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March 7-Tuesday

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  • March 7-Tuesday

    Morning everyone...Yesterday was just a great day! Work was fine...but going to see my friend and the two hours that I spent with her were priceless especially because it looks like she could be leaving the area again. She is turning another abuse claim..this time against the new nursing home...They are not bad or mean...Just so short staffed that my friend doesn't get the care that she feels she needs. She still really wants to go home....

    My ride home on the metro train was a little nerve racking..we were riding along and at one of the stops my train stopped and all the doors open and driver started yelling and several police officers came onto the train and arrested a man.

    I was glad to get home...

    When I got home I found my nice clean reorganized bed room! My mother cleaned and reorganized my bed room for me while I was gone visiting my needed it badly and I still have drawers to go through one at a time. I am going to get rid of of a lot of my clothes that I don't wear or don't fit.

    I am going to strive to keep my room clean and sure is nice..

    Last night once everyone went to bed there was a horrible and loud storm...a good sized stick hit my window didn't break the window but hit loud enough that it woke me and scared Cori...Cori was awake for the next hour or 2 crying the entire time...

    Then I started having muscle spasms in my back....needless to say I didn't get nearly enough sleep...

    afte work today I am meeting my parents for lunch...

  • #2
    Good morning everyone..

    Rise and shine...It is will be one wet day....Rain..
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    • #3
      Good Morning! I think the sun is trying to peek out, but no luck yet. It rained a lot last night.

      Yesterday was good. Went to town to the bank & Aldi's. Back in Dec when Aldi's had their cream cheese for $.89 ea, I bought two cases...48 pkgs. Would you believe I'm down to 3 pkgs now? Bought some more yesterday, but not that much since the price is back up. Returned the curtain rod that didn't work for my Mom and while there I got her an add'l short curtain for the side window. She only bought a single one thinking that would be enough, but she wants it fluffier, so I got her a second curtain. Also made an executive decision for her. The extension rods for her big window was right out to the end, so I picked up a couple more extension rods to be inserted when she washes the curtains next year. That made her happy. Will drop them all off today. Finally settled down and worked on the paperwork in my desk. My checkbook is pretty sad right now. Good thing Friday is payday for Cork.

      Kathy called and told me all about the new little house that her & her friend Katie are going to rent. They THOUGHT they were getting in this coming weekend, but here it's not until May 1st, so she is putting her stuff in storage (NOT here...she didn't even bother to ask) and going to live with another friend until they move. She just wants to get away from Jimmy. Fine. Becca went to work yesterday & they never questioned her about her ankle injury. She's allowed to work, which is what she was concerned about.

      Last night I got a text asking if I could make 6 doz German Choc cookies, so I'm hoping to get them done before I go have lunch with Blaise at school. They invited the parents to come in a time or two through the school year for lunch with their child/ren but you have to put in a request. So today is the day. I'm going to pick up lunch on the way. It's a big deal to him. Will stop at Mom's & the library on the way home. Blaise has his final BB practice tonight. Yea! Though I did enjoy talking with the other parents.

      Have a good one all!


      • #4
        Good morning....
        Just a quick note today. The sun isn't over the mountain yet, so it's kind of grey-ish out right now. But a nice day ahead.
        Tonight we're seeing the Shen Yun performance,then staying overnight at a motel because Ellis is now having problems driving at night now. Ain't aging fun? ....Not! 🙄

        I forgot to put this iPad on the charger last night, and the battery is pretty low. Not much else to write about anyway.
        We have some exploring to do today before the program begins. We thought it might be wise to see the layout of the streets and parking area there. And we need to be there an hour early to get a parking spot, so I guess the parking lot is too small to serve all the patrons expected to show up. So there's probably no street parking around there either. They really didn't think this all out when they built the place, did they?!!! Oh well.

        Sounds like a busy day for you, Cookie. Have fun at lunch!
        Hello, sassy & Beth.
        And Hi to everyone who follows. Have a great day, everybody!
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #5
          Good morning .

          decent sleep last night ,so was awake early... read a while. then David reminded me. we were taking 2nd car to the garage , needs inspected..
          so was out on the road by 8..aggg. back now and ready for ,more coffee.
          today has no major plans on it..but I'm sure I can fill it up with "something". started to sort outthe music files.. and gave up quickly .. I think I will make a file folder .. put enough pieces of music together I can use if I'm ever called upon at the last minute to play for the church.. practice them a little .thus be prepared....

