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Saturday Morning Express coming through...

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  • Saturday Morning Express coming through...

    Good Morning, the sun is shining but its only 43 degrees outside...brrrr, will tell my southern family coming here to Ohio to bring some warm clothes also..I will be in the kitchen another day, doing baking and prep work...want to make my time a little more enjoyable by spending time with the family when they are here...can't remember the last time I have seen most of them, probably 30 yrs. but family is family no matter how much time passes...that is the one thing about the family on my Dad's side, we all remain family and stay in touch by facebook, but all pull together when something happens...

    My Uncles family enjoyed the feast I cooked for them, my Aunt, who I am close to could not hug me enough...we laughed, cried and talked while they went through pictures..and I was amazed at how many pictures they had, I take pictures I just don't have them printed like I once did, I think that is going to change...there will be no visitation as he was cremated but a memorial service and dinner at the church...which is how I would want mine also...I don't like funerals for that reason, I don't like the memory in my mind of the person I am visiting..

    Well enough of that, need to read the news, finish my coffee and get busy...

    Hope jostoy has a safe trip but a good one with her family...was hoping to talk with her before she left but just way to many things going on...

    Have a great day one and all, and if there is someone you haven't talked to, been in touch with, etc. reach out and do it now...don't hang onto anger, grudges, etc. "Let It Go"...

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God

  • #2
    Good morning .. and a wet rainy one for the moment

    almost ready to leave the house... today is Bethany's Baton meet ,, being held in local high school gym.. Granddau. Carrie is going with me. to be my helper climbing the bleacher steps ... will be a long 5-6 hours of setting . but I have been going to Baton meets for 20 some years now.. and last granddaughter gets the same attention as the first one got. I have seen so much twirling , I could be a judge . I really do like to see the routines. and the little ones are always so darn cute..... ( why , oh why, do they have to play the music sooooo loud tho? ).. ..........have the sons on alert to check on David while I am gone ...he is so stubborn , will NOT carry the cell phone in pocket. sigh)

    had a quiet day at home yesterday... got out my summer slacks , tried them on.. and they all need re hemmed.. I have shrunk and lost weight. will get to them some sunny day... did a lot of reading ..

    see you all this evening .
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


    • #3
      Good Morning! It's a chilly one out there right now. No sun either.

      Yesterday was good. Finished baking off the cookie dough. The restaurant called for pies & cake. Fortunately I already had the pies & cake made & in the freezer. Just had to ice the cake. Got that delivered and delivered my cousin Karen's cookies to her. Ran into town to the bank & stopped at a garage sale on the way home. Didn't buy a thing. We are going back with Cork later this morning. Actually got to sit down & read. Got all the laundry done. Left the socks for Blaise to fold. It was a good day....until the end.

      Sat down to read my emails & there was a message from Blaise's teacher. He basically was bullying a girl for Pokemon cards. I lowered the boom this morning. Lots of tears & anger from him, but he's accepted his fate & punishments. One being that he had to give up 50 Pokemon cards to give to this girl. I took away the rest of his cards. Much crying & nashing of teeth. He said he wished he lived in an orphanage. Like they'd really have Pokemon cards and all kinds of electronics.

      I have no real plans for today so far, except the garage sale. Think I'll clean out the refrig out on the porch.

      Have a good one all!


      • #4
        Good morning everyone.

        Had to turn the furnace on last night. It is cold again for at least another day. Then it warms back up....if you can believe the weather people. If they are right, then my garden will or has survived any frost possibilities.

        ​Sharon, the family trip doesn't happen until the end of June. Friday my sister-in-law and I head to Branson, Mo. We will be down there for a week. Lots of shows and activities that we want to do. Before we were restricted because of my brother's use of a walker. We will be meeting my 3 cousin's for lunch on Sunday. Looking forward to that.

        Monday afternoon, I will go to the Lake to finish setting up the camper. I have several things I want to get done before returning Tuesday afternoon. I'll see if everything gets done.

