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Good morning 5/2/17

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  • Good morning 5/2/17

    Work yesterday was LONG!! LONG!! LONG!! I volunteered and stayed til 2. They were swamped with racks of new merchandise to roll to the floor. I had the entire men's department again because one of the girls called off meaning the person that works with me now had to cover her area of morning was fine I am used to have the whole department. From there I began rolling in the children's deparment and never left it...I think I rolled 5 racks in kids and pulled at least 2 racks of old merchandise off to make way for new. Daddy picked me up after work and I came home got a short nap and fixed supper for everyone...we had stuffed pepper cassarole...The Reagan and I went to the movies..

    Today is work....volunteering..supper prep and laundry at the laundry mat..My sisters washer has quit so I told mom if she brought it home I would sit with it. If she supervises Reagan making brownies...Fair trade I do believe....

    Tonight for supper is Hamburgers baked potatos and salad.

  • #2
    Good morning everyone...
    Rise and shine...We are finally see the sun..I had to sweep up the front porch..There was alot of leaves..I did not want that in the house with all those leaves..
    We are having leftovers..Everything out the freezer...And it is in the crockpot...
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    • #3
      Good Morning! It's dreary & chilly out there.

      Yesterday was good. Spent the morning icing 8 doz sugar cookies. Was pleased how they turned out. Then headed into town & met Becca for lunch at Applebees. Love that place. Then headed over to WM with her. She had an eye appt and I needed to pick up cake mixes & lots of cupcake liners. Aldi's then home. Didn't accomplish diddly during the afternoon. There was a big storm and the actually held the kids over for 45 minutes at the school. There were tornado warnings during the time and it was right when the HS kids were to be released. Since they were delayed, that meant the younger kids would be later too. I wasn't sure when the bus would arrive, so I just sat in my car out at the end of the driveway.

      Got my first call from the Principal for Blaise yesterday. I wasn't surprised. He got in trouble for it on Friday with the teacher and then had a talk with the Principal yesterday. It was boys talking boy parts. We had a nice chat & found out he's not one of those wimpy expelling type of people. He was glad to know we were on the same page & that Blaise had already served the consequences for his actions over the weekend.

      This morning I'm mixing up BIG batches of dough for 2 kinds of cookies. I'm starting on my wedding order. Have to meet Kathy at some point this morning. Doing her a favor. Then it's home to start baking. Need to make a lemon meringue pie for tomorrow's order for the doctor's office. Somehow there is more laundry to do. How does that happen?

      Maxie...are the Penguins playing your team? If so, I'm rooting against you. Oh...and how'd the going away party go?

      Have a good one all!


      • maxie
        maxie commented
        Editing a comment
        we are playing the Nashville Predators this week...but I have been rooting for the Penguins so we may play each other yet! I have no idea how the going away party went since I was not invited but I do know they are packing their fool heads off according to Sierra. Mommy is transferring with walmart so has a job in Minnesota. Sierra is suppose to move in here next week after school is out...

    • #4
      Good morning...😃
      The sun isn't quite up over the mountains yet, but it's going to be a sunny day. It's 56° outside right now, but it's supposed to hit 90° today. 🌵
      I'm not sure what's in store for today. Whatever. Maybe some laundry. Cookie, I think someone else comes in and wears our clothes when we're not looking. That's how the laundry piles up so quickly.
      My hip feels a bit tender from the biopsy yesterday, so I might not get much accomplished today
      Dinner with a friend of E's tonight at BJ's Brewhouse. (An upscale microbrewery.)
      That's about all my news today.
      Hope your day is super-duper! ☀️
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • #5
        Good monring. It is in the 60's already and I have water going out front...So, I am a little later here and will just say it is a normal Tuesday planned with getting things ready for the trash tomorrow and water play arranged for the kids.
        My mom and brother were texting me all kinds of pictures yesterday from Epcot. Both nieces and the babies were along and the whole bunch was eating and having a great time. Someday...
        I lhope you all have a good day. Jo, take it easy and let your hip rest.
        Donna, is the principal a younger one? I am always happy when Stuart talks about how he handles things with the kids. Gary never lost his temper and yelled like some teachers do and Stuart seems to show more love and acceptance of kids than reproving them sternly. From the things he tells me...
        Ok, you all have a good day and enjoy the 2nd day of May!


        • #6
          Oh Jo, never thought of that...maybe that is why I have so much laundry for one! Must be the same people who come in and throw dust and dirt all over the house! Well sun is shining again this morning and the wind appears to have stopped blowing. Not overly excited about the sun yet since it was out yesterday morning and then it clouded over and by late afternoon more rain. The floods in Alton are suppose to be historic this week so we will drive down some afternoon after meeting the bus and check it out. Hopefully Sierra's car will be back today so I can have my car back. I don't have anyplace to go but I can't go anyplace if I wanted. She made me laugh yesterday when i ask a couple of questions, ok I made a few cracks, about her friend..she said if I wasn't nice she would not bring him around. Do you know how hard that was not to laugh? Told Jon and he told me to keep it up because he was already sick of seeing this guy let alone the thought of feeding his dumb butt this summer. There is a difference between acting boyish and being a boy! Oh cookie, when Jon was small the principle wanted us to meet in his office instead of phone calls...believe me a phone call is the best especially when you are in Lutheran school and the principle thinks he is the pastor. Nothing new from here, pork loin for supper which I can throw into the crock pot and mash some potatoes. Blues play very late tonight and are down 2/1 in the series so tonight is important. Cards blew a lead and lost. But the sun is shining and hopefully will stay out all day!


          • #7
            The traveler has returned....tired, but here...we made the trip in one day yesterday, we just wanted to be home in our own beds....left at a little after 9:00 a.m. and got home around 9:45 p.m. and that was two eating break stops...hubby said the next gift for that family is a good mattress set in their spare bedroom, LOL don't think either one of us slept much tossed and turned a lot...and the son in law keeps the thermostat set on 76-78 which if you are not use to makes for a lousy night sleep also. We are use to having a cool bedroom at night and this bedroom is the farthest from the furnace so I am assuming it got to over 80 with the bedroom door closed, we had planned on staying until today and leaving but I was worn out...son in law controls all things in the house by his cellphone, LOL...or I would have turned it down....left in shorts 80 degree weather and came home to 48 degree, we looked a little funny in shorts at the restaurant.

            Well today I need to unpack, make a grocery list and then get started on the cookie baking for hubby's fishing trip. It seems I have been busy since trip to Hawaii so I am looking forward to some quiet time by that selfish or what, missing some of my alone time... I had so much leftover food in the fridge and told the two ladies watching my kitties to eat al they wanted or it would just be thrown away, thankfully they did and washed all the containers for me..

            Awoke to a rained, cold, dreary day, a good day to stay in and catch up on some tv shows I recorded while gone...think hubby was up to the wee hours of the morning, he was wound to tight to sleep last night, not me, I put in my ear plugs and went to bed at 11:00 and went right to sleep in a cool room and a good mattress underneath me, LOL..

            Stayed to busy to post anything, with the grandgirls it was a play at school, soccer practice for both, going here, going there, meeting some neighbors...have come to the conclusion that the world has changed a lot from when my kids were little and how they are raised...kind of sad actually...

            Well off to read what has been going on and get this day started...good to be home...loved the visit, but worn out from all the travel, cooking, company, etc..

            Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God

            Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God

