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St. Patrick's Day ~ Friday 3/17

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  • St. Patrick's Day ~ Friday 3/17

    Good Morning!

    Gee, where is everyone?

    Well today you must wear green or eat green. We would be better off wearing, but I'm not sure either of us have green clothes, so I guess we'll cook something green.

    Do any of you like Velveeta? I buy a large (cheaper) and it usually lasts me a year, but yesterday I bought the Blanco Queso version, and we really like it. I am using it for enchiladas today, but I'm ready to try it in mac and cheese. Must have food on the brain????

    Well, hope you each have a very good day. John is feeling good, and his hand is mending well, so we are all good.

    Luv to Everyone.

  • #2
    Good Morning...

    Elaine do not use Velveeta very often at all...use to when the kids were at home..let me know how the Blanco Queso version works on the enchiladas because I buy the round version of it in the ethnic isle for my enchilada and other dishes.. So glad John is feeling better and his hand is many worries as we age..Luv to you also dear long time friend..

    Well yesterday was interesting, we did find the shorts hubby wanted from Bass Pro Shop, they have a shorter inseam which he needs so now he will have shorts that don't hang down below his knees while on vacation, LOL....then we had lunch before heading to my Drs. appt. well she added another med to my list she wants me to try Imuran, she is afraid that being on the highest dose possible or Remicade is running its course and I no longer have antibodies with it so hoping this medicine will help me with that, weird that I feel fine in that area but not as fine as she thinks I should let's just add another expense to my list of meds..

    Today is visitation for our friend and neighbor, such a sad time, just turned 57 in Jan, and now gone...hoping the autopsy reveals the reason...that usally means the heart..

    Will put my corned beef brisket in the oven for slow cooking, can't have cabbage with the blood thinners but I can have canned sauerkraut and we love reubens which is what we usually have that takes care of supper...

    Have a great day one and all...please send some sunshine and warm weather our way..

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • jostoy
      jostoy commented
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      I can send warmth,but not the sunshine today.

    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      I didn't know I could cook the corned beef in the oven. I always do it on the stove top. I didn't buy one, yet, but will after daycare.

  • #3
    Good morning.
    I can try to coax some of our sunshine & warmth towards you, Sharon. We are in the low 90's here in desert country.

    Have a happy St Patrick's day. I have a tee shirt with a green dinosaur on it that I'll be wearing today. I have very little green in my wardrobe. But this year instead of cooking green, I'll be making what I call my Polish peasant dish....everything cooked in one pan. Kielbasa, potatoes, onion, sauerkraut. (I don't like corned beef due to all the salt.)
    E said okay, he's not Irish anyway. I told him in no uncertain terms that on St. Patrick's day, *everyone* is Irish!!! 🍀

    Got a lot of reading to do. E's friend sent his manuscript to us for editing and opinions. There's probably 6 people doing this, 4 at the very least. But we've caught things the others missed. E is known for his grammar corrections...he's OCD about it.

    So, thats my news for today. Not going anywhere today. Just normal chores. E is "still going to fix" the front window blinds. Somehow. The line for raising/lowering them broke off. He's been "going to" do it for about a week now.
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    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      JoGee,I thought it was cute

  • #4
    Happy St. Pat's Day! Andrew is having a green feast today so sent home a package of green apple slices and had picked him up a green shirt..he should be fine for the day and has early dismissal on top of it. Got my hair cut yesterday and now I can wash and wear. Forgot to get my brows done but next time. One of her girls was selling something so she took the haircut money and put it toward the purchase. Actually I got a free cut so not complaining about the forgotten brows. Remember Andy Rooney's brows? Haven't reached that point yet. Sierra wants to run to Kohl's today. She has been everywhere and cannot find the bras she wants so, just so happens, grandma has a 30% coupon and Kohl's cash so we will take a road trip to another Kohl's...but have to be home to meet the bus so she tells me we do not have to do lunch out but can drive through. That girl is always looking out for me and managing my time! It has rained this morning. Woke me up and I was totally disoriented for a while...strange feeling! My brain kinda stumbled around for a while and when I was pretty sure I hadn't suffered a stroke or anything I went back to sleep and woke cleared headed. It was truly a strange experience... Yesterday I picked up a gooey butter cake and Drew loved it...took a huge slice home to his mother and told her we made it. Jon said he looked at him and said I saw the bakery box it came from and he said Drew looked at him so serious and said 'I didn't want mom to know grandma doesn't bake'....Jon said he and Jamie both cracked up. She Knows! She bakes those wonderful butter cookies for ME every Christmas so she knows!! I am a clean freak but not much of a cook and that is not so bad because no one comes around asking for their favorite dish that takes all day to cook and thousands of dollars in ingredients. They bring food to me!! Well, the oldest grand is on her way here from school so need to shower and start the day. Tomorrow I must must must designate CLEAN HOUSE DAY.....this place is grossing me out but I am always on the go...Blues won last night. I have been falling asleep in the second period and catching the third mornings on replay but last night I woke from my nap to catch the 3rd. One more west coast game. How do you people keep those hours out there? lol..... Don't think I anything green so hope no one steps on my toes today...have a good one all.


