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Tuesday 4/25/17

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  • Tuesday 4/25/17

    Good morning....flying through with a head ache but headed for work.....we had I think 5 people call off yesterday our boss was not happy at all!!!! He made the comment that work must have been optional the rest of us just didn't get the memo!

    Volunteering after work and then getting groceries is a must!

  • #2
    Good Morning, enjoying a relaxing cup of coffee before my day gets started...funeral is over, all house guests and motorhome guest are gone, I have done a whole lot of cooking and baking the past 5 days, but I feel good I am glad I felt well enough to help...having my family here was wonderful, sad circumstances, but in true form the Bryant family always finds a way to have fun and enjoy being with each our dear Uncle would have wanted it, he was such a fun man to be around. My son went home last evening also, then my sister came for the funeral and spent last night here, she is still sleeping, so is the hubby. I know lots of people do not believe in cremation, but when it is a choice the deceased has made, then honor and respect their right to have their end of life the way they want it...I find it less emotional myself...Well morning duties (bathroom) is calling and I must answer...have a great day one and all.
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • #3
      Good Morning.

      Hi beth!

      Sharon, what a beautiful thing you have done for your family. Just being together is so uplifting, no matter the reason.

      Blood test yesterday. John's Hemoglobin is at 9 - which is very good for him, so he feels full of vim and vigor today. And I need him to do some outside things for me, so thing is good.

      Trying to come up with something interesting for lunch - not the same old stuff. Have been through the freezer, but nothing inspired me.

      Hope all is well with everyone.

      Have a good Tuesday.


      • #4
        Good Morning. It's a wet one out there today.

        Yesterday wasn't very productive. Guess I used all my energy the day before. Went to Aldi's to pick up a few things & $60 later I was coming home. How does that happen? Had planned to go straight to Saxonburg, but wasn't feeling too good, so stopped at home & had lunch. Then headed to Saxonburg to go to the bank & DG. I just wanted those square little caramels for a recipe. DG didn't have any, so had to stop at Friedman's...the most expensive store around. Puttered around. My SIL stopped on her way home from cleaning houses and we had a nice visit.

        As my SIL was leaving, the mail came & there were a couple Amazon packages for me. Made her wait, because one had her BD present in it & figured she's enjoy it now. I got her one & myself one...a critter catcher. It picks up bugs & holds them until you dispose of them. She LOVED it! She's thinking of buying one for the moms. I'm thinking about buying one for each of my girls for Christmas.

        For some reason I woke early today. I'm going to attempt to remake that strawberry marshmallow cake. I made regular cake layers this time instead of the sponge cake. The two customers that bought them for Easter are going to be my taste testers. I've got a couple other things to bake for customers for this week. Slow but sure.

        Have a good one all!


        • #5
          Good morning.
          It's good to be home again, and having our own bed again! Although it was good to see the kids.
          Saturday while we were looking at the senior facilities, we were told that Phx hit the triple digits. I know the heat sapped me that day. Wow. The woman gave E a pamphlet listing all the Phx senior facilities, most of their costs and other information. We will go back and look at others in the near future. Meanwhile, we're downsizing our belongings. Slowly but surely.
          Meanwhile, while we were in Phx, our nephew from the west end of Tucson was going to work early Saturday morning, running late so wasn't wearing quite all his motorcycle protective gear, riding a long, curved back road with no lights, saw a deer cross the road, but didn't expect to see the second one which he hit. He didn't remember anything after that til the paramedics were getting him. (Fortunately, there was a teenager about 17-18 who was riding that road, running late for a camping trip, who saw the accident and called 911, and stayed with him til those paramedics arrived. He kept nephew still so he wouldn't damage anything further.). Anyway, nephew has a horrible gash in his forehead that required 22 stitches (it'll be a Frankenstein scar, so we can call him Stevenstein, now). He had a broken humorous bone so he had surgery on that and it'll be in a sling for 3 months. His body is covered with road-rash and scrapes galore, and his big toe on one foot completely lost the toenail, as he lost his tennis shoe in the skidding. His spleen and kidney showed a slight tear, but those are healing themselves without additional surgery. He'll be getting morphine fit pain for the next couple of days til they discharge him. Before we went home we stopped at the hospital to see them, and gave his wife a check to cover the extra expenses she will have for a while, til things can get back to normal. (He will get a percentage of his paycheck while he's on sick leave, and she can't work any more. So a bit of hardship will fall upon them during his recuperation.). How lucky is that, though, for the teenager to show up and call for help right away?!!!! The paramedics said the boy saved nephew's life. Our eldest daughter texted him that "deer hunting" is not a contact sport. 🙄

          So much for the excitement here. Today will be a vege-out day for us, pretty much. We are pretty tired from the overall trip. Neither of us slept well at the hotel.