          Hi Bethina, nice to have a neat organized room !...
          SassyG.. I"m smiling at the kitty.!.

          Donna,, slow down girl.. did you ever check if Aldis would give you discounts on some of your supplies?.

          hi to all. be back in a bit.. need to make that cup coffee in the Keurig.
          Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


          • cookielady
            cookielady commented
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            Well I checked with them when we were buying lots for the church out in Shelby, and they don't give discounts. They feel they are as low as they can go, which is true. They are usually 40%-50% lower than the other grocery stores.

          • sassygirl01
            sassygirl01 commented
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            Maye,I thought it would make you smile..

        • #6
          Morning! Boy that was some storm started here with hail and then poured rain and the wind was so strong Jon called us down into the boy cave. It blew out quickly but was a little intense. Sierra stayed over last night and may again tonight. Things are not going well with mommy dearest but when are they ever? We booked vacation yesterday but just paid a deposit with full payment not due until May...maybe we have some idea of what is going on with this strike. Naturally we are not telling Andrew so he will not be disappointed if we have to cancel. But Sierra is happy...the girl loves Disney! Today I have laundry and need to pick up hamburger for a meatloaf supper and then roll some meatballs for the freezer. Much much much colder this morning and a chance of snow on Saturday...what kind of a spring is this? My passport is all renewed so all anyone has to ask is who is up for a tropical weekend? ME ME!!!!!


          • #7
            Maxie, I love Disney!
            Oh, wait, Good Morning! I hear or read Disney and get off track fast!
            It is Spencer and Nikki's 20th wedding anniversary today! I am sitting in the living room, right by the spot they stood and were married. Her student visa was up and she was going to have to go home to Japan and Spencer told us they were going to Reno and getting married. That was Sunday night and by Monday morning I had a better plan and they were totally onboard: Friday evening have a wedding here. Becky helped clean and do preparations every day after school; I cleaned and planned during nap time and kept a notebook of people to call and food to order. By the time the I do's were said we had family, friends, roommates from Korea and Japan (hers) and friends from school and work (his) and memories that are still one of the highlights of my Mom accomplishments.
            And after 20 years, three boys and back in the States! I am counting down until I see them.
            Hope you all have a great day!


            • sassygirl01
              sassygirl01 commented
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              Paula A..I love Disney too..When i was young went to them park every year....Now it cost too much..I am glad that we went..It was fun for whole family..

          • #8
            Wow, who doesn't like Disney! I hope the vacation works out well, Maxie.

            What a special day for you, Paula. Happy memories, huh! Congratulations to the anniversary couple!
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • #9
              Good Morning

              Paula, I'm glad you cleared up about the wedding. Wasn't sure when it took place. Such a cute couple and such gorgeous kids!

              Our Minister told us Sunday about the 40 bags in 40 days challenge for Lent. She said any kind of a bag - from a trash bag to a ziplock. Anyway, I'm going to meet that challenge and give up 40 bags of something for Lent.

              Chemo shot this afternoon. Ruins the whole day. But gotta do it.

              Have a good day, Everyone.


              • #10
                Good morning. Rough night of sleeping up and down ended up on couch and slept until almost 10 then hubby made me breakfast. Went to Dr. Yesterday and yes it is a sinus infection now on an antibiotic ask for amoxicillan and that is what I got. Why oh why couldn't she see that is what I had three weeks ago.

                My plan today is to be totally lazy stay in my pj's, drink lots of liquids and watch tv. That's it for me eyes watering, sneezing and congestion. Have a good day, safe travels, happy shopping, enjoy the clean room, great lunch, etc. see you all tomorrow.
                Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


                • #11
                  Good morning everyone.

                  Well I guess I either have to go back to Tuscola, bring back my rememberance, or go in my undies to Church this summer. I cannot find my Sunday clothes. I've looked everywhere here in
                  ​the house...under the beds, in all the closets, in the cedar chests, and even went out to the shed. I found all my summer shorts and tops, but no good clothes. I had plans of doing all my summer wear today in the washing machine. I do have 1 outfit that I left out last fall. I think the people at Church might get tired of seeing me in the same outfit. But then that is a better option than seeing me in my undies. Oh the sight that that portrays.

                  Better get my brain working over-time to find those clothes. Hope all have a better day than I'm having today.
                  Last edited by jostoy; 03-07-2017, 07:25 PM.
                  Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


                  • boffler
                    boffler commented
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                    My vision you with only your undies under a trench coat, LOL