Good Morning! I'm not chancing putting the wrong date again. LOL! It feels like mid-summer around here.
Yesterday was busy, but it wasn't with baking. They had plenty of leftovers from Sunday plus the 6 I took down yesterday, so we held off with pies for today. I then had a chance to catch up on all my laundry, strip the bed, & clean. It's not perfectly clean, but better than it was. I defrosted the freeze that was only done 2 months ago. Frustrating when the door is ajar. Soccer practice in the evening.
This morning Sue is coming and we are going to roll out the 20 batches of dough I mixed up. Hopefully that'll get me through the weekend, and have extra to use. My SIL & I are going up to have lunch with Becca. I think we have a quiet evening.
Have a good one all!
Yesterday was busy, but it wasn't with baking. They had plenty of leftovers from Sunday plus the 6 I took down yesterday, so we held off with pies for today. I then had a chance to catch up on all my laundry, strip the bed, & clean. It's not perfectly clean, but better than it was. I defrosted the freeze that was only done 2 months ago. Frustrating when the door is ajar. Soccer practice in the evening.
This morning Sue is coming and we are going to roll out the 20 batches of dough I mixed up. Hopefully that'll get me through the weekend, and have extra to use. My SIL & I are going up to have lunch with Becca. I think we have a quiet evening.
Have a good one all!