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Wed..Aug 2

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  • Wed..Aug 2

    Good morning everyone...

    Rise and shine...

    I finish up the chores and have supper in the crockpot..

    One my kitty want to play early this morning..
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  • #2
    Good morning Sassy...looks like we are alone again. Trip to dermatologist was normal. Froze off his usual number then got my nose. Shoot! I look horrible and will have to cover it with a bandaid...that should make sure no one notices! Especially since it is not square on my nose but a little to the side. But then again when I think about it my appearance has not been a whole lot of important for a while. Need to go back to Penney's to pick up those jeans for Andrew. No one knew how to get the right phone number in the computer so they will continue to call the old number where no one lives anymore. They are having a great sale on summer clothes and I picked him up a couple of shirts. Want to take him supply shopping but his mother is not giving me the list. I love to take the kids school supply is such a big deal to them! Plus if it helps out his mom then she gets a treat too. Yesterday I ran the vac when we got home and did a load of laundry so Sierra had work clothes. We did everything on her list so I will go back next week to complete my list. She has been in a good mood so I let her get away with the selfishness cuz it is not pretty when she is in a bad mood. Nothing more to say...things are very dull and boring and moving at a summers pace around here. Going to put a meatloaf in the oven later for supper. Looks like when the clocks were reset around here a different person did every clock so none of them are synced. The only time I get the correct time is when I find my phone or turn on the computer. We are such a mess!!


    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      can't they at least add another phone number???
      I called most of my business contacts to tell them I no longer have my landline and they changed it to my cell...
      Every single clock in my house tells its own time!
      I am always a bit surprised when I see what time the computer says it really is!

    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      Good morning Maxie...It looked like it..Everyone is sleeping in..

  • #3
    Sassygirl, you go tme beat on the chores! I have got more trash out because the truck hasn't come by, yet. I have heard it driving around but was ablt to gt some more things out this morning.
    I was up and out to the pool by 5:10 and it was already 80*!!! Air temperature, not the pool. Usually, we open the windows to let in the cooler early morning air, but not tis morning. I went in and out enough that the temperature by the outside door read 78 a few minutes ago, And of course, it has made my a/c click on already to maintain the inside temp...
    Ok, today is going to be good. I have done an attitude adjustment and have a few things to focus on when I start to slip into the negative areas.
    Last night Becky and I mixed two cookie doughs (I know Donna is probably thinking, Only 2?) and then this evening after daycare they will get cooked off. One muffin recipe will also get done. It is really a banana bread but we do it in muffin tins...then we freeze the muffins to eat when we want. this recipe is going up to the girls at our church camp. I got the cupcake container from the birthday party to send them up in. The great daycare mom already cleaned them up, too.
    Because of the high heat advisory the yard sale was postponed for next week. good for me because I can find a few more inside things and good for Becky because she signed up to help her friend organize it. Even our mountains are under heat advisory and with the fires and the smoke air quality is bad also, so they would not have got the crowds they need to have.
    I hope you all stay well and happy, recover from your travel and your chores and your kitties are all fed and happy!


    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      Paula A,That is right..When someone wake you up early...I took mine out early...

  • #4
    Good morning.
    Looks like we'll remain in the mid-90's for several days, with a continuing low chance of rain. That means our humidity will be high. Ick! And I see some triple digits ahead for next week. I kind of like the temps just where they are.

    Won't be doing much today...need to get ready for my eye appointment today.
    E wasn't in the mood for shopping so far this week, as he's still hurting some despite medications. Basically, the docs feel that bruised ribs are "no big thing, but you'll be hurting for another month or so". His best relief has been using a brace-wrap I'd gotten from a doctor, which he had saved and is now using. The Ace bandage wrap they gave him was pretty ineffective. I feel for him, but he's got to quit his silly antics, especially considering his weakened knees which object in their own way. Anyway, while we're out today, we'll get that shopping done.

    Ahhhhhh...6:30, and the sun just came over the mountain. Amazing how the bright sunlight raises ones spirits so automatically! ☀️

    Ah, well, not much worth writing about today.
    So I'm wishing you all a Zippity-Do-Da-Day! 🎶 😄
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • #5
      Maxie & both posted as I typed.
      Maxie, we've already given our grandkids their school supplies, if not an outfit or two for school (thanks to outlet stores). Most of our schools are already well in session. Our great-nieces start next week though. Another HS grandkids has switched to computer-schooling. She's a petite, soft-spoken pretty girl, who is getting badly picked on in school. A grandson also took the computer route, and is getting all-A grades for college, as he did for HS.

      Paula, when you freeze your muffins, do you wrap them individually, or in layers separated by parchment or wax paper?
      I've made mini loaves to wrap separately. Haven't done that in a while though.
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • #6
        Hello, hello, what a fast paced day it has been. First read the news, drank my coffee, got a shower, blew my hair dry, got dressed and out the door to the Drs. appt., after I left there stopped at grocery store, then stopped for a quick sandwich. Came home then hubby and I went to the country market, bought 39 ears of corn, came home got busy cleaning them and getting them ready to cook, cool, cut off of cob, pkg. and put in the freezer, we just finished...16 pint bags of corn cut off of cob, 2 gal. bags of corn on the cob, 2 gal, bags of nibbler corn, then the cleanup, put a load of towel in washer and sat down here to take a break before lighting the grill and starting supper...barbecue chicken breast and corn on the cob for supper...I am now officially tired....I am pretty much in charge of getting our family reunion organized and it is taking a lot of my time, but it will be so worth it...last year it was mass confusion, way to much food, lemonade, tea and other liquids all over the floor, so I volunteered to get it more organized... and it is going really well and people are very thankful....I got the nicest card from my Uncles family that passed away in April, they were so thankful for all I did for them, other family members that I gave a place to stay, etc. they said I was truly a blessing to this family, made me feel so good.

        Well time to get supper started, the faster I go the slower I get, LOL...

        Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


        • #7
          Good Evening

          slept in until 7 this morning,, and got up with a burst of energy.!... go stripped the bed ,washed everything thing down to the mattress. Hung it all out on the line to dry.. so hot . they dry quickly .. oh . everything smells so good!... then headed to the display I have of cup/saucer , pretty ones my Mother collected ... and gave them a cleaning and shining..... then made David a decent dinner ( lunch)... clean up the kitchen and headed for a chair... after a little rest . set down at computer and started sorting . deleting .making copies and then deleting..

          we took the #1 car to the garage, inspection and some brake/rotor repair needed... won't get it back until Friday.. IF we only had one car , the garage would have done it right away..... but being lone time customers. and the owner knows we have a car #2.. he called and ask if Friday would be ok....
          ..... he has helped us out in some emergency situation ,and someone else must need something done right away... glad to help him out.

          Hi ms Sassygirl... what was you cooking?>

          Hi Paula. only 2 kinds of Cookies?>.you don't need a Grease Ball Lady.. ... I'm lucky to make one kind . and have decided I like those choc. No-bake ones the best.these days.

          Sharon,, I hope to get some corn into the freezer this month too.. maybe Not that much .but I won't any corn except what is frozen from summer crop..

          Hi JoG.

          Maxie. I love Summers dull slow pace.. and I get to set on the deck with coffee to do just that!... and very glad I got the bedding washed, dried. because we had a noisy hard rain about 5pm.!..

          so hope to see you in the morning... so glad to be back!

          Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


          • sassygirl01
            sassygirl01 commented
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            Maye,Can you smell it.....mushroom gravy....with bread...