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Monday 6/19 A new week

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  • Monday 6/19 A new week

    Where is everyone?? I am up almost ready to get my work hours behind me. My weekend wasn't long was ok though...The highlight of Saturday was Granny got transferred to rehab...her final diagnosis...dehydration...uti...and diverticulitis all at once. She was miserable! I finally talked to her on the phone on Friday she sounded better than what I expected.

    Yesterday was pretty good...I had gone home and spent Saturday night with with my parents...IT was great to be in church with my parents on Sunday...I really like their new pastor. He is a very good preacher.
    In the afternoon was the Hoffman family reunion. It was fun...

    Today is coach lady comes today...we are going to clean out my closest..and or maybe a couple of dresser drawers....we will take a walk...and go to walmart for another walk and groceries...then we have an activity of some sort..its my first time going to one of their activities so I will have to see how I like it...won't know with out trying it.

    Everyone have a great day

  • #2
    Good Morning to all..

    Beth sounds like your weekend was great.

    Well I am finding out the older I get the slower I go and takes two days to accomplish what I use to do in one.. Started last Thursday cleaning out file drawers and other areas that seem to collect things...have two plastic file containers that I keep booklets and receipts to all things we buy well after moving two different times and having all different appliances and such it was time to redo the files and alphabetize them and also one that has all of your 'stuff' pertaining to the building on this house...that is all done, but once I start which is usually early morning I don't stop to get on the computer...

    My oldest son and his SO and her granddaughter came here on Sat. and spent the night also, son had a landscaping job to do for his Uncle (on ex hubby's side) that was a major project and it is just one street over from me so my son, my hubby and my ex hubby all worked to get it done, hubby took his tractor over with bucket and grader to help out also...the SO, granddaughter and I played in the pool, I fixed lunch here and also for the men working, then I cooked out for supper, when hubby and son got here they were so glad to get in the swimming pool. Yesterday morning got up and fixed a big breakfast for everyone before they headed back on their way, two hour drive...then I got busy and striped the beds, washed the sheets then remade the beds, and collected up all towels and washcloths and got those done, we ate leftovers for hubby's Father's Day meal..

    Well hubby just got up, more later...

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
      Editing a comment
      You are as busy as Donna! All that in one weekend!

  • #3
    Good morning everyone.

    ​Not sure of what I may do today. The house needs cleaning, but it may be a couple days to early. Always want to clean before I leave to go anywhere. Tomorrow I will be mowing in the country, Wednesday will be mowing at the Lake, Thursday is day for haircut, and Friday will be laundry and packing. Saturday is the day "I'll fly away". Come to think of may be the day for house cleaning.

    Everyone have a good day.
    Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


    • #4
      Good Morning

      ah ,rain....will cool down the heat,humidity a bit.... not too much I hope.

      Maxie, read your post from yesterday. about the "rides" and laughed and laughed.. that would have been me at 69 also.. fun but exhausting

      We had a great day at the same party that Donna was at Saturday.. I did not get to talk to everyone I wanted to...(one dear lady and I just could not stop "catching " up on each others family news).. then Yesterday we had supper , grilled burgers with Daughter Karens family.. so Fathers got celebrated ...
      Now we move to next biggie.. will get house in shape. ( with the help a granddaughter).. for son Mike and wife visit from Colorado. and maybe the two out of state Grandsons. ( Mikes boys) will get here for the fourth of July get together.. If I get the cobwebs, and bugs all swept away .. and hide all the "junk" setting around . no one will notice a window that needs washed... oh yeh,, clean out the fridge!.. and load it full of goodies.

      today ,Laundry?. and who knows what else... all Piano lessons are done for the summer.. finished my two library books . could make a trip to return?. who knows.. see you all later
      Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


      • #5
        Good morning.
        The heat rises today, but we will be staying inside.
        Today I'm on a clear liquid diet in preparation for tomorrow's colonoscopy. I hope the procedure is successful this time.
        I doubt if I'll accomplish much of anything else today. E did the laundry yesterday---seems to enjoy that chore.

        We heard from most of our kids between my birthday and Father's Day. Our autistic GGD was shown our picture when she opened our gifts, and said that she still remembers us! Yay! She will pick out another gift with the check we sent for her. She didn't have any party at her other grandmas house, but will celebrate again next weekend with a friend and cousins at a pizza place. I'm glad my DD and GD (her mom) are making her feel that her birthdays are important, and she's important.

        And that's pretty much all that's going on here right now.

        Sharon, welcome to the club, where slowing down is unavoidable. Just go with the flow. 😉
        Beth, how nice that you had a good weekend.
        Joystoy, you seem constantly "on the go".
        Hi Maye....