        ​Hope all have a great day.
        Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


        • #5
          Good morning...gloomy and back to cold but I think the sun is suppose to peek out this afternoon. Today is the day we move everything but the kid herself. She will supposedly stay where she is until school is out in a couple of weeks. I will not be happy until I see mommy dearest's backside going down the highway...then i will believe she is leaving! Hopefully last night's rain washed the air of this green menace. Of course, now with the temps cooler there is no a/c to cleanse the inside air. Funerals seem to be big family reunions and that is sad. Funerals and weddings. Good for you, Sharon, for hosting your family. That is a lot of work but it sounds like you are enjoying it. Did make a traditional lasagna and we will see what it tastes like today...always a surprise when I make lasagna. Hockey this afternoon at 2:00 so I am going to leave a little earlier this morning and maybe get the show on the road earlier. Andrew is asking questions about vacation and I always have a travel guide I buy new when we go to Disney but Sierra has it. I will give it to Drew and maybe he will be interested enough to read it. His mother does not read with him and we have to continue and not take the summer off. We are close enough to the end of the year that Andrew is counting days. Something like 22 he said...that is not very many! Nothing new been happening around here but I do seem to put a lot of miles on the tires. The aunt we helped move last week called and she is settling in and happy. Wow, 3 meals you just sit down to every day? I'd be like her and skip the entertainment and crap....unless they were serving cake, which is also like her! Cake eating is a family trait. This is the aunt that taught me it is ok to eat dessert first. Remember shopping with your mom and going to cafeterias for lunch? It was always a treat and I got to eat dessert first. Well, I run the cafeteria now and it is no treat and there is no dessert! Bought a box of chocolate twinkies yesterday so that is breakfast. Hope you all enjoy your sun...thinking it will be back to furnace tonight.


          • #6
            there are two threads this morning and I read this one second so posting here.
            Maxie, you crack me up! I love the eat dessert first because having gone through enough pot luck diner lines, I have learned if you see something you really want you better get it then or forget it! Growing up, my dad always wanted our family to go towards the end of the line at church dinners so he knew there was enough for all. He said we had food at home...Gary Always wanted our family to go at the end, and then sit with anyone who seemed to be now I eat whatever I want (and it shows) and have good memories, too.
            today is the rodeo parade. It is usually about 1 1/2 hours and it rained this morning, so who knows? If it starts raining again after we are up there, we can either sit in the car and watch (if we get a good enough parking place) or come home. It is cloudy and at least we won't get sunburned. Becky wanted pictures before we go, but she is so picky! I liked mine in one take...she, on the other hand, has had me re-do and re-take and still is not happy. She looks good but we are our own worst critics...
            We don't usually attend the rodeo unless we have out of town guests. That means the rest of the town is pretty quiet and no crowds in the stores. There will be a big fly over of Army jets at the Grand entrance and start of the rodeo today and we can see (and hear ) that from anywhere in town!
            Spencer and his family attended an Oriole's game last evening. It was a family night for the boys' school and they all had a great time, even if they were in nose bleed seats. For football they had seats 9 rows from the field...big difference when the business gives out the tickets. I am just happy they are having such good experiences and loving them. 67 days until my trip!
            I want to do some yard work this afternoon. The sand area needs weeding and defining to be ready for new sand.
            Hope you all have a great day!


            • #7
              Maye, I posted on the other thread, but had to add here: lots of little and big twirlers in the parade today if it is like years past. the last row of the groups is always the littlest ones. So cute!
              There will be lots of horse groups, floats of kids and service groups and cars and tractors!
              Our kids loved the Shriners with their little cars and now there are Shriners who enter their cute little airplanes they ride around in. I have had family who benefitted form Shriner's hospitals so they always get my attention and big applause.
              Hope the sun shines sometime for you guys. It is cloudy here and rained this morning...


              • #8
                Finally got here. Good evening.
                I guess in this hotel I'm going to wake up every 2 hours. That hasn't changed. But we had an early morning today. Middle daughter brought over both her daughters, we chattered and jabbered the morning away. Then she had to take the youngest home to get ready for her job. High school curriculum in this state seems to require that all kids will have a job for the experience required when they're let loose in the world.
                At which time E & I had to change clothes and get ready for a tour of one of the senior facilities here. Wow! We have to measure our furniture that we'll take with us, which means there's a ton of stuff we'll have to get rid of! The woman there was really nice, answering our questions, and even gave us a booklet of all the other senior living places in the area, complete with addresses, costs, features, etc. we don't plan to move right away, but will want to visit several other facilities. Then make up our mind.
                We stopped for an early dinner and came back to the hotel. It got to about 99° today, and my strength was quickly zapped.
                Tomorrow middle daughter will treat us to breakfast. Then we visit eldest daughter for a few hours, then spend the afternoon with the younger (not youngest) daughter and her girls. We have lots of girls in the family, and the guys are outnumbered in all but one house.
                We decided to visit youngest daughter in WA sometime this summer. I have a kiln to give to her, and whatever else I can talk her into taking off our hands.
                So that was our day. I'm ready to crash. But bedtime is a few hours away yet.
                I hope you all had a great day.
                Spring has spring, and I think our area has already dipped into summer.. ☀️
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

