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Sunday ~ March 12

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  • Sunday ~ March 12

    Good Morning.

    Well, things didn't go well and we ended up at the emergency around 8p. Nobody in the waiting room, but there must have been people in other places because we waited 1.5 hours to see doc. When we left, however, the place was jumping. WOW! Gave him an antibiotic tablet and a prescription. One of my old students was his nurse, and it was so nice to see and talk with her.
    His hand wasn't swollen during the wait, but when we got home, it was. Strange. Anyway 10 days of pills (and worry) to look forward to.

    Turned cold here again, as well. I think we are just at 32 right now. The yard is covered with Grape Hyacinths. Hope they aren't frosted this morning.

    We are staying home from church. Friend called at 10:30 last night to tell me her whole family has the flu. That is half of our attendees, PLUS, she plays our piano. Will be like a ghost town there this morning, I'm afraid.

    maxie, I hate testing, too, but we were just on the edge of it when I retired. Dodged a bullet there. I just keep wondering what Drew would do without you guys. There are a lot of kiddos who don't have the support you can provide.

    Well, better get the clocks tended to. Only changed half of them before we went to bed.

    Have a good day.

  • #2
    Good morning everyone.

    ​Laydebug, sorry to hear that King's scratch caused a problem for John. Hope the antibiotics will "cure" is infection. Know that has to be a worry for you as well as pain for John.

    ​Nothing on my agenda for the day RIGHT NOW. Read an entire book yesterday. Of course it was only 200 pages.

    ​Sunday School and Church this morning. Hope all enjoy their day.
    Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


    • #3
      Good morning everyone..

      LadyBug,I am so sorry..That your family has the bug...We staying home too..I went shopping the other day..And caught the bug again..I had terrible coughing attack..I thought i would stay home from church.
      I am so about King...I hope he will get better..
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      • #4
        Good morning....Coriander didn't get the memo about time change...ate really early! I am up and have my dessert made for today...a pudding layer dessert...

        No plans this afternoon that I know of right now...Small group Bible Study this morning.


        • #5
          Good Morning....Elaine sorry to hear of John's injury and what it has caused but when you don't really have immunities to fight with each thing can be a big chance. I know Nurse Elaine will take good care of him,,,if he is taking and antibiotic it might cause diarrhea if he is allowed start him on a probiotic with the most strains in it helps keep the stomach from over reacting.

          jostoy hope you are healing and feeling better these days.I need to read yesterdays post to find out what is going on with everyone..

          Had a busy day yesterday and this morning feeling a bit sick to my stomach and COLD!! These darn blood thinners sure make me cold...They heart Dr. set my next cardioversion date for the 22nd that is if when they do the Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE) first and if the blood clot has dissolved they will continue on with the cardioversion after they put me in a deeper sleep..hope it is gone and they can put my heart back in rhythm this is getting old...hate the way I feel and hubby thinks he has to be with me constantly, LOL....

          Made a homemade barbecue chicken pizza yesterday, hubby loves them...grilled seasoned diced chicken, bacon pieces, red onion, banana peppers and lots of cheese with barbecue as the base. It was yummy.

          Don't know what today will bring, except to be making some Skyline chili (cinncinnati chili) over some spaghetti, with cheddar cheese, oninons and a hot dog on the side in a bun...I will pass on the hot oyster crackers with mine, only s premium saltine ones, the off brands are just do not have a good taste..

          Well off to sit under a blanket for a bit and wait for hubby to get up and fix some breakfast...

          Hope everyone has a good day one way or the other, if not, find something to do that brings you pleasure..
          Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


          • #6
            Good morning! The important cleaning cks got changed and alarm set last night...this is the time change that really affects the daycare kids. They will all be tired and take naps tomorrow.
            I got a pedicure yesterday and mowed the front lawn. The temperature was in the upper 70's and just a beautiful day.
            My allergies are kicking in with the weather and the mowing.
            I better get moving. I still need makeup and church least I put them out last night.
            Have a good day.
            Hope you feel better, Sharon, and hope John heals up quickly with the medicine.


