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Sunday ~ February 26

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  • Sunday ~ February 26

    Good Morning.

    Well, I looked through yesterday's posts and it seems I never did check in. Don't know why.

    Cold this morning. Down to freezing once again.

    Don't expect much of a crowd at church on a cold morning like this, but I do have a cake baked to take.

    Speaking of cats ( aren't we always ), someone adopted 5 from our Shelter yesterday - FIVE! Not that is what I call an angel.

    Nothing much to report. Still haven't gotten any help to change out our rugs. Hope that will happen this week.

    Have a very good Sunday. Be well. Stay warm!

  • #2
    Good morning everyone..

    Rise and shine..

    Ladybug....Really...WOW.!!!!They have a forever home..

    No rain to day...And no wind..But little cool..I hope we see the sun to day..
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    • #3
      Good Morning to back from IN visit with my sister, she is coming along in her recovery from knee replacement, taking a bit longer than they expected because of the second surgery to open it back up because of a blood clot...but she is doing therapy and I got her out and about also..then on the way home we stopped in Cincinnati at the rehab place to visit hubby's Dad, he had his leg amputated below the knee but then it got infected and had to have it taken off above the knee and at 80 yrs. old he isn't doing so good, not eating has lost 53 lbs. and at times I thought he was a bit confused..guess he is lucky any of the kids visit at all he left the family for another woman about two years after hubby and I got together, and never looked back, didn't contact any of his kids, didn't call, write, visit or anything...lots more to this story but that can happen another day...he always makes a point to say I love you to the hubby more than a few times, my hubby cares but to many actions have spoken over the years..

      We came home it was over 70 degrees and then it was 28 degrees and snowing, strange weather we are having, only 26 degrees this morning..will get out this week and decide on a laptop, mine bit the dust, going to buy the hubby one also he likes to play on it in the evenings while watching tv...just a small cheap one for him, a little nicer one for me...will stick with HP's have had very good luck with them...that laptop is about 9 yrs. old...

      While I was at my sisters got the news that our first cousin had passed away, he had a heart attack only 53 yrs. old, we call it the Bryant curse, lost one at 43 yrs. old, another at 41 and almost lost three others but there attacks where not fatal and ended with open heart surgery...these are all men children of brothers to my Dad and his brothers all have been affected by it and a few women also...such a shame...
      Well time to think about what to cook up for breakfast, hubby is still sleeping he said yesterday he just felt tired and had not been sleeping I shall let him sleep.

      Have a great day one and all.

      Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


      • #4
        Good morning.
        Today we should be getting a call from our SD. "Busy" doesn't say much about how she's doing.

        I should have been repairing some figurines (the house is not retired-hubby proofed), but not today.

        Later on we will be going to the Gaslight theater. Niece begged for an adult's night out; her kids drop their kids off most days, and she's really not up to watching them....she wears an oxygen pump and has serious health issues, including never saying No.
        I don't remember the show, once I saw that we've seen it, but it'll be all different actors who hopefully add a new twist to it.

        Wow, Elaine, that's a lot of cats for one person to take. But then at one time our DD had taken in 13 cats. She had to eventually find new homes for them except for 4 when she lost her house (the lawyers are taking their time getting her Ex to pay child support)...she hadn't seen this coming. She and her teen daughter are in a small walk-up apartment now.

        Wow, Sharon....guess we're in that stage of life where everyone we know has health issues. You get extra angel-points for being compassionate to one who probably doesn't deserve it and probably doesn't realize just how lucky he is.

        The weather is crazy everywhere, isnt it! Our barometer shows rain for today. The weather report online says no rain today, but yes to rain on Monday & Tuesday. I'm guessing the rain could start tonight, then, since I see no dark clouds out this morning.

        Nothing else going on here. Guess I'll refill my tea mug and see if today's paper came.

        Have a great day, everyone.
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #5
          If I didn't love my cori kitty she would be looking for a new home this morning!!!!!! Kept me awake most of the night moewing for no reason...finally at 2 I fed her..thinking she would settle down...nope

          I hope for a nap this afternoon...and hope I can stay awake for Bible Study this morning....