          Tomorrow I have to go to the cancer center lab for my port set-up, for the MRI that will follow at a facility down the road. I think it's pretty funny the MRI & x-Ray facility is across the parking lot from a yummy Trader Joe's store. We call it the Trader Joe's medical facility....everyone knows what that means. 😄

          Guess I'll finish going through the pile of mail we picked up on the way home. I was glad to see one bag was my blood thinner meds, which Tri-Care insists we get (at a somewhat lower cost) via snail mail. I had no indication from them that my renewed prescription and payments had reached them, and was beginning to worry. I also got a dress I ordered, which I need to try on yet. It comes with a short jacket, which is going to be nice for our niece's wedding this autumn.
          That means I don't expect October to be too cold this year, though seasons do seem to be shifting in that direction.

          Didn't mean to write a book here. So I'll quit for now.

          Have a great day, everyone.☀️

          Sharon, you've been uber-busy. Glad the funeral went well.
          Elaine, I'm glad to hear that John is doing well.
          Beth, headaches have a way of disappearing when you get going into your day. Hope work goes well for you.
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • #6
            A beautifully warm morning here in Illinois. I could stay in and do a lot of things but it is going to rain the rest of the week so think I will take off and do some me shopping. I have Kohl's rewards and need a new swimsuit and that is something I will only shop for while totally alone. The rest of the world will get their chuckles soon enough! Andrew came off the bus is a great mood yesterday and read without a complaint. He tried to sound a word out without prompting and I did not make a big deal out of it but was very pleased! Only one and I am not sure that he didn't realize he did it. Jon decided to grill yesterday so the lasagna is still available for tonight. The blue birds are flitting in and out of the bird house and the wasps are getting bad. I did read on face book this morning that if you put a brown paper sandwich bag filled with walmart bags to keep it poofey that it will scare the wasp away...they think it is a hornets nest. I am going to have Jon try that...right now he sits out there with a can of spray. I have a wasp sting allergy but to him it is a sport. My sister and I talk about the oddities of our children and it must be a gene..her kids and my boys would have made a contest/game out of spraying wasp. They have no normal behaviors...must be from their fathers! Coffee was good this morning so think I'll take a second cup to the patio and then hit the shower. Stores will be opening soon and that special swimsuit that makes me look like a goddess is just waiting for me... Have a great day is a beauty here today. Cardinals had an off day yesterday or I just missed the game and I have not gotten a hockey schedule yet. No wonder I went to bed at 9:00! no sports on tv!!


            • #7
              Jo, you and E are just wonderful to help your family as you do! the added trips to the hospital to visit him will be more in gas for your nephew's many extra expenses when someone is in an accident that even with insurance for the medical costs, it takes a lot out of the budget. We found that out when our daughter was in the hospital for 6 weeks and it was 30 miles away. So bless you for helping!
              Beautiful Tuesday this morning. Rain is coming tomorrow and I don't even care. The lawn looks better than it has in years and I am enjoying it.
              Elaine, I am tryingg to find more interesting things to eat, too. I am tired of the same old salads and whatever...the daycare kids are picky eaters and we are all getting into a rut. It doesn't help seeing the wonderful resort food my friend is eating in Hawaii! I think I need more fish.
              I still have to put on a little makeup...don't want to scare anyone.
              Hope you all enjoy the day and see the sun!


              • #8
                Good afternoon,.

                was hemming more summer slacks.. and made the decision to let the other four pr. folded away.. they really are too big. look baggy on.. Love losing the weight .hate to see all those lovely slacks get put away or give away.. but my knees are so glad I did lose lbs...

                headed for the library.. I have books on kindle but David is out of reading material... I am glad he has finally got into the habit of Borrowing books.. and nice to see his NOT staring at the Tv (news) 18 hr s a day...

                Great to hear Johns levels Elaine,,, thanks Will pass on news to DAvid.. he always ask ..:Hows John?..

                JoG..lots and too much excitement in your family .. that poor young man.. and thanks be for a smart. kind ,Teenager... someone somewhere is doing a good job..

                well.. Im being paged by the elder fellow.. will be back later.
                Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


                • #9
                  Thank you, Paula, for the kind words. That's what family should be, though, isn't it. We all need help at some time. And some more than others. What's the old saying.... What goes around, comes around.

                  Hey cookie, we were typing together this morning. 😀

                  Hi Maye.... Yes, big families are full of excitement and drama. These days, most of our relatives are gone. "Stephenstein" (as we will be calling him now), his father died at age 52 or 56, his mom died several years ago, so he's not had family to fall back on but us. E and his evil twin sister are all that's left now. And the twin....can't count on her. She has her own family. We don't hear from them either. But we have other nieces and nephews in our home state who love us to pieces.
                  What's left of my cousins.....they're scattered. Only one I ever hear from. My brother is all that's really left of my family. I never hear from his kids at all either, just him if I contact him first.

                  Hey, our day has turned out to be very windy, 20-25 mph. Otherwise it's nice and sunny.
                  Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

