrooms. the guy wanted to leave my slider taped closed! I said, the dogs go out that door and so do I in the early morning so he folded it back over until they come back sometime today. Two of the daycare parents talked to them as they were picking up kids about work, so that made the guys really happy! And ready to accommodate my needs for a working door.

                I took my mom and Becky out to dinner last night. She told me that someone had fixed a bed out under here back oleander bushes! They even had moved some of her old throw rugs she had on the picnic table to sleep on. Ugh! So we are calling the electrician first thing this morning and having him install some motion sensor lights that stay on like mine do (15 minutes) and a light that comes on automatically at dusk. She doesn't want her yard guys to cut much down in the back but I think we are going to tell her it just has to be cleaned up...meaning trimmed and not so many hidden places. My brother is coming next week, I think, and he is the one who can really convince her..or just do it and go home and not have to be here to get any fallout.
                Drugs are rampant and as much as I love serving at the homeless shelter, I don't want my mother's property to become someone's camp!

                I didn't get back here yesterday to read all the later posts, but read them this morning.
                Sharon, I hope you are better.
                Maxie, if you get stuck with math, is there someone you can call? I wouldn't be able to help, either.
                Maye, your cleaning and chores is what gets me going!
                Jo, enjoy your trips away. the art walk sounds wonderful! I can't wait to hear about all you see and eat!

                Hope you all have a good day. Take time for yourself and remember the group that always has your back!


                • maxie
                  maxie commented
                  Editing a comment
                  I think that is scary to have someone living in your bushes. Homeless people can be dangerous...however, if one settled in here they would have to earn their keep and paint! About the math..If I am totally stumped and Sierra is not around Andrew's other sisters bf works with him but they are young and not always home. Yesterday he did exponents...what the heck?..what we used to call to the 3rd or 4th etc., power. Jon came in and ask what an exponent was and I told him to the whatever power and he ask so why not just say that? Because.

              • #9
                And I have not started my day yet Elaine! Just got up and have had a cup of coffee. It is gloomy inside and out. Rained and raining now...whooray!!,,but now cannot paint...boohoo! Jon slept all day yesterday and after taking Andrew home, went out to throw darts. I know what a dumb sport! I am guessing his ankle is better but cannot judge by personal observation because I have not seen it in 24 hours. I do know that I have had a buster of a headache and missed the Blues first goal because I had taken some pills and dozed off. BUT once my little power nap was over I was ready to watch the entire game and was not disappointed. Blues won in OT! I just loved it.

                Today is back to laundry. Maye is making feel like a dirty bird with all her cleaning. I need to do that and wash windows and am beginning to look around a go ewww but I need that painting done first. Andrew broke his shade and that needs replaced and that is something I will do when I go room to room but the motivation is not there. I need a lightning blast of energy!! But will take a little poke.

                Yesterday we had taco salad and today I bought beef tips and will make mashed potatoes. Tomorrow is eat out night! I do love eat out night! Last nights homework is what sent me to bed with a headache. Andrew was at his worst in contrariness. 2 hours of horror and for no reason. I was able to figure out 2 sections of math but not the other 2 and I know that makes him think I am to dumb to help him and he may be right but I am all there is some nights. If he would cough up what he already knows to help we could go faster but he sits like a lump. Then spelling. Finally his father intervened with an in your face. If he would just cooperate his life would be so much easier. And my head would ache a lot less after homework. He had the nerve to ask me if I was spelling a word right...well, duh, it is right on the paper in front of me and by then I just wanted to shake him and scream....and maybe I did and that is where the headache rose from? Was I spelling it right, omg...

                Got nothing more to say...nothing to look forward to but another night of homework and supper mainly from a frozen box. Heaps of dirty laundry and a house begging to have its corners cleaned. Need to make an order for something Andrew marked off for his city and I will do it just because I feel bad over last nights homework.

                Maye last time i saw the derma he froze off a piece on top of my nose. Naturally it was the first scab I rubbed off and had raw skin under. Ended up wearing a bandaid to protect it from my own predatory fingers! Take care of that delicate nose. Sharon glad you are feeling better and Jo have a wonderful trip. Thanks for finally sharing some of that rain Elaine...not drought breaking but much better than the nothing we have had! Enjoy your days all...


                • #10
                  Hey, Paula.... if you see a homeless person with flu-like symptoms, he may be the camper. The Oleander plant is poisonous! There was a "fence" of them dividing the neighbor's property from our in Phx. They got quite overgrown, and I trimmed back our side. I wore jeans, a thick long sleeved shirt over my tee, heavy gloves, large sun glasses, and a wide hat. I should have covered my face, too, somehow, even just a breathing mask. Some of the higher branches I cut actually "spit" a liquid at me, and got my exposed face. I was sick for a couple of days, very flu-like.
                  So if your mom's bushes are overgrown, and someone sleeping there would likely rub against the plant, may be feeling sick today.

                  Oleanders will also kill pets that like to chew on leaves.
                  When our earlier neighbors here wanted to make an oleander "fence" to divide properties, I declined, and told them why.
                  What it my then-young grandkids started playing around them, or picked bouquets? No thanks. The bushes can be fatal to them.
                  Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                  • #11
                    You will want to get a look at the big harvest moon tonight! 🌕
                    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                    • maxie
                      maxie commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Too many clouds around here for us to see anything tonight. I do love to see that big old moon in the sky. I understand the moon in Montana and Wyoming is beautiful...I no desire to travel but that would be worth looking at...and they claim thunderstorms are something to see. I dunno where that all came from...a secret wish to get the heck outta here before time for homework maybe?