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  • Sunday...7/9

    Good morning all.

    ​Got the kitty pin finished. Then came home to pick the last of the beans . Pulled up the plants as I went. Cleaned them and got them on to cooking, then started the laundry. While the laundry was going and beans cooking, went out and started mowing. Had left my phone in the house. When I stopped mowing to come into the house to check on the beans and laundry, I noticed my phone blinking and saw where E. had called. Called her back and she said the kitties had climbed the 4 ft. fence and were gone. So the beans were turned off and I flew out to E.'s house. I had told her that I didn't think they would go far.

    ​When I got to her house, the kitties were laying by the Hydrange (?) bushes. She said they wouldn't come to her and would run back in the bushes. I told her to bring 1 of the toys that I had made of fishing line and a dowel rod. They both came out for me to pick them up. I gave her Marshmellow as she was mad at Marmelade as it had scratched and bit her earlier.. So got the kitties back in the house, and I came home to finish all the work I had started.

    ​Sure was glad to see bedtime come around. Woke up at midnight and realized I hadn't taken my night meds, so had to get up and take them. Finally went back to sleep around 2. Woke at 6 so had to get up as I hadn't studied my S.S. lesson yesterday. So I better get off here and get that done.

    Everyone have a good day.
    Last edited by jostoy; 07-09-2017, 06:34 AM.
    Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.

  • #2
    Good Morning.

    jostoy, funny but not funny. Too bad E couldn't corral her own cats. Too hectic for me to deal with.

    More rain yesterday, and then John decided to install a new filter in the refrig, and the pressure of it all caused a tube behind the fridge to break, so we had rain there, as well.
    We cannot move that refrig by ourselves, so as luck would have it, a friend came by to borrow a shredder, and he was put to work. They had to go to town to get a connection, but I fed them both lunch.
    Before it was all said and done, the rain came. He had come on a tractor, so he called his wife to pick him up. Chaos! But all is well once again.

    Gotta get my dish and me ready for church. Hugs to Everyone.


    • #3
      Good Morning, am at Candie's. Not much going on. Gonna go fix some breakfast.

      Everyone have a great day


      • #4
        Good Morning...

        jostoy cats are climbers and must be totally enclosed...are they wild kitties? My two are totally inside kitties, I have a kitty walk that I can slide the door open and let them go in...when I first got these two they were kind of wild and very hungry all the time, they would fight each other for food eventually they figured out they both got the same thing and were feed generously. Hope things improve with E's kitties.

        Elaine when it rains it pours!! Glad someone happened by at the right time, seems bad luck sometimes just comes in threes.

        I was finally starting to feel better yesterday but my crohns said not so fast, got tired of the messes so went back to my 'depends' hate wearing them but have to do what is best, don't feel like it is crohns but time will tell...think my system is just messed up right now with being sick..Hubby has his college reunion with friends today, those that were in the same hall, a yearly thing, I really don't want to go afraid of what 'might' happen, don't think he likes that very well...I did make frosted brownies for him to take....I have to say I love my Pampered Chef brownie pan, individual brownies so much easier than making a mess of them when trying to cut them.

        I will be working on getting the sheets, towels and washcloths done from our time in IN and motorhome, I need to go out and get it vacuumed and dusted also...ready for the next adventure..

        Have a good day one and all...

        jostoy when we went to Disneyworld I had purchased 'fast pass' bracelets, what a time saver and made planning your rides and times so much easier...
        Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


        • jostoy
          jostoy commented
          Editing a comment
          E. just got the kitties on the 4th, so they have to get use to her and V. They are both very lovable, Marmalade just got mad at her for putting her back in the pin 2 times before they escaped.

          As for the parks in more for me and L. Was just too much walking for 2 "old" ladies. If we go to Orlando again, there will be 5 relaxing by the pool. Poor L. got sun poison. She just can't take the sun or heat.

        • boffler
          boffler commented
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          I am the same way as L, I get the sun poisoning real easy and also can not tolerate the heat, glad we went in October, but still was hard with all the walking, told them if we did it again I was going to rent one of those electric carts...

      • #5
        Good morning. I need to get out of this bed and get a shower...made a big chocolate dessert for today Bible Study.

        Yesterday was a quiet but productive day.


        • #6
          Disney is a lot of walking and sun! And very few seating areas for us oldsters! Going to be hot here this week...close to 100 according to the weather I saw last night. That is ok I guess...warm up the pool at my sisters for the week after. Only rain predicted here are afternoon storms that could blow up. Tonight Andrew has his first playoff game. He isn't even home from Tennessee yet but it is an 8:00 game. The carpenter finally came at 5:00 and worked on the decking. The replacement boards he has drying out and will come back to fix them. He did tell us we could paint all that we wanted painted but the decking and steps would have to wait until fall for staining. May be then before we ever get the time to do any painting. There is nothing going on here but I need to bring in some food. Didn't I just go to the store? I am not cooking so guess I should at least provide lunch meat and bread. Oh, Maye do not read, Hallmark is doing Christmas movies all week. Why is it I can watch those hokey movies at any time and all the time? Hallmark and lunch meat...what a Sunday! Elaine you sure are getting the rain! Normally your weather moves up over us but we are not getting any precipitation other than afternoon blow up heat storms and not many of those. Guess I'll go make a grocery list. Happy Sunday...stay cool!!!!!


          • #7
            Good morning, everyone.
            Today I slept in til 6:30, and it was 80° when I brought in the newspaper. We still haven't had any rain, but it feels muggy out there. It's only supposed to be 100° today and the next few days. We'll see. Yesterday shot up to 112°......guess it didn't see the forecast. 🙄

            E is up early this morning. He's going to work out today...., a good time for me to use the treadmill without him hovering over me. I know he's just very concerned for my safety. But it can be disconcerting.

            We did go to Target yesterday. I got a lot of travel-sized stuff. He found several things for the house. Boy, it really adds up!

            Well, back to the paper and my tea. There's nothing interesting on the agenda.
            Have a great day!
            Last edited by JoGee; 07-09-2017, 11:58 AM.
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • #8
              Good Morning! Sunny here as was yesterday.

              Yesterday was a busy one. I spent most of the morning making 8 cream pies....PB & Samoa. Becca's friend Krista came. I love that girl. It's tradition when she comes that I make monkey bread. After eating that, we weren't hungry for dinner, so Becca & I headed up to her apt to see how the flea situation was. A bunch of baby ones again. So we swept again and then used the scrubber. By the time we got home at 8pm, the pork roast was finished, and I made BBQ pork. We had that & mac salad for a late dinner. We worked on laundry through the evening btw episodes of Quantico.

              This morning was church & SS. Not sure what the rest of the day will bring. There is ALWAYS laundry and cleaning to be done. Maybe swimming this afternoon....who knows. Becca went to visit a friend down in Pgh and Cork went to give a golf lesson. I might make potato salad to go with the bbq pork and something for Cork to take to work this week.

              Have a good one all!

