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Tuesday 4/17

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  • Tuesday 4/17

    Good morning

    I was reading yesterdays post and see I never got here... had an absolute horrible night after all that joyous Easter day... I had spasms, cramps ,in both legs at the ankles , up the calfs .. could not lay , barely stand.. and HURT... this went on and off for hours.. Daughter suggested maybe too much salt.. from the ham and other goodies?.. so yesterday was an almost lost day.. most of the time after a cramp , all is fine but this time my legs,ankles were so sore. and my energy was GONE... so got the minimum done.. and read, slept most of the day away..

    today , hope to get out to store.. David has a battery to buy at Walmart. ( for the riding mower). and I have a short list of groc. and a stop needed at the library.. I have been reading and reading .. finally figured out how to get books on to the Kindle.. yea.. and I was so deep into a book last evening . that I completely forgot to watch DWTSs....... that is unheard of!... found out who went off . would have been my choice too..

    Elaine, concerns and Prayers for John..
    JoG... pray for good news on all new tests.. I did get call that my biopsy on the tissue from my face (dermotologist). were negative.
    Bethina,, I am still waiting for my KD Kat to settle into maturity... have lamp shade in living room to replace. and new sheers for front window to replace . they are so snagged .. but no sense to change yet..... she is slowing down in her clawing and climbing but loves to get on TOP of anything she can jump to.. the price we pay for raising a kitten

    well. better get my lists made out .. without a list ,I might as well stay home .
    Hi Paula, Maxie, Darla.. Sassygirl. Donna dear, Barb, and each and every one of you...
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

  • #2
    Good morning everyone..

    Rise and shine...Rain to day...

    I am going to see my mother to day...At her grave site..To day it is her birthday..I got her card and flowers..Her favorite..

    Maye,That is awful..I feel for you..Here is pic..That would cheer you
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    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
      Editing a comment
      Hugs to you today, sassygirl!

    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
      Editing a comment
      Paula A,thank-you so much...I need that.....

  • #3
    Maye is the cubbie play still dancing?? I keep forgetting to watch and see...

    I too spent the biggest part of my day in bed off work early yesterday do to us getting a nice bonus on our check this coming pay day I needed to take an early day...

    I went to walmart got my groceries came stomach started hurting after I got home...shortly after that I threw up twice...took meds and went to bed...

    Work volunteering the an activity with my group of friends...then I have over night parents and my aunt and uncle are all flying out in the morning for a weekend in Texas...they are going to the toursty stuff down the Alamo.


    • #4
      Good SUNNY Morning! This may be the last for almost a week according to

      Yesterday was productive here and didn't include baking at all. Cleaned a bit. The kitchen floor is no longer sticky. Got Blaise & my winter clothes switched out for summer clothes. Ended up with two 13 gallon garbage bags of clothes to get rid of. Blaise's size 6's and clothes I never wore all winter or ones I out grew. Got the laundry caught up. Blaise was helping me sort the underclothes and taught him how to do the socks. He LOVED doing that & can't wait until I have another load for him to do. YEA! Also gave him an old sock & had him do some dusting.

      Cork caught a cold and is miserable. He ask for chicken rice soup when he called at lunchtime from work, so I made that for dinner. He ate & went to bed.

      This morning we are just going to putter around. This afternoon I'm taking Blaise to the movies. We are going to see Baby Boss. Tues & Wed are $5 days.

      Sorry to hear you were feeling so miserable yesterday Aunt J.

      Have a good one all!


      • #5
        Good Morning to all...a nice sun shiny morning, but like someone mentioned, after tomorrow it starts getting chillier in Ohio one day AC next day heat.

        Maye I also have problems with cramps, usually starts in my left foot in my toes, I take magnesium and potassium and drink more water, drinking more water for me seems to be the key. I sometimes wonder if it is the medicines I take...went to a funeral, got a cramp and had to stand up and walk out it was hurting so badly....embarrassing but had no choice..