        Hope everybody has a great day! ☀️
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #6
          Good Morning, Everyone.

          I have had the worst time with my wifi lately. Just haven't been online much for the last days.

          Raining this morning. I was planning on mowing, but that plan went by the wayside. OK by me. Hay has all been baled and now moving ensues. Also calf weening taking place, which is more noise than I can appreciate.

          Nephew and his family with new baby came in from Houston, and we had lunch with them yesterday.

          Back to Monday and appt with Dr. BTW: John got his driver's license renewed. Was not so sure about it, but he sailed right through it. Thank you, Jesus!

          Have a good day. Hugs to Everyone.


          • Paula A
            Paula A commented
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            I am wondering when they are going to have me come in for a test. Thinking I might need to get glasses before I go for the chart on the wall test! I am not sure how much my squinting can help anymore...

        • #7
          Good morning! The air outside is 77 and I quickly opened the windows and doors to get some fresh air in the house.
          Maxie, did you go on the Everest ride? My 84 year old mother went on that ride with my brother (who would even think that is ok?), but the photos made me think I will go on it: the force of the downhill part made them both looks Decades younger! Not a wrinkle insight! My brother looked in his 30's. And my mom looked like a Hollywood plastic surgeon patient! So, If and When I ever get to Disney World, I am hoping for a good picture on the Expedition Everest.
          After church yesterday it was so hot that we just stayed in. On the ride home, about 3 miles, the car at first registered the outside temperature as 100* and then just started going up. By the time we got to our driveway it was at 107* Like one out of state friend always says: you knew what you were getting into. But I like talking about it, for the shock value, I guess. (That friend told me they keep their house set at 70*!!!
          Both sons called to talk about our trip and I got to tell them Happy Father's Day. I posted pictures on Facebook saw what all others were doing, but it was very low key here.
          Today is the day the big furniture items get taken to the shelter. They will decide if they are needed at the women's home or men's or if they will sell them at the yard sale. The recliner is in really good condition and I hope it goes to the men's house. The table and chairs are just a four chair set and no leaf for the table. These were Becky's when she lived in Sacramento.
          I need to get in the clean all the windows mood. I looked at my window this weekend and noticed all the nose art from the cat. He has started sitting in my window, which is something new, and now I see what the posters sassy has posted really mean! And there is always laundry, bedding and pool towels when you have daycare.
          a friend posted last evening that their motor for their swamp cooler went out. Around here, when the temps gets over 100, a swamp cooler just doesn't cool things off. By the time I read the post they said they were headed to Tractor Supply for anew motor. will call and see if they want to swim today.
          I keep hitting weird keys. sorry.
          Have a great day! Your weekends sounded pretty good!


          • #8
            Good Morning! It ended very wet yesterday afternoon and was still raining this morning.

            Yesterday was good. Came home from church and baked 2 pies for a new customer and took 3 cream pies down to the restaurant that I had already made in my freezer. I then took a nap before starting to get ready for our dinner company. We were SUPPOSE to swim and then eat, but storms rolled in about 3pm and never left. Kathy & Mike even showed up. Everyone left by 9pm. Everyone was tired. Even Blaise went to bed & never came back out.

            This morning Blaise started VBS at a local church for the week 9-noon. Dropped him off & then headed into Butler to shop at Aldi's all by myself. Now I'm in the midst of making a huge fruit salad for tonight's swim meet. We sold out of it last week.

            I missed a lot of you this weekend. I think we only had 4 or 5 check in each day.

            Have a good one all!


            • #9
              Yes, I did Everest...Twice! It was one of Andrew's favorites. I really wanted Andrew to know I did the rides. Sierra knows I will do them each once but was surprised that I did some of them twice. Yesterday I did laundry all day and tomorrow we will do Father's Day since it is Sierra's only day off this week. Internet was down this morning so I am late getting started. Talked with my sister and she is getting a root canal today but we managed to catch up on the news. While on vacation you do not miss not knowing what is going on in the family or news but once you get home I need a catch up and back to normal. Think we will go download pictures today...there is a beauty of both the kids with their dad that Sierra wants to frame for her dad. With the Disney app you can fancy them up with dates and backgrounds and she has to work this afternoon so needs to get that done now. No cooking today and if Jon and I can scrap up enough money we will eat call in tonight. I have no desire to run to the bank and when I shopped for groceries yesterday the credit card thingy was down and I used my last cash to pay the bill. No word from the concrete guys so am guessing the weather held them up last week. There must have been a big storm that rolled through on Wednesday and we hit a beauty coming in Sunday morning...rain gauge says 3.5 inches of rain between when we left and got home. Need to make a return to Penney's since this is all that is sitting on the bill that came in. Going to be an easy day for me. Good to be home.