    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      I LOL'd at that comment about not wanting his mom to know you don't bake! Love it! If I need a lift I am going to think of that.
      I wish I had the Clean Gene. Instead, I got the Panic: company coming in 10 minutes Gene...I can't wait to get my DNA information so I will know where these crazy genes came from!

  • #5
    Beautiful morning here and I hope you all have some Irish joy in your day, if not in your genes. Great- grandparents came from County Cork and Gary's side came from Ireland (Flynn's), so my kids get a double dose and Not One likes corned beef or cabbage! Luckily, Gary did, so I made it for us and friends every year. The friends retired and moved away, so I wasn't going to make any until this morning, I decided I can and I want to!
    Do any of you make colcannon? Mashed potatoes with cooked cabbage in it? Love it! Years ago I read about it in Sunset magazine from a reader who throws a huge Irish dinner and posted his recipe.
    I went to my friend's Premier jewelry and LulaRoe party. I picked out two (!) necklaces ( it is ALL costume) and gave them to the consultant and looked at the leggings and tunics...saw a woman around my age who told me the sizes run big and she was wearing the leggings and tunic...without throwing any shame that conversation and visual was enough to convince me I am too old and not the right shape to pull off this look..I went over, gave my card to the jewelry person and when she gave me my receipt I about fell over! I remembered there is a reason I never bought anything from their catalogs friends would bring me! I showed my friend who gave the party and told her I think I made up in necklaces for not buying leggings! I better Love this costume jewelry! This is all just as a warning to take your glasses, ask about pricing, and ( what I will be doing) send your Regrets about any future party plans that feature credit cards and over-priced products!


    • #6
      Good afternoon..

      Rise and shine..

      i am late one...I got up early did the laundry..and it took all day...And my little helper help out too..
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      • #7
        Good Afternoon! It's another sunny day, which is wonderful! The only green that I'm wearing is the green icing from the sugar cookies.

        Yesterday was kind of iffy. Bible study was very good & uplifting. Came home & felt lousy. Not sick sick, but drug out, so I took a nap after lunch. Then I organized & cleaning my pantry. That was my big accomplishment of the day. Baked a froze pizza for dinner.

        This morning my feet hit the floor running. Sue was coming to help ice sugar cookies with me. We got about 20 doz and I still have about 5 doz left to do. I have to make more icing before I can do those. I just want to get them done & forget them.

        Was looking out my bedroom window the other day & noticed our flag has gotten beat up over the winter, so ordered a new one (made in the USA) and it arrived today. I noticed one time when I went to the library in Saxonburg that there was a box for old flags. Apparently the Boy Scouts do something special with them. They don't just throw them away. I'll be taking my old flag there.

        Have a good one all!


        • #8
          a quick good afternoon.... got an invitation to go to camp with daug, and son in law..(and Bethany)... we have not been to their camp for ages.. but since only the 3were going to be there we decided to go.. waiting for information now on "When"... the guys might go up early. Karen has to wait for Bethany to get home from school activity . its 1 1/2 hr drive.. but since I won't be driving .. thats ok..
          Don't know if I can post on iphone from there ,,,
          if not see you sunday or monday...
          Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


          • #9
            Have a good time at the camp, Maye.

            Paula, I have been wanting to make that, but kept forgetting. I can do that today. I have some leftover mashed potatoes and canned sauerkraut. Just mix 'em and heat & eat, I guess.

            I'm wearing a tee shirt today with a big green T-Rex singing "If you're happy and you know it, clap your .....OH,"
            (They had tiny arms, and the hands can't reach to clap.)

            Oh...had a bit of excitement here yesterday. The corner house across the street had an ambulance & paramedic (fire dept.) truck show up around 5pm. They stayed about an hour. The guy got wheeled out on a gurney, covered (not his head). They puttered around after getting him in the ambulance, for another 15 minutes. Then they turned the flashing lights off and drove away. Don't know if that means he's stabilized, or died.
            Sad thing is, I didn't know when the previous neighbors there left, and when these people moved in. We don't know them. She looks like a high school senior, very thin. I didn't see the guy. They have an automatic garage opener when they're driving up, and the door is closed when they get out. We never see them outside. Today there's a different car there. Then she came home around noon I think. People around here seem very private, so we don't know most of them here. We've been here for 15 years. Neighbor's change and you're not aware. We know the neighbor's on each side of us, but nobody has get togethers these days......we might see one or the ther side once, maybe twice a week.
            Anyway, am hoping the across-the-street people are okay.
            Last edited by JoGee; 03-17-2017, 02:28 PM.
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

