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Back to reality 9/5/2017 Tuesday

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  • Back to reality 9/5/2017 Tuesday

    Good Morning, back to reality....time to get some laundry done, zuchinni shredded and in freezer, and the list goes on...spent the past two days at our sons in MI, driving back and forth of course, they got most of the electric wiring ran, electric box, etc. conduit put in all the things he wanted done in his new pole barn done with his Dad's help, us women stayed in the house and cooked...yesterday it was barbecued ribs, oven roasted potatoes and sweet corn...we made caramel monkey bread using grand biscuits and putting caramels inside the dough quarters, really, really good...

    Today I will be getting the laundry done and I have not caught up with that since before my family reunion, but you know what, we still have clothes to wear, towels and washcloths to use so no big deal, the world did not stop turning, LOL...also need to strip the bed and wash the sheets today...with this weather will be time to put on a heavier blanket...sure has not been much of a summer to say the least...I think swimming is done for the year but hubby says he won't close the pool until October because of chemicals he needs to put in at certain time...

    Ordered a few more quarter length sleeve tops as I don't really want longer sleeves because they bother me and I usually push them up anyways...will be going to Macinaw Island in a few weeks and need some warmer clothes...

    Well hoping everyone that was feeling ill, dizzy, or just out of sorts are doing much better today....hugs to all...from me to you...

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God

  • #2
    Good Morning! It's raining here, but nothing crazy. Yesterday was gorgeous.

    Yesterday I was busy cleaning & doing up all the laundry. I stripped the beds and hung the sheets out to dry. Love that smell! It was leftover night. Cleaning wipes me out. BLAH! Linda called from the stand about 7pm, and they decided they'd like more pies for today, so I got busy and baked them 6 pies. Just played Chainz all evening.

    I had planned to stay home all day, but I just remembered I have to go get Blaise some soccer supplies...shin guards, cleats, and a ball. Tonight starts practice. Will do that after dropping off pies. Need to make some peach pie filling. My day will fill in.

    Have a good one all!


    • #3
      Good morning. Up early to wait for the repairman who gave me a window of 8 hours. Hope he can make it in that time frame! Yesterdays 90s heat was broken with a storm last got green and lightning and thunder, heavy rain...then gone and cold moved in! Sierra was working a few miles north east of us and sent a picture of the sky going so dark that all the lights came on at the truck stop and it looked like night. She said the winds blew so hard and the roof in McD's leaked. I had to get up early this morning but she woke me earlier than I wanted with a bladder infection. She used to get them all the time so is pretty sure that is what it is so is now waiting for the clinic to open. If she called our primary doctor she would be sitting in pain for a week. AND they would probably charge her dad's insurance for the wait time! And for general info...budget or no budget this state has still not paid one doctor bill from over 2 years ago. Not one! Jon brought home a bid sheet and is thinking of transferring up north. It will be an hour and half drive and he may have to go back to afternoon shift so he is thinking about it. It is a lateral transfer but into a much better managed facility. State jobs are not all honey and big money regardless of what haters of state employees think. Won't change much here since I will still be here for Andrew after school but his decision. I stay out of those 40 year old wants job advice from his mama. Today would have been my 47 wedding anniversary. I was working in St. Louis and he was in school on the GI Bill, shortly home from Viet Nam. We were married on Labor Day weekend since he was on break and we never took that honeymoon. Tomorrow is his 70th birthday. When did I get so old?! Need to haul a laundry basket down and bring up some ironing. I smell syrup so dear son must have left some type of mess that I need to clean up before repairmen. I am so thankful we took extended warranty on the new appliances. You know how sometimes you get in a rut and money just flows out of your pocket, checkbook, bank, savings and that damn money tree in the back has lost all it's leaves? Well, if it is raining on my parade maybe someone else is getting some relief and it will be a short term drain. Besides, what more could break? Have a great one all. Maybe I got put on the top of the list with repairman man!!


      • boffler
        boffler commented
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        Will always be a day to remember so I still say Happy Anniversary to you...and 70? yes at times I think about my age and wonder how I got here also, LOL...Hope Sierra can get an appt. soon, UTI's no fun...

