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Saturday Sept 22nd

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  • Saturday Sept 22nd

    Good SUNNY Morning! Just getting this started & will be back.

    The last couple of days have been rather busy. Next Saturday will be my last big baking for the stand. I need a break for at least a few days.

    I've been baking for over 20 yrs, and was always frustrated that I never seemed to "break thru" and have people to appreciate & get my goodies. Well this year was GREAT! The other day I had 3 people call me personally. This is good.

    Last night Blaise had a soccer game, so we took a break & went to that. I swear they put all the slow kids on one team. LOL! They had fun though. We came home & watched Kung Fo Panda 3. Then back to work.

    This morning is baking pies & preparing a coconut banana cream pie for a new customer. It looks so pretty with the meringue. After delivering pies, we plan to hit up a few garage sales. Who knows what the rest of the day will bring. Cork is going to at least start prepping the pool for shut down. The filter hasn't been running for about 3 weeks now.

    Have a good one all!

    Paula...did those parents show up & get their child before going for the paper signing?
    Last edited by cookielady; 09-23-2017, 07:14 AM.

  • #2
    Good morning...I must get is my granny's 87th birthday...we are having a fish fry family reunion for her.

    I am excited and nervous about seeing family
    One of my mom's cousins is a bit more than I can deal of course he is coming.

    Over all it should be great fun.


    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
      Editing a comment
      Tell your granny Happy Birthday from CA from me! Enjoy the fish fry and dodge the cousin!

  • #3
    Good Morning.

    Sad story. My computer I have lived with and loved for 5 years died. Took it to a specialist yesterday, but not sure anything can be done. Boo Hoo!

    Just made 7-Up biscuits for breakfast. John would eat them everyday. For us 1/2 batch lasts him 4 days. So easy.

    Well, gotta get my head around what needs doing.

    Hope you all have a lovely Saturday.


    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
      Editing a comment
      Oh, thanks for reminding me about the 7-Up biscuits! I am taking a chicken leg dinner to a family and I think I will make them to go with it...

  • #4
    Good morning.

    Donna, you threw me a curve when you said the "22nd". I know yesterday I looked before I posted my "22nd". But then I read your "Saturday".

    ​Any way have some seduem to take to E. this morning. I went out yesterday evening and dug up some for her, then put weed killer on the rest at the back patio. Want to do something different at the back fence. That may be my new "garden spot" next year. Still have to watch how the sun shines back their, after getting the big limb cut from hanging over my big shed.

    ​It should at least help with the neighbor's leaves falling into my yard. I'm going to have some "killed" cats if they don't quit crapping in my yard. Nothing stinks any worse than to be mowing and run over that, then have to smell that crap while mowing the yard. They have 4 big piles in my newly planted grass in the ex-garden. That will get picked up and thrown into their yard.

    Enough of the cat crap talk. Hope all have a good day.

    I believe . . .
    that you should always leave loved ones
    with loving words. It may be the last
    time you see them.

    Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


    • #5
      Another hot day here...sun is shining and we set a record for heat yesterday and suppose to again today. That means I will be out painting the porch because I have no other choice. Jon is working this weekend and Andrew is gone so I have no excuse. And I will go out and get started...soon...maybe after I have another cup of coffee?

      Went coat hunting for Drew and no luck. We did not go in the direction I wanted since our crossing was closed again and that means travel out of our way just to back track back and that takes a lot of time we did not have. Had to meet Andrew's other sister so they could birthday shop for mom and I had time constraints since Sierra had to be home to work then had to be back here for Andrew to be dropped off. I swear I am not leaving the house this entire weekend...unless it is to grab a bite. You know me and food!

      Our pool needs to be treated before closing and I don't know why it hasn't been done. I do not swim in it so have no intentions of doing any work on it but do know it is filling with leaves quickly. Glad you have someone who cares enough to work on your pool Cookie. No one around cares about anything but this damn project going on in the basement. Yesterday Andrew threw some kind of rubber splash brain and broke the shade in his room. Now that aggravates me because guess who will go out and buy a new shade and replace it? I just hate driving by a house with these broken shades in the windows. The good thing is he tore open his brain and it no longer splashes because the water is on his bedroom floor. Bright side to everything I am thinking.