        Elaine, hoping for news about John, I know it has to be hard on you watching him not being able to do all the things he once did...
        JoG, hope all test are within range.
        Donna as usual always busy, thought about you last night and remembering a time when I had your energy, those days are gone for me, I realized that on the trip, I know why I don't do group trips, I like a slower pace. Hope Cork is feeling better....I need to make more soups, hubby and I are not big soup eaters but I plan on doing more of them this winter for sure.

        Hope jostoy is behaving herself and not giving her back fits...
        I have a Drs. appt. today, first I have to get my INR checked and then on to the heart Dr. Oh the joys of getting older...I'm sure I gained weight after all the food and treats they had for us on the trip, never ate so much food, most I had never heard of and probably never will again, the cultural differences in how we eat is sons girlfriend who is from Sweden says she can't believe the portion sizes we eat here and how little veggies and fruit we eat as part of our Hawaii I enjoyed all the morning fruit offerings, and never knew that there was different kinds of pineapples, and their papaya was so sweet and juicy, also the husband who rarely eats many fruits loved the pineapples...and was also surprised to find out that our pineapples do not come from Hawaii, Dole use to have a factory there but they could not grow enough to meet the demand so it closed..

        Well off to read the paper then get my shower so I can start my day...Have a great day one and thankful for all of you go to place to share my thoughts and feelings without repercussions...

        Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


        • #6
          Good morning. The sky is light and will be getting lighter...for awhile, then clouds and rain. I don't really care that much; it is nice not having a drought!
          And much more like the weather I grew up with.
          Yesterday was a weird day: three kids who didn't really fit well, but I kept them busy. Just had to be on them the whole time. today will be a lot better. Another school child for the one who was here yesterday to talk with and interact, as well as just keeping the mix of kids involved. Also, yesterday, they got off to a Kindle start with the school boy and today I am going to tell him right when he comes in (so Mom can hear) that it is only for Quiet Time...the 4 year olds want to watch everything and then cry to do it, too, and it just is not a fun day...I am glad to work some of this out before summer.
          I am working on a lap quilt for a girl at church who is moving. (Her family was the one we had the surprise open house for last night.) It has white cotton blocks bordered by blue calico with little yellow and white flowers. I brought fabric pens to church and had the other girls write messages on the white blocks. Now I am quilting it and remembered how much I dislike doing the edging! Still trying to think how it will be easiest and get done on time. So no reading for me untilit gets done. The family is moving the 6th of May.
          I need to turn on lights and get the day started here. The daycare end of the house is still very dark.
          Hope you all have a good day. prayers for John, Elaine. And Jo, and all the issues we know about and the ones we don't...what I do know is that, like Sharon, this is a place of comfort and happiness and friendship!
          Sassygirl, prayers for your comfort today as you honor your mother and your life together.


          • #7
            Not sure what the sky is out there this morning..I'm seeing blue sky but not much sun. At least no morning rain to greet us. No plans for the day. I wish I had half the energy you have Donna. I sorted some summer clothes from the closet then pooped out and left a pile on Sierra's bed to be sorted into goodwill or pitch piles. Need to go through drawers and throw out some stuff to make room but that all depends on my energy level which is low right now. Now that it is warm my arthritis is acting up for some reason...silly joints are suppose to like the heat! Also need to change my allergy med cuz this particular brand is not doing its job and time to change it out. Andrew will be back today so it is back to normal around here again but then Sierra is moving all her clothes in Saturday so it will really be a madhouse. She will leave some things at her mother's and continue to stay there as long as they are still there or until school is out in a couple of weeks, whichever comes first. She will be here permanently when this semester is over. We will back to a jumping house! Think I will fix pork chops tonight since I see my son brought up a package before he left for work. Fixed a pot of green beans and potatoes yesterday in the crock pot and forgot to plug in the pot until late morning so we ate late. I hate when I do things like that because it makes me worry about my mental capacities. When you do that stuff when you are young you are a scatterbrain but when you do it when your older you question yourself. My nephew posted a picture of me and Sierra at the game Sunday on face book and I heard from two friends I had not seen in a long time. That was nice...amazing how things get around on face book. And at who all are connected to it! There's the sun so must have been behind a cloud. Need to start the day. I have been so diligent about watering the outside plants that ai have completely ignored the inside ones and they are3 might droopy so that is first on my list. Enjoy the day and hope the sun shines warm and bright on you all!!


