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Thursday ~ May 4

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  • Thursday ~ May 4

    Good Morning.

    Cat says good morning, too, as it was his idea to get up.

    I made the mistake of putting pinto beans in the crockpot about 10 last night. The smell got to me about 1a and I had to get up and turn them off. I thought about putting them in the garage, and I should have. It isn't that they smell bad cooking, they just smell, and it kept me awake. Who knew that a cat and pinto beans would determine how much sleep I got???

    Well, the lawnmower has 3 new blades and 2 new wheels, and I got the grass mowed before the rain came and did not discover any more barbed wire. Yay!

    Not much going on. Same old : same old.

    Have a good day, Everyone. Trash day here - so excited!!

  • #2
    Good DREARY morning. Yesterday eventually turn very sunny, but still cool.

    Yesterday I busted my tail end. After making my deliveries and shopping at Aldi's, I came home & started cooking, cooking, and more cooking. Kathy called & requested I make her BD dinner too since she didn't get it back in Feb. I made Blaise his requested Orange Chicken, Kathy's Creamy Chicken, and Corky some Chicken & Rice soup. Baked some choc cupcakes & found some choc icing in the refrig and added PB to it and whalaa....his BD "cake". Just used 7 cupcakes & formed them into the #7. Everyone enjoyed dinner & Corky was in rare form. He was joking like crazy with Kathy.

    Blaise got in trouble at school AGAIN. He called the lunch lady fat & denied it. I'm sure I'm going to get another call from the Principal. Kind of put a damper on things for a while last night.

    Today is a new day. Bible study this morning. Will put the finishing touches on the maple twists. Going to the musical at EHCA tonight with my Mom & SIL.

    Have a good one all!


    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      I'm glad Kathy made it for his birthday...sounds like your family was all about chicken yesterday, LOL...wonder what is going on with Blaise? Misbehaving? How is he doing at home? As usual you are busy, busy, busy baking and your "7" idea for Blaise...less mess that way for sure..
      Its a dreary wet morning here also.

  • #3
    Morning...I am not feeling good at all...just plain achy....and my elbow and arm hurt..I think its time to follow up with my doctor about it....I am unsure what my plans for the day are other than work...and oldest niece volleyball games this evening...

    As they were leaving to come back to my house from my sisters yesterday my mom fell down the stairs again..exactly like she did a couple weeks ago....sprained the other ankle this time... I am about to go upstairs and fix her breakfast..everyone else can get their own...Mom did say yesterday she wanted to cry because of how good I am taking care of everyone...They all watched a movie again last night...I was tired so I went to bed extra early.


    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      Bethina, what a wonderful compliment from your Mom, you are showing a lot of maturity and growth which would make any Mom is putting others needs first before your own...good job..

    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      that is what I was going to say, too, Sharon!
      Bethina, those heartfelt words form your mom are a treasure!

  • #4
    Good Morning and yes it is a dreary chilly one out there...after being in Hawaii and GA wearing shorts and sunscreen this really stinks..

    Elaine, I wish I did not have peri-rectal disease with my crohn's I would love to be out helping hubby mow with my big ole sun hat on...your house sounds like mine, those kitties can be persistent don't know why they think they need a human up with them..

    Baked a whole bunch of cookies yesterday, have dough mixed up for more today and also need to make oatmeal and chocolate chip today, those 8 men going fishing love their cookies, then tomorrow it is making potato salad and coleslaw day...then next week is all mine, have plans to clean out the kitchen cupboards and get them cleaned, amazing how much dust can collect in the corners..also want to organize and rid out the spice cabinet...out of date spices..looking forward to some alone time, having hubby here daily takes getting use to for sure, LOL..

    I do believe it is allergy season for me, sneezing, itchy eyes, matted in the mornings, a scratchy throat, etc. so will be taking some allergy meds today...started an additional blood pressure med two weeks ago it seems to have brought it down, no more headaches daily so need to call an let the Dr. know, then I will start a new med the gastro Dr. gave me to start, she thinks I have built a resistance to the Remicade and need to find another med to replace it, didn't want to start two new meds at once so I told them I would start it after I found out if the other one would work and I had no reaction to it...getting older really stinks they have a pill for everything, I need one cabinet just for meds, LOL...I kkep telling them I feel fine and they keep giving me more test that prove otherwise, go figure...

    Well ladies and gents time to go read the news, grab a bite of breakfast then get to baking...Have a great day one and all, even though at times we feel like there is to much going on around us we can always find a reason to smile..

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • #5
      Yesterday was a totally aggravating day that started with the phone ringing as I got out of the shower. I had to call Sierra to get here and get this business handled since it could not wait until Friday. Then we ran from one bank to another and opened this account and closed that account and then she forgot to get her change of address for the school notarized so we had to turn around and go back to the bank and then to school so she could get her change of address in so she could accept her grant money and then get the bill for summer and fall classes revised. But you know, before we did anything we had to fill the gas tank because it was on empty. And her car is still not finished but maybe today so then her dad and I will have to run to Staunton and pick up her car and then retrieve my car and he has a recall to be fixed on his this morning and we need groceries and poor Andrew is still hacking and feeling punk but he read really well last night and he is not fighting me as much over it. And in the midst of all this mommy dearest calls. This was an informative call about getting her name off of Sierra's stuff and putting her dad on them since they are leaving in a couple of weeks. Yes folks, she is actually moving totally out of the state and has actually been decent to talk with. You can tell this being a mother in trying times has just worn her out. Good thing good ole grandma still has the stamina to handle every problem in the world. Cookie, stay doesn't get any easier but maybe we are more experienced and can roll with the punches better? And about the lunch lady being fat? She probably is but Blaise hasn't learned to filter his thoughts are teaching honesty, right? Then we have this constant damn rain...2.5 inches yesterday and it is hitting windows pouring right now. Furnace ran all night with temps back into the low 40s and it is just so darn depressing. I need heat and sun on my head. I need the Blues to win tonight and not be eliminated. I need this rain to stop and I need my granddaughter to grow up...but maybe I just need to be left alone for a couple of days and other people learn to handle their own problems. But Sierra did send a nice note on facebook thanking her dad and grandma...wish she would have sent flowers instead!