      Nothing going on but me trying to find an excuse not to go out. Have a beautiful Saturday...stay cool. Cardinals won last night and one day closer to hockey season. 95* yesterday and same predicted for today. Summers last hurrah?


      • #6
        Had that mysterious Alert flag when I tried to post. Had to sign out then in again. When I see that flag, I copy my post so I don't have to retype it.....but what an inconvenience that is! :

        Good morning, everyone.
        Jostoy, you're right, today IS the 23rd. That had me momentarily confused, too.

        Not much going on here...nothing special.
        The sky is overcast this morning....might be a bit of rain there. Today should be getting to only 88°, and remain there a couple more days before going back up to the 90's again. That'll be nice.
        Yesterday being the Equinox, no doubt the fall weather will begin.

        Beth, Happy Birthday wishes to your granny.

        Elaine, my computer died some time ago. I make do with my iPads, though. E does have a laptop, but we don't have desktops any more. Frankly, I dislike having to keep the info current on my tablets and iPhone. E doesn't like all the info in the "cloud" feature. Oh well. The one thing is to remember to keep the things all charged.

        Cookie, you are a wonderful baker. And you really manage to keep up with a lot of orders! If we lived near you, we'd certainly be regular customers. I do have a sweet tooth, but my scale waves these "danger" flags at me, or I'd be a real blimp. 😂

        Have a great day everyone. I need my morning cuppa, and something for breakfast. I have to put pumpkin spiced Cheerios on my list!!! They're yummy!!!
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #7
          Good Saturday morning!
          Yes, the parent did pick her child up before going to the paper signing! And she did not have a bad attitude about it. I also put up the October calendar on the door (under the Sept) so parents can see Right now that I am closed 2 Fridays in October. Taking some Paula Time!

          Yesterday my lawn people came to trim up some bushes and my trumpet vine so the house can be painted! They even moved all my big planter pots out front and the bench and all the decorative pieces and put them nicely on the side driveway (used to be an RV parking drive). They organized the back side patio and said if I need a dump run he can do it...I guess the pile of kids' things I have been putting over there gave me away? I hate asking friends to go to the dump and guys I have called from ads say they start at 65.00 and add the dump fees. At that price I was going to get a dumpster for a weekend and do it myself.

          busy this morning with getting ready for the painters to come and do some work on the outside of the daycare. My former handyman (who got a fulltime job and doesn't do that anymore) had already told me I had some bad boards that need replacing so when these two guys said the same thing I was ok with it. They painted my cousin's house and her dad's and I have seen their work.

          I keep our pool going all year. If I had a cover for it I might not, but I will be going form once a week service to ever other week. Before I retire I may put in the cover so when we are not using it I can stop the service. It is a great selling point to the house and I want to keep it in good shape...just in case.

          I am taking a dinner to a young family that the pregnant mom just got put on bed rest. A month before she is due and having contractions...anyway, I found a great looking recipe for oven fried chicken legs and think I will make up enough for them and daycare. And those 7-Up biscuits Elaine mentioned.

          Maxie, I hope you are having fun painting the porch...I admire all you do. I need to get moving, but just love sitting around our Round Table and chatting!
          Have a good day.
          Elaine, I bet you will find a great new computer and fall in love all over again !
          Enjoy your day, Everyone!


          • #8
            hi will try again to communicate .. its either my computer. or?????? that keeps blocking me whenever it feels ornery.

            been enjoying the hot summer days.. washing all bedding and rugs , they dry so fast in the hot sunshine...

            David's blood pressure is having a hizzy -fit this week.. started out Monday at doctors being "high" 185 /87.. so Dr. ask for a twice a day reading at home, write it down, for a week.. well.. it has just kept climbing. one day was 199/89.. top one is climbing ?. bottom one , not so much.. he has no symptoms like headache or dizziness. . soooo... will try to keep him calmed down until Monday when Dr. is in again.. probably... ( says my dr. brain).. He just needs some change or added to pills.. always something with that man.. If I had a pool ,I'd throw him in ..

            lets hope this post.. nice to read all the news today.


            • #9
              Good Morning, ballgame last night was great, Keithan played, didn't get hit but did score a 70 yard touchdown. I think most of the adults were nervous but he didn't seem worried. The boy loves hos sports and puts everything he has into them.

              Everyone have a great day


              • #10

                Good Morning....have just read what all of you have been up to....good to be back around the table with all of you here...
                Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God