    • #4
      good morning. It is warm out, already 75 at 5:30 when I went out to the refrigerator. I didn't swim this morning. I just needed a little more time to wakeup and get going. Like a slower wake up and get going, not the jump in the pool and Wake up! Also, I left my suit on the line outside and didn't want the in and out which takes so much time...whining here.
      I hope the rain stays up by you guys, Donna. Today is the first day of school for my Maryland boys and hope to get some cute photos
      Spencer has a close the pool scheduled for the middle of this month. He asked me when I close ours, but I don't think that is a CA thing...our pool is uncovered and cleaned weekly, even though it is too cold to swim in after October, the latest I ever went swimming was Oct 10th and the earliest was late April. Kids have gone in earlier and later, but not for long.
      Today I will hav eto keep reminding myself it is Tuesday not Monday and get the garbage cans out tonight and filled up today.
      Yesterday a friend came over and looked at my gutter which was hanging in the back and just took it al the way off. The gutter guys around here must not be hurting for work at all because I left messages and no one has returned them! I am going to wait till spring and see how it goes.
      Happy anniversary, maxie. I think we still can celebrate our happiness and remember the day. Our 44th was last month and I just thought of a lot of the details I had not thought of for a long time.
      Hope you all have a good day and praying this next storm does not do the damage the last one did.
      Oh, my son in WA called and said there is a bad fire by Multnomah Falls and some of the schools in his area (not his yet) have already changed the start time due to falling ash.
      Please take care of yourselves!


      • #5
        Good morning, lovely people!
        Back to reality....really?, Sharon? Geez, that's not fun. Well, the calendar for us is clear this week, but next week we both have a medical appt. I haven't heard from my doctor all weekend, so if a reply doesn't come this morning, I'll leave a nasty (tempered, of course) note on the online records.
        Am doing much better today. E had me relaxing all weekend....whether it was so he'd be sure I was thoroughly well, or because he's having problems with his bad shoulder/arm and didn't want to feel guilty for not doing much. He did bring me a lovely bouquet of roses, cream with pink on the petal edges. He can barely raise his arm (unless he uses his other hand to lift it), despite following instructions for its care and the exercise she has him doing for it. He gets an X-ray done next week. He's worried about any required surgery, now that he knows how very dangerous it is for someone his age. I'd rather have him with a bum arm, than be a widow.
        I've got to finish going through my tops, as my usual ones haven't fit right since my last surgeries. With all the new lumps I have for "souvenirs" I feel like I look like Mrs Michelin Man! E says I don't, but that's how I feel. So different style is needed I guess.
        Yesterday the skies clouded up a lot, I thought we'd actually get a surprise rain. Well, it did not happen in our area. But the weather lady on TV said that the Catalina mountain range (which takes off where our mountain range is.....don't ask me where one ends and the other begins.....??????) got a whole lot of downpour....just that particular mountain range, period.
        Yesterday, I didn't have much of an appetite, so we had meatloaf patty sandwiches for 2 meals. With lunch it was served with pringles. With supper, with mac & cheese. E doesn't complain. There's only once or twice, at most, in our entire marriage that he didn't like something I cooked. He doesn't even mind having repeat-meals. But he did learn that anything I cook cannot be actually duplicated and come out exactly the same the next time. And he doesn't even mind leftovers, because he seldom gets it the same way (I add something different each time to make it seem fresher or a bit different).... he tells people that I work magic in the kitchen.
        Maxie, you give me hope for an early winter, even though we're in different sections of the country. Good luck with the repairman....may he show up early rather than later.
        So I guess I'm rambling on, and I guess I should close for now.
        Have a super-duper day! ☀️
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • boffler
          boffler commented
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          Today is a combination of leftovers for us also, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, taco's...

      • #6
        Good Morning.

        Well, this darn program would not let me in. Guess I am forgiven, as now it is working, and I didn't even have to log in?????

        No news from here. I took Labor Day off and did nothing except cook some ribs and made 7Up biscuits.

        Dental appt for me in a few, and then back with John to cancer center for his weekly checkup.

        maxie, how long have you been without your husband? He was so young, only 70 tomorrow. John is 89, but we've only been married since 81. His first marriage. He was 52. So glad he waited for me to show up.


        • maxie
          maxie commented
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          Elaine, he had of a massive heart attack at 49 and died in his sleep. We never knew he had any heart problems! Sierra was just a babe not crawling yet and she will be 21 in November. I track the years he has been gone by her age.

      • #7
        Good Morning. Yesterday was good. Candie works in the office of a meat packing plant so gets discount on meats, she had picked up a "pot butt" she said it is where the top sirloin comes from. She sliced it into steaks which DJ grilled along with those we had pasta salad, corn on the cob and baked potatoes. Lots of leftovers in the fridge.

        Kind of cool here this morning getting ready to turn the fan down.

        Have a great day everyone


        • #8
          Good morning checking in from work...anxiety is up but not nearly what it has been...the store is quiet and I am good with that....going to the doctor this afternoon for a check up..

