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Good Thursday Morning! July 20th

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  • Good Thursday Morning! July 20th

    Good Morning! The sun is shining and we are actually having a normal summer week.

    Yesterday was good. After dropping off Blaise, I went straight to the doctor's office in town and delivered their pies so I got that chore ticked off my list. Then it was home to work with Sue. We got a bunch of pie dough mixed up. While it was chilin', we rolled & filled the lady locks dough I had made in the refrig. When they were done baking, we started rolling pie dough. Got about half of it rolled. Then it was time to go get Blaise.

    I spent part of the afternoon icing Wizard of Oz sugar cookies that are to be picked up tomorrow. Only 6 doz, so that wasn't bad. Then we headed down to the pool. The water was PERFECT for me....88 degrees. After dinner I went back down by myself. I asked Blaise, but he declined. I went down with a new book, got my recliner floaty, and read my book. It was a great end to the day. I'm lovin' our pool this year. It's been very low maintenance this year.
    Today is catch up day. I have no baking orders to fill, so I'm going to come home and do laundry and clean. Two of my favorite things to do....NOT! Swimming is on the agenda for this afternoon.

    Oh...last night at bedtime, I suddenly started having muscle spasms behind my knees. Cork got up and rubbed them for me until it released. Not fun. That was a first for me.

    Have a good one all!
    Last edited by ladyebug; 07-20-2017, 08:05 AM.

  • #2
    Good morning...your title threw me off this morning Cookie....Its Thursday not Friday. I wish it was Friday.

    Work yesterday was good...My neighbor who works for the Center for brain injury was there with one of her clients yesterday. She had told her boss about me. Her boss told her to ask me to come speak to one of their groups of individuals that are looking for jobs. I am very excited and feel very proud of myself that I have come far enough that I am now being asked to speak in front of others!!!

    My lady that helps me was here for a little while....She left early said she wasn't feeling good....She thinks the heat made her sick...I hope she is ok today..I will text or try to call later to check on her. I think she is coming for a couple hours this afternoon.

    I am supposed to have an activity tonight with my group. We are supposed to be going to a baseball game...I am hoping they decide its too hot and we need to do something different. If not I will go to the game and try to stay cool.

    Everyone try to stay cool and drink lots of water.


    • #3
      Good morning everyone...
      Me too...I wish too..Where did that day go..LOL...
      I did morning chores...Vacuum......Vacuum the coach..There was so many crumbs..
      I got supper int the crockpot...
      And everyone stay cool..
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      • #4
        Yep Donna threw me off also except I know I have a hair appt. today and have been waiting anxiously for it...

        Looks like we might get some rain today, we can always use it...not much time need to get ready, will check back later...

        Good day everyone

        Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


        • #5
          Good Morning.

          Well, I have been AWOL again. Cancer center Monday. Transfusion Tuesday, and yesterday I had a tooth extracted out of town. Whew

          So today we are back on track. Doing a massive clean out (I hope) Odds and ends, junky stuff stashed in drawers type stuff.

          REALLY hot down here. Can't stay outdoors much.

          Two nice things: Deb called me on Tuesday after reading about Mickie. SOOOOO nice to get to visit with her again after all this time.

          And cousin sent us a gift basket from Harry and David. Supposed to be cold, but nothing cold. Chocolate melted, and basket of pears hard as rocks. I can't eat anyway, so it doesn't matter, but just so thoughtful.

          Better get busy.

          Hugs to All ~ ~ ~


          • #6
            Good morning.
            Yes, Donna threw me off as well. I just got out of bed and am not in thinking mode yet.
            Yesterday's flight was uneventful. That's a good thing. The pilot had to take off into a storm that was building up. Had a minute or so of "bouncy" flight, but after that it was okay. I developed some lower back pain from the seat, so I squirmed a lot and called it my exercise. E was uncomfortable, but he had a bit of a fall at home yesterday, so will be sore for a couple of days. I'm used to having a GPS in the car, but the rental didn't have one. I don't navigate well, and E had maps out......I accidentally found a better map on my phone that highlighted the route. But we eventually found our hotel.
            When E wakes, then we can get ready to see our DD.

            Looks like it'll be overcast today, I can see a dark buildup. Rain forecasted. It'll get to 69° today, the rest of the week will get warmer.

            Having graham crackers & tea right now, so I could take my meds first thing. Otherwise I might easily forget.

            Wishing you all a very good day! ☀️
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • #7
              Well, I got here after the editing so I didn't get the thrill of thinking it was Friday. I am actually happy it is still Thursday because the school boy wont be here today and I can make a few changes before he comes back tomorrow. Wow! The difference one child can make. He is nice enough, just the three younger ones all try to have his total attention and are constantly fussing about their turn to be next to Tyler...lots of so called tattles yesterday.
              Nothing sounds good to cook right now. I may look for a cold soup or ceviche (?) recipe. It was 70* when I went out at 6:00 and yesterday it was still in the 60's at this time. We aren't supposed to get out of the 90's, and I am holding them to it!
              I have to start the watering; I didn't do any yesterday.. All the kid fussing took it out of my mind. The back looks great because of the water play the kids do and also I can have the other half of the yard being watered while we are outside.
              Donna, what do your Wizard of Oz cookies look like? Jo, enjoy your visit! Hope you and E feel good enough to have fun.
              Everybody, take care and don't let anything get the best of you!
              Beth, that is Awesome you were asked to speak to that group. I Love to speak to any group and know you will do well! Speak form the heart and out of your own experience.
              Take care and stay cool!


              • cookielady
                cookielady commented
                Editing a comment
                The wicked witches hat which is forest green, ruby shoes, heart (pink), and rainbows. Love the rainbows! Not this past school year, but the one before, the school my cousin's kids go to did Wizard of Oz as their musical, and she had me make them for that, so I still had the cookie cutters to do it for her this time.

            • #8
              OK....I'm sorry I messed with everyone's mind. I've had a week of confused days.


              • #9
                No problem,cookie. We all make that kind of mistake at so e time or other. 😀
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