      • boffler
        boffler commented
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        Oh Maxie hope you can wash that woman right out of your hair, LOL Yes congrats to Grandma raising the grandkids, I have a friend that is a great grandma raising her great grandchild, she is 71 her granddaughter is now 4 she has had her since birth.. First in Hawaii with 80 degree weather, then to GA with 80 degree weather now back in chilly, rainy, dreary Ohio weather in the 40's, where is the justice in all of this...

    • #6
      good morning

      ah, cookie baking.. sounds like the trend today... I make No-Bake cookies last evening, first time ever. and they turned out good... Bethany's favorite. so she got this whole batch.. can donate to her schools bake sale ( if she wants to ) or share with room mates. or keep at home to munchy .... I'm going to make another batch today for the bake sale at the church.. ( for tomorrow))... plus have pie crusts made up ,ready to fill for couple pies for same bake sale...
      Prom for many schools tomorrow night.. my two last girl students are both going.. I not only gave piano lessons.. I hemmed gowns, took in here and there. even added a bra to one... ah,,,, its been a grand career , knowing all those youngsters and their families..

      I guess we will be heading for walmart today.... David got to sawmill last night so he is moving slow today.. but no work tonight or tomorrow.. These are the evening of Bethany's school musical.. and her Daddy better be there. we are going tomorrow evening .

      better get these old bones moving ..... see you all later
      Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


      • boffler
        boffler commented
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        21 dozen cookies and I am tomorrow it will be coleslaw and potato salad..

    • #7
      Elaine, the crocpot wakes me up, too. Whenever I do the Hawaiian pulled pork, it has to go 10 hours and a few times I put it on overnight the way Pat said she does. I can not sleep through the yummy smell!
      All the cookie baking makes me want to bake. But trying to get off a few pounds is what keeps me away from the mixing, baking and eating. Maye, you have a lot more will power than I have, and more people to give it to.
      I am resting my quilting hand today. There is still the edging and a couple of more large white squares that need completing, but my right hand is either suffering form carpal tunnel (again) or arthritis and I was not able to hold the needle well enough by yesterday afternoon during nap time.
      So, I am taking a break today and then hopefully, will be able to finish it.
      Becky is picking up salads from our favorite pizza place when she is finished with school today. Italian with grilled chicken.
      Donna, whatever you do when talking to Blaise (and to me this is something I would talk out, not timeout), I would try and help him think how his words and actions make others feel. Building empathy in our kids will go a long way towards good behavior. The hardest thing for him would probably be an apology, but it might be the best so he can see how he feels when faced with the consequences of his actions. I know you didn't ask, and I am just commenting from a distance and not able to really help, but I admire the way you are parenting him! Hurray for all you grandmothers who are there for this next generation!
      Donna and Maxie, you are heroes!
      So good to read Barb's post yesterday. Hope we all have another good day, or just have a good day!


      • #8
        Well, it's a good thing I copied my post before sending it. The RT gave me an unexplained "Alert", then my post disappeared. Funny to see Paula's post come up, when I expected to see mine. It's the Cyber Gremlins, I know! 😄
        Paula, you are very wise when it comes to children.

        Good morning!
        It's early here. It's bright and sunny here this morning, and it's going to be a hot day, close to triple digits.
        Too hot to bake anything, as the house retains the heat.
        Yesterday I got the laundry caught up. The exercise of that chore felt good.
        Got some errands and shopping to do with E today.

        *Elaine, I'm glad your lawnmower is repaired. We don't have grass so don't need one. Some houses put in fake grass here, as the real stuff doesn't grow in this area. I wonder if they have to replace it due to sun damage? Some got real grass in "rolls", but pay a fortune in water bills to keep it alive. The rest of us just leave the caliche as is, and add rocks or gravel. Periodically fist size rocks come up through the ground in our yard. Can't fight Mother Nature!
        *Cookie, Blaise is just being a kid like all kids. He just needs to learn to filter things, and learn that hurting people's feelings isn't acceptable. Overall he sound like a really smart kid with many interests.
        *Beth, you receive a wonderful compliment from your mom! You are quite the young lady, putting others first.
        *Sharon, I can identify with you on Doctors, meds, and such. Although the doctor tells me the "good" stuff, when I look at the test and x-Ray results, and all the medical terminology that I don't understand, it sounds bad to me. I miss my energy, but I'm getting some back slowly but surely.
        *maxie, how do you keep up with all that ? Wow.
        *Hi Maye. We have to keep our bones moving, don't we! If we get back to Phoenix, we've got a GD who will be graduating. Where does the time go?

        Hope you all have a great day today. ☀️
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #9
          I don't know WHAT is going on with Blaise. I hated coming down hard on him since it was his BD and he came off the bus in such a good mood. I sat down & ask him what he would think if someone called me fat? He wouldn't like it. Well then, the lunch lady is someone's grandma, mom, wife, daughter, and I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate him calling her names. I did send him to his room for probably a half an hour & he read the whole time.

          Some things I don't fret about and others just make me yesterday. I can't go through what we did with Kathy, again. Kathy wants to beat him within an inch of his life (figuratively, of course) because she doesn't want him to be like her.

