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Sunday, June 25th

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  • Sunday, June 25th

    Good morning, friends.
    Where are you all this morning???
    I woke again at 3a, and E said he heard something like a rock hitting the house, which is probably why we woke so early. Getting back to sleep wasn't so easy, though, and I ended up sleeping in.
    🌵 As for the cooling trend? It went up to 112, at least, yesterday. The forecasts were sooo off! Today they say 108°, but we'll see.

    Yesterday afternoon we spent an hour at Costco, and 2 hours at Fry's/ Kroger. Got everything we needed, except the ground pork. Couldn't find any. So making sausage will have to wait. Got home about 5, and E offered to take me out to dinner after we put the stuff away. But we both were beat, so I nuked a precooked pork chop and I'd bought a small carton of potato salad. I had also bought veggie snacks for him to munch on. (I can't eat raw veggies.). Had a bowl of cherries afterwards, and some lemon mini cupcakes. So we had a quick, satisfying meal at home, and not having to deal with that heat again.

    Well, gotta bring in the paper, and get my cereal.
    Have a great day. ☀️
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    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

  • #2
    Good morning. I slept in late after being woke with a booming headache in the middle of the night. It is going to lurk around all day I guess since I can't completely kill it. Darn whatever is in the air! I bought new furnace filters but am not sure if somebody ever changed them. Weather here is too cool for me...60s at night and only low 80's during the day. Jo, I know you are suffering with the heat but this latest cool front that went through is just to cool for me. Need a jacket in the evening but no rain has been wonderful!! Had Kohl's cash ready to expire so Sierra and I ran there yesterday for work pants for her. I just hate Kohl's takes a sale and coupons to bring their prices down to normal. Was looking at an air fryer on sale at Penney's for $99 and it would have taken my $40 Kohl's cash plus every sale coupon I had and still not brought it down to the Penney's price. Same model and size! So we have work pants and not an air fryer. Today Sierra is off to lunch with the boyfriends bio father and then meeting friends this evening at a concert in St Louis. i hate her being gone an entire day and evening but I guess I just hate her being out with this boy all that time. I do like the friend she is meeting up with though. Oh well, what control can you have over a 20 year old? Did I say I was going to run the vacuum and clean up around here yesterday? Well I didn't! Probably not going to do much today either but I do need some groceries and should think about cooking a meal or two next week since Jon is back at work tomorrow. I usually just throw something in the crock and he can eat whenever but do have a hankering for green beans and potatoes in tomato sauce and bacon. Kids despise it but both my boys and their father loved it. Need bacon so that may get me out into the grocery store today...that and the fact that someone finished off the ice cream sandwiches I had hidden. Nothing is sacred in this house...especially ice cream! Three ball games next week and only one home so I don't even have to think about cooking on those nights. I see where I am just rambling on so will say good morning and enjoy your Sunday.


    • #3
      Good SUNNY Morning! It's a chilly one out there and it's going to be in the high 60's for the next few days....weird.

      Yesterday was good. Once Kathy & Mike FINALLY arrived to take Blaise to Kennywood for the day, Cork and I got going. We met Becca up at the car dealership to get our Escape back since she now has her own car. Boy did the Green Eyed Monster come out of Kathy. She wants us to just GIVE her the Fusion....we gave her one car already....NO!!!! She then wanted us to sell it to her with her paying us monthly....HECK NO!!!! She can't pay back the money she already owes me.

      We then went to a garage sale. Not one we planned on, but it was a good one. Came home, ate lunch, and then went to a neighborhood garage sale. Total bust. I then got busy cleaning & making. Just puttered all afternoon. Cork mowed the yard. It was each for his own for dinner. We then watched a few episodes on NCIS. They didn't get home with Blaise until about 10pm. He had a BLAST!

      This morning I got up early and assembled the 3 peach pies. I had rolled the crusts and made the filling yesterday, so once I got home from church, I just popped them in the oven. I used the delayed start feature, so that it was hot & ready when we walked through the door. Becca is coming down later to give me a test ride in her new car and we are playing cards here with her, my Mom, and Aunt P. I'm going to grill up a bunch of chicken so Corky has food to take to work. They are working 12 hr shifts this week. He'll come straight home, shower, and go to bed. He'll take enough with him for lunch & dinner. Best get busy cooking. I cleaned as much as I wanted too yesterday.

      Have a good one all!


      • #4
        JoGeee..I love that kitty pic...and it is so true...


        • #5
          Good Evening from me to you...just got up and got busy today one thing after the other, trying to get everything done (that I can remember) and be ready to leave on Tuesday morning...have an appt. in the morning, then at 12:00 when I get back from my appt. one for the cat to have a laser treatment, he is hurting pretty bad again...Had roast in the crockpot for supper today, with carrots, potatoes, onion, celery, was mighty tasty even though a tad bit of work getting it all ready for the pot. Also made taco's to take with us, shredded the lettuce and cut up tomatoes also, got an onion half of it sliced half chopped to take with us...also doing some laundry, hubby's clothes from working outside are so dirty don't want them laying around for a week...

          Well ready for some down time after I clean up the crockpot from supper...have a good restful evening, I'm going to try and relax..

          Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


          • #6
            When I came this morning I was the first and didn't know how or if I was allowed to post first thing, so here I am again.
            It is still hot. I am still donating items to yard sales. I am still getting things ready for our vacation.
            Spencer called my cell phone and all three of his calls he could not hear me, and I could hear him. He then texted to see if he was calling the right number and I called him. That worked fine, so we are getting the bugs out of the new way to call home.
            I am trying to convince myself that whatever happens with the yard will be ok and I will take care of it when we get back. the boys I know will all be at Scout camp and no girls are interested in yard work. My mom would if I asked, but she will have a lot to do with her own yard when we are gone because Becky does all her watering. So, I am just taking a deep breath and focusing on priorities.
            Am I convincing any of you???
            Our dinner was grilled cheeseburgers and avocado! Blueberries and yogurt. We are using up as much as we can which is hard for me; I like to have my refrigerator full. I know it looks better to have almost empty ones like they have in tv shows, but I have so many different picky eaters!
            Hope you all had a great day and getting some rest.
            Maxie, send me some of those lower temperatures, please. Yesterday I had a pedicure and loved it when the woman next to me was sitting with the fan on high to dry her polish and the fan was hitting me and my feet were in the pedi tub. I had asked for lukewarm water and I got a little chilled! Felt great!
            See you all in the morning!

