Good Morning! Going to be another sunny day today and some heat is being added to the mixture.
Yesterday was good. I spent a good chunk of my morning at the school. I'm volunteering with 2 other moms to present the JA programs to Blaise's classroom in a couple of weeks. Next Tuesday morning they are coming here, and we are going to get ourselves organized. Yesterday we just got the material & a pep talk.
Picked up and cleaned a bit around here after I got home. Not my favorite thing to do, but I feel better once it's done. Called & got an appt for my car to get new rear brakes this morning. Got the laundry done....the ENDLESS laundry. Cooked a decent dinner with leftovers for Corky to take to work. Blaise ended up in an unusually polite mood. He was whining about doing his Math homework, when I threw down a challenge to him. I copied the page and I did the math too. It was a race. It worked. Then onto spelling. You know that boy can actually write nice when he puts his mind to it. I could actually read everything. I love times like that. Kathy told me the night before I need to teach that boy more manners and to eat more neatly. The pot calling the kettle black. But she was serious. She has no patience and chooses everything to be a battle.
Oh...the Prince did ruffle my feathers a bit. I went into the pantry only to find the freezer wasn't completely shut. Had to defrost that. Oh fun! It needed it done, but after that, it REALLY needed it done.
This morning after Blaise goes to school, I'll be taking my car to the garage. It's only about a half mile down the road from us, so I'll just drop it off, & walk home. Need to bake & hopefully ice 3 doz star sugar cookies. There is some paperwork that needs done. Not sure what I'll make for dinner tonight.
Have a good one all!
Yesterday was good. I spent a good chunk of my morning at the school. I'm volunteering with 2 other moms to present the JA programs to Blaise's classroom in a couple of weeks. Next Tuesday morning they are coming here, and we are going to get ourselves organized. Yesterday we just got the material & a pep talk.
Picked up and cleaned a bit around here after I got home. Not my favorite thing to do, but I feel better once it's done. Called & got an appt for my car to get new rear brakes this morning. Got the laundry done....the ENDLESS laundry. Cooked a decent dinner with leftovers for Corky to take to work. Blaise ended up in an unusually polite mood. He was whining about doing his Math homework, when I threw down a challenge to him. I copied the page and I did the math too. It was a race. It worked. Then onto spelling. You know that boy can actually write nice when he puts his mind to it. I could actually read everything. I love times like that. Kathy told me the night before I need to teach that boy more manners and to eat more neatly. The pot calling the kettle black. But she was serious. She has no patience and chooses everything to be a battle.
Oh...the Prince did ruffle my feathers a bit. I went into the pantry only to find the freezer wasn't completely shut. Had to defrost that. Oh fun! It needed it done, but after that, it REALLY needed it done.
This morning after Blaise goes to school, I'll be taking my car to the garage. It's only about a half mile down the road from us, so I'll just drop it off, & walk home. Need to bake & hopefully ice 3 doz star sugar cookies. There is some paperwork that needs done. Not sure what I'll make for dinner tonight.
Have a good one all!