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Tuesday 6-20

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  • Tuesday 6-20

    Good morning .

    sun is shining .. going to be a lovely day... don't mind rainy days ,as we do need for water supply but Donna and I come "alive" when the sun shines.

    made David stay home yesterday.. while I did "small" .clean up jobs. Company coming and a few things needed tidied up.. and wipe down .. kitchen wall decoration that had that hazy look.. so now are shiny.. cleaned the Toaster ..... Will get granddaughter here one day and have her help with anything that needs a ladder.. so..... today we will travel to town.. D. needs to get his drivers license picture taken and get new card good to drive until he is 90 . what????? 90???? unbelievable.

    see you all later .. have a great day.
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

  • #2
    Good morning..I am sitting here debating on if I should just call into work...something doesn't feel quiet right and I can't put a finger on it...

    If I work this morning I will volunteer this afternoon...if not I will come home and crash.....exhaustion I think is a part of my problem....Cori had me up late late last night...on top of getting up several times to use the bathroom.


    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      Beth as the saying is so popular, "Suck it up buttercup" and get to work...probably just a case of the lazies once you get up and get moving you will be fine and glad you did...

  • #3
    Good SUNNY Morning!

    Yesterday Blaise started VBS at Aunt J's old church. Dropped him off & then headed into town to Aldi's. It was so dreary & my energy level was low. I kept plugging along, but after picking up Blaise & getting lunch for us both, I took a nap. That helped. Made a large fruit salad for the swim meet. The meet started out sunny, but it eventually rained. They delayed it for about 10 minutes until the rain slowed down enough for the life guard to see the bottom of the pool. Had a good time & really getting to know the ladies I've been volunteering with.

    Today I have no set plans until swim team practice this evening. So I'm going to mix up cookie dough's and pie dough. Need to make a cherry pie for the doctor's office for tomorrow. Will take Blaise to VBS and then start working on all that. Since it's suppose to be a nice day, I may actually get down to the pool later.

    Have a good one all!


    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      A friend and I were just talking ths weekend about the great friendships we made while sitting in the bleachers at various sports events for our kids!
      Swimming, Little League and soccer were the ones you could carry ona good conversation. football was just too crazy!

    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      Best years of my life is when the kids were in sports and all the friendships made, miss those times...Hope Blaise enjoys VBS my grandgirls always do. Donna, take care of yourself its so important.

    • maxie
      maxie commented
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      Amazing how you can just start talking to someone in the bleachers or sitting the sidelines in a lawn chair! I renewed many high school friendships watching Sierra play baseball and soccer. Not so much gymnastics...that competition is pretty intense even among team members.

  • #4
    Good morning. Just checking in. Today's the scheduled colonoscopy. E promised to take me to breakfast-for-lunch when we leave the hospital.
    A few clouds in the sky, and forecast of 10 % chance of rain, and 112° temperature. The rain probably won't happen, but it would be nice.
    Have a good day, everyone.
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      The prep is the worst and each place does it differently, I like the prep with taking the pills rather than drinking golytely or that other stuff in a small green bottle....hope all goes well for you...I am always ready for breakfast after I have one, but the 'gas' is horrible...

  • #5
    Good morning, all. A sunshiny day here, too. Thought it was going to be hot again until I read JoG's post. Only predicted to be 106º.

    Busy day yesterday. Had sis, Ada, take me to town as I had prescriptions to get and was out of buttermilk and eggs. I wanted pancakes so badly but I prefer them made with buttermilk. Buckwheat cakes! Mmmmm! Tomorrow.

    Off to the dentist to get sorted out about the crown replacement. Have to take my antibiotic an hour before due to the knee replacement.

    Better get ready to go. I have a 1/2 hour window for the Dial-a-ride bus and I try to be ready at the earliest possible time.

    Everyone have a great day and keep cool.


    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      I made waffles this morning, homemade ones, so much better than using a mix...