          The Eagle thing yesterday was very interesting...Didn't get to see any flying around but the world bird sanctuary had one of their eagles used for educational purposes on site...that is the closest I have ever been to live Eagle...and didn't realize just how massive their wing span can be! We went to one of my burger joints for lunch a place called 5 guys


          • maxie
            maxie commented
            Editing a comment
            The eagles are very impressive. We did not go to the river this year to watch. When Sierra was little we would drive here to the river, stop at McDonald's and sit and watch them swoop down on the ice. AND a 5 guys burger is also very impressive...a little expensive but enough fries to feed you for a week! Sounds like a great day Beth!

        • #6
          32 and the sun is shining, so a Good Morning from here. Frost on the neighbor's roof and probably an icy windshield for me. It should be fine by 8:40 when we leave for church.
          My hair is in Velcro rollers and I am wearing the same skirt and top I wore to my cousin's funeral yesterday. It was well attended for a graveside funeral and the weather was clear and nice. We stood for the hour we were there visiting as well as the service. That was a little hard on my mother, but she enjoyed talking to a couple of cousins she hadn't seen for awhile. It ended up that no one, close family or otherwise, was staying afterward. A lot of pain and a lot of painful history...
          So, after church I will be making chocolate dipped strawberries. Our teenage girls have a special event at church this evening and I was asked to make 2 dozen. I have enough strawberries to do some practice ones and since I have dipped cookies I should be fine, right? Please keep your fingers crossed.
          I didn't do any cleaning yesterday so I will be doing a load of laundry and vacuuming the daycare sometime today as well as taking baby items to a new baby that was born to shelter parents. The church the shelter was at last month help d them get an apt. and an agency is also helping .
          Elaine, don't you wish you knew The Rest of the ( cat) stormy? Like, is she just so tender hearted or does she have some mice to get rid of??? Best wishes to her and her good heart!
          Hope you all have a great day! Sharon, glad you were able to make those visits! And get home safely!
          All the almond trees are in bloom and I am Sneezing to proof it.


          • #7
            Morning..don't know the outside temp but do know the furnace has been running this morning. Never left the house yesterday..not even to get the mail. Finished one of the books I had started and picked up another...I am thinking I may have read this one before because the entire thing was so familiar. Added it to the finished pile. Think I will start the new one I bought just because I want to read it. The stack of started books has been cut in half so I am ahead. Jon is working but there should be enough leftovers to get through today. Andrew is signed up for baseball this summer and is now selling pizzas. Next week the school will start selling candy bars. Holy cow! This school district and little league association must be supported entirely by grandparents with retirement checks the way these kids sell constantly. Car insurance renewal came in yesterdays mail but I will not pay State Farm a dime until I have the agent go over the policy. I have had State Farm insurance for 40 years and suddenly they have me so screwed this amount and then a bill for something else, no explanation. But I think I have sang this song for you before. I just hang one like a dog with a bone!! Never did run the vaccum yesterday so adding it to the list. I am not moving in any direction just sorta stagnant. I am very worried about this strike thing and see no conclusion but disaster. I also hate that so many uninformed people are starting to gather on face book and say such horrible things about union people. I don't understand the mentality of people.. Well, my nose is cold so the thermostat must think I am not home again. Guess I will spend the day reading again and hockey for me is back tonight. Been a long break for my Blues. Reading with the baseball game on was summer feeling except for the fact that I was in sweats wrapped in a blanket. These temp swings are so strange! Enjoy your Sunday...i would if the snakey neighbor would just get into his car or on his motorcycle or whatever he has revving up the entire time I have made this post and go. Looks ike a good day to not have kids around. Appears my nerves are already shot and I just got out of bed! I need a sunny beach!


            • #8
              Good afternoon...

              been reading up a storm... and thats good... get it out of my system...January was puzzle month.. Feb, reading .. March begins the "one area at a time " cleaning ... was settled in with books , and the electricity went off..7ish... not obvious reason.. except some wind outside.. and stayed off... kept on reading by a good lamp I have for these occasions.. plus the Kindle has its own lighting ... text back and forth to make sure Granddaughter ,, home alone,,, was ok. then went to bed... Power back on about 12.30am .. D. was in living room, he woke, turn out lights .
              could not find out was the cause was,, probably wind took tree over some hi power lines.

              Today was church, lunch out and more reading ... going to Karens this evening .. cards playing on the list.. ..

              good to read all the above.. now I feel at home...

              SassGirl,I'm smiling !...

              see you all tomorrow. computer has settled down...thank heavens..
              Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