            • #8
              Good morning.
              It's nearly time to turn on the A/C here. We are getting more days in the 90's now, and the house is starting to heat up in the afternoons. Talk about repercussions, E likes the house colder than I do. I kept my cardigan sweaters out, just in case. I left my shorts in the bin, anticipating this. I'll wear capris or slacks this summer. Or my muumuus.

              I like to hear the wrens and finches in our yard, but need to get a feeder for them. They like living in my Italian Cypress trees. I'd like to put up a hummingbird feeder this year, too. If I put it in the front tree it'll be well shaded from the blazing sun. The elm trees in back are still too immature to give much useful shade. Didn't realize they were such slow growers.

              As far as the mourning doves and pigeons, Ellis has them trained to go to the neighbors housetop, it seems. They get missiles of sticks and stones when they're on our rooftop. We know that Wednesday is bird feeding day at the neighbor's house. That's when the many extra birds join the others for "fiesta". But they no longer wait on our roof. 😁 (You know their poop is very corrosive to car paint and housetops! Plus it's a mess on sidewalks and driveways. Yuck.).

              * Elaine, how is John doing? What did his doctor say?
              * Maye, I have a friend who gets those leg cramps. She swears by "a banana a day" to keep it at bay. Glad you got that Kindle working. I loved my old Kindle. The new one is supposed to do so much more, but I only use it for the book feature. Everything else is on my iPad!
              * Beth, San Antonio offers much to tourists. I loved living there, and it's where I met E! I hope your parents stroll down the River Walk there. It was beautiful back in my days there, and has since been "upgraded".
              * Cookie, am glad to hear you've got a reprieve from the pressure. Blaise sounds like a really good kid.
              * Sharon, sounds like a beautiful trip. Your son's girlfriend is right about our eating has been suggested some time ago that the veggies & fruits should fill up most of our plate, and meat should be treated as a condiment and be taken sparingly.

              Well, I'm not sure what we'll be up to today. E might be taking down the fans to get them fixed, but without the remote controls. They've never worked quite right since they were installed...the store sent their electrician from Phx out here to solve the problem, and it didn't work...he couldn't even begin to figure it out. Last resort will be to get a cheaper set of fans. We bought these for the light fixtures built in, but I thought we'd have to choose between using the fan OR lights. E said he's certain the remote control system is screwing it all up. We shall see. I just hate to see E on the big ladder working on them. He's 80 years old!!!!! (He only behaves like a little kid! &#128580

              Well, I'm sure Paula & Maxi might have signed in while I was typing. Hi! 👋 I type more slowly these days.
              Have a great day!!!☀️
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • #9
                its nice to come back and read in the evening

                Bethina, not sure which dancer you are thinking of ..this is who is off ( the contestants ) Chris and Whitney,,::, Charo and Keo.::;.MrT and Kym :::and Erika Jaye and Gleb.. far all my favorites are still there..

                Sassygirl .. I love that two kitten picture... makes me smile every time.... and hope your visit with your Mom .make you feel still close to Mom birthday was Mar.26.. my son's wife has the same date.... I never forget her card. because of mom..

                Sharon,, yeap , when the years add up . we slow down. . Women admit it and learn to take it easy , what they can do or not do... BUT.. Men never give in.
       JoG. husband , My husband..will not admit it is the 85 that is the problem .. never had patience to wait for help... He could do it by himself was his attitude... so... I see a long road ahead of either me yelling and grumbling .. or just letting him try.. and hope he don't get hurt.

                so nice reading news in evening .. Maxie and Paula.. with your full house.. . Donna. no baking .wow. .

                will see you all tomorrow.
                Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