  • #6
    I have the windows open for a few minutes and all the ceiling fans to clear the air before I have to close it up again.
    Like I said, my Facebook is full of people posting pictures of their car thermometers for outside, and their weather apps...but my cousin in Bullhead City, AZ posted 123* (!) and other than seeing the tv post about 124 in Needles, AZ was the highest of anyone I know personally. It was ironic that I got my electric bill yesterday and they lowered my monthly amount I pay because I had too much of a credit...we will see wha the next quarter brings in the Fall.
    My storage unit is Empty!!! And other than one truck load to the women's shelter with her friend, and one trip in the car that I helped, Becky did it all herself. I don't think I would have thought it would ever happen without a lot of borrowed man power, which I don't like to ask for and didn't want to hire right now...
    When I told the manager and showed the empty unit, she said how much she would miss us and how clean the unit looked! I guess most people leave something (and a lot of people leave a lot of thngs!) and very few ever sweep, which Becky did. So I texted the photo to a few people who knew what an accomplishment this was, including my sons who had helped move things into it and closed that door. Literally and figuratively.
    Today will be filled with cooling activities and microwaved food or turkey sandwiches...Yesterday, partly because one child didn 't nap, and partly because Minecraft is just a little too frustrating for him, today it has disappeared from my ipad. What happened??!!! I just decided that without a school boy who kows how to fix all the problems of the game we will not be using it. I got out some board games and we will have those to play in the last hour of the day while waiting for parents.
    So happy the weather is sunny for Donna and Maye.
    Beth, I hope your day works out for you to get to work and to volunteer.
    Jo, good luck with the medical stuff and then on to the brunch reward!
    Try to beat the heat by staying out of it and staying positive!


    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      Paula lots of work but purging is so good for the soul takes a lot of expense and worry away...each time we have moved I got rid of more and more, not much I have now to get rid of...I have downsized and organized a lot...You are right not many people take the time to be considerate enough to leave things as they find it...I am like you, was brought up with manners...

  • #7
    Good Sunny Morning here also, lovely temps and a nice breeze after I post this going to get dressed and take my IPad and read the news on the deck....breakfast is over I made homemade waffles and homemade sausage patties, delicious, hubby used some of the peanut butter spread we got in Amish area, he loves is really good, on the bottle it says it is made with peanut butter, marshmallow cream, Blue Gate syrup, corn syrup, I know not good for you but good for the taste buds...

    We stayed busy yesterday go here, there and everywhere getting things done on the to do list...hubby said, "seems like the day just disappears fast when you have to do stuff like this". Yes it does...We had to take the power washer back as a piece was broke what a mess that was...they wanted to just refund me the money and let me buy another one, I refused as I bought it on sale, plus used my Lowe's card for a 5% off then they had 11% off at the store which was no longer in effect...I refused I told them I was not losing the 11% so they best figure it out, exchange it for another one, take the piece out of another box something, they figured out real fast I was not doing it their way so they did it mine, they got a new one still boxed, checked to make sure the same piece was not broken and we left, now I will get on line and do my 11% rebate...better in my pocket than theirs..they just wanted to take the easy route...

    Well today will hold a multitude of I best get off of here, take my load of clothes out of dryer, read the news and get busy...Have a great day one and all.

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • #8
      Good morning! Everyone is still in the sack here. We are having a time getting acclimated...everyone is dragging. Jon did cut the front yard yesterday and I am wondering if he will do the back today. Just normal summer heat around here but have seen the great heat buildup in the west on the news. WOW! Stay safe all of you affected. Today we are doing Father's Day when Andrew comes in late this afternoon. I have decided we will just order pizza and I will pick up an ice cream pizza and the guys can swim. I am sure Sierra will gobble a piece and head to the bf's since she is off today. Guess I will do laundry around here since the kid will need work pants. She is down to one pair and I ordered a pair but they were to big then I thought why am I ordering her work pants? She obviously needs to try them on so it is not my problem. Looking forward to the reunion in July at me sisters...looks like most will be gathering on the last weekend and that is Jon's weekend off for once. Sun is shining bright but we did have a wet cloud float over yesterday and wet the sidewalks. Think I will have my second cup on the patio. Enjoy your day, stay cool but let that sun shine on our heads.


      • #9
        Good morning everyone..
        Rise and shine..
        We had to go to the store..Before the strom get here..

        And some fabric..I am working one quilt..It will black and "HOT" pink...
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        • #10
          SassyG... a quilt with black and Pink,,,, wow.. that should be lovely!..... how big of a quilt are you making.. baby?. full size?.. I loved making the tops and letting someone else put together with the back ..
          Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


          • sassygirl01
            sassygirl01 commented
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            Maye,I love this colors...It will be "EYE" popper..It will be lap size....I love making tops too..I do the whole thing..Even put the tag on the back of the quilt..I had someone did it for me..It cost too much money...coming soon pic....