            • #7
              Had a wonderful day yesterday...a 2 mealer! Sister found a beautiful outfit and it was on sale! She will just look for another top for day #2 of wedding festivities but the main dress (two piece with a lovely sequined top and longish skirt) is purchased. It WAS on sale but boy do you pay for quality!! Lots of laughs and the sales lady was great. She let those of us in the background whoop it up and maintained her professionalism in the dressing room. Kate cancelled last minute die to illness but we promised to take her when we go back looking the other top. Then we headed out and shopped for fun. I bought a new shower curtain and bath mat...had no intention to do that but I fell in love with the colors in the curtain and guess I needed a change. We ended at Olive Garden and they were having a buy a dinner take another home deal so I brought Jon home his supper. He came in and changed all the clocks...boy I hate this time change. Anyone doing homework with a kid hates this time of the year. They want out in the light and you are the bad guy all the time. We did not get a flurry of snow yesterday but the temps never left the 30s either. Suppose to be another chance of snow tomorrow. Let's get this winter stuff over! Elaine glad you got John squared away...sorry it ended up with a trip to the emergency room. Think today I will do some laundry and hang my new shower curtain. I found a poster print on line that I fell in love with so ordered that for the bathroom wall this morning. Going to jazz the room up! I saw in a magazine that people are framing pieces of wallpaper and even wrapping paper for art. I have a bunch of frames from kids pictures that we had framed so will see if that is workable with this print. Blues are on a roll and that makes for happy watching. Have a cold nose so need to remind the thermostat that I am home. Appears I am invisible in this house...


              • #8
                Good morning, all.

                Nothing new happening here. Even our clocks didn't have to be changed. AZ doesn't do "savings time".

                Wow, Elaine. I'm sorry about the medical problems that you & John went through. I hope the meds take care of it without further ado.

                Jostoy, you're sounding much better today.

                Sassy, sorry to hear you have the bug again.

                Beth, cats don't do "savings time" either. Good luck with getting Cori back on your schedule.

                Sharon, all my good thoughts are with you, with all you're going through. I know exactly how you feel with hubby being right there constantly. But you & I see lucky to have hubbies who are like that. (When I get frustrated with it, I think of the guys who make a permanent grand exit from an ailing wife.). Then I feel better about my dh's efforts to be there and help. Get better quickly, friend!

                To all, have a super-duper day. Think good thoughts. Be very nice to yourself today.☀️️

                Paula & Maxie, it looks like we were typing together.
                Maxie, it sounds like a fun shopping day!
                Last edited by JoGee; 03-12-2017, 10:17 AM.
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • sassygirl01
                  sassygirl01 commented
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                  JoGee,I am not bit happy about.I am not happy

              • #9
                Good Morning!

                Yesterday was a quiet but busy day. After Blaise was done with the throwing up part of the flu, he slept most of the day. He fell asleep about mid-afternoon and slept clear through the night. Cork was also it bed most of the day. I puttered around. Made 2 more carrot cakes for the freezer. Took the 6 CC cupcakes to Aunt J and had a nice little visit. Uncle D ate one of the CC before I left. Cork wanted some baked chicken, so I made that for him.

                One of my friends at church showed me a pic her niece sent her from the Primary school on Thursday. There were waste cans up & down the halls in case kids couldn't make it to the bathroom in time to throw up. Apparently there were 170 kids absent and 40 kids in the nurses office at one time waiting to be picked up. Crazy!

                Went to church & SS by myself today. Blaise seems to be back to his old self, but I'm not taking him to the BB awards program today. I mixed up another batch of sugar cookie dough & might get that baked off today. I feel a nap coming on.

                Have a good one all!

                (((John))) Did they put any medication on the wound?


                • #10
                  Ohhh, I just heard from my DD. Our GGD Alora who just turned 1, has begun walking! The fun begins!!! bwa-ha-haaaa.
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                  This gallery has 1 photos.
                  Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                  • Paula A
                    Paula A commented
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                    They probably already know this, but
                    Coffee tables are a huge factor in new Walkers being injured and needing stitches. If they can clear away low height tables they will sure keep the hurts to a minimum.
                    My iPad would not type the word o w I e...

                • #11
                  Yes, they know about it Paula. Thanks.
                  Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

