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Saturday Feb 18th

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  • Saturday Feb 18th

    Good SUNNY Morning!

    Yesterday turned into be busier than I thought, but that was OK. I did get the ladylocks & wafer sandwich cookies baked, filled, & frozen. Didn't get to the snickerdoodles. The restaurant called and I had to get two pies down to them...Choc PB (which was already made in freezer) and a Samoa pie. Fortunately last week I premade & froze 2 Oreo crusts, so that made making the Samoa pie a little quicker & less messy. Lots of texts back & forth with family members making plans for today & tomorrow.

    This morning I'll be hustling butt to get ready for our guests for supper after the BB game. Becca & Mom are coming with us to the game and then we'll all have supper together afterwards. So I want to prep as much as I can this morning so that we just have to come home & just turn on burners & the oven to cook it all. Now it's iffy whether Kathy & her friend Mike are coming. They popped in yesterday and she said they might come too. Not because of Blaise's BB game, but because of what I'm making for dinner....chicken squares. Among all that I've got lots of laundry going. Here Cork has been going downstairs & dumping the basket & bringing it back up to get refilled. I didn't realize how much laundry was down there. What a mess!!! Looks like I need to do 6 loads total. How do three people create that much laundry?

    Have a good one all! Hope your day was better Bethina. I KNOW what anxiety feels like & it's no fun.
    Last edited by cookielady; 02-18-2017, 08:15 AM.

  • #2
    Good Sunny Morning here also....45 degrees already...looking forward to a nice day.

    We have a Valentine's dinner to go to tonight, was invited from another couple so decided to do it...have to be there by 4:30 p.m. church sponsored for married couple, engaged couples, people in love, etc. guess it could be interesting...will find out.

    Thinking about some pancakes and bacon for breakfast this morning, just sounds good...will wait for hubby to get up...

    I made an appt. for Monday about what I think is allergies, guess I will find out...I don't feel bad but my nose wakes me up at night all congested, sores inside and outside my nose, and my eyelids on the outer corners are sore and have crusties....after two weeks of it and no matter what I take or do it doesn't go away, time to see the Dr. Hoping makeup will cover the nasty look tonight, LOL..

    No plans for the day other than the dinner tonight...Hope all is well with everyone...Later!

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • #3
      Plans for today are to try to get my bike out this afternoon....

      I need to make dessert for in the morning...going to make a chicken pizza too and some egg salad.

      I need to clean my room and take cori's box outside and give it a good scrub...

      I have laundry and a kitchen that needs attention..

      I also realized I woke up with contact dermititus on my hands no telling what I got into..probably something at work...

      This week on one of the days that I was so nervous feeling I ripped all my acrylic nails off....I have decided that yes I love the fakes but am going to try to grow my own and get a mani/pedi but I need to let my regular nails heal and get the itchies cleared up.


      • #4
        Good morning.
        It's a dreary, overcast morning. Rain is expected. The high temp will be 63°, about. 10 degree drop from yesterday.
        I've turned the thermostat up, made my mocha, and a munching on a waffle (I like eating them without syrups or butter, just plain).
        It's a good day for soup & sandwiches, which will fall on today's menu somewhere.

        Otherwise, nothing new here. No particular plans for today. I think I'd better finish getting my appointments into my calendar. I have to get my port flushed every 6 weeks. Nobody told me that had to be done before. But it gets itchy.
        When my oncologist said I didn't need some of my meds now, but he wanted me to keep the port in for his 3-month appointments, I told him that when it wasn't used for a time it got itchy. So he made sure it would get flushed regularly between appointments.

        Cookie, you sure have a busy day ahead! I'm lucky.....E keeps up with the laundry these days. He's proud to do so. I showed him how to fold tee shirts as he takes them out of the dryer. It saves time, rather than dumping them on the bed to fold, plus you get fewer wrinkles. Who needs Sheldon's (Big Bang Theory) folding board for that? It's not all that difficult.
        I don't understand Kathy....she doesn't really show that much interest in her child, does she. That's sad. You're the one who makes the warm difference in Blaise's life.

        Hi Sharon. I hope the doc will recognize your problem and fix you up. Enjoy tonight's special dinner.

        To all, I hope everyone's day goes well. Think positive thoughts. 🤗
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #5
          Good Morning!

          Well, it is 10a and I have everything done for the day. Making rolled lasagne for lunch and have everything in prep mode.

          About John. When he was diagnosed a year ago, he had 2 transfusions the first month and 1 every month thereafter. But it has been 6 months since his last one.
          When his hemoglobin falls into the lower 8.0, they start watching. This time everything was getting too low, so transfusion.

          Although he says he doesn't feel any different after, he looks much different - more color, more pep in his step, and he eats much better.

          Anyway, very thankful for the blood people are willing to donate.

          Hope everyone has a good Saturday. We are off to a great start here.


          • #6
            Good Morning ....

            computer problem ,, not as bad ..... Shawna was here last evening and she tinkered with it and some things are much better..

            will call her older brother , he did graduate from a computer school.. ,,I will call him later and see if he can stop in one of these days..

            in the meantime,,, I can read your posts.. and keep up with the "rounder family news"... staying away from internet.. as I have no viral protection plan in place.

            Sharon,, does sound like an allergy.. (or Nerves,, thats the Drs standby phase)... or maybe you need more Vit D... I have had a WAY TOO many Dr visits in my life, haven't I?.. and the doctors today do make a diagnosis about anything until you have had a barrage of tests!... and I guess it is the SUE-the-doctor happy public that made that happen too.

            been to the Library yet again this week.. been reading up a storm.. on a series...interesting and Feb is reading month.. ( Jan was Puzzle month)

            Bethina... You sound like on great housekeeper.!...

            put out some of my home made spag. sauce , will make for DAvid today.. he is a pasta eater!..easy man to cook for..

            Donna, I will help you conquer your laundry problem next time I am at your house.. its like your baking .. its prepped and planned in steps.
            ( or .... your teach Blaise and Corky how to do it for themselves... )

            ok time to cook.. see you all later.

            HI to folks who pop in after me.

            Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


            • cookielady
              cookielady commented
              Editing a comment
              Oh Cork will do the laundry on his own, but my laundry gets mixed in there too and I HATE how he folds. I takes everything out of the dryer & just lets it sit in the basket for days in a total wrinkled heaping mess. I like to fold my laundry straight out of the hot dryer.

          • #7
            Good afternoon everyone..

            I know i am late..I got the Flu..

            When i feel better..Coming soon kitty pic..


            • #8
              It is afternoon. Hope your day has been going well.
              It has been a full day here. Appointments, mine a d dogs, and tax signing, like nah out at a Mexican restaurant and a drive to the river park for pictures of the high water.
              Lots of people of all ages had the same idea. Pictures of picnic tables almost under water and the sidewalk path the looks like it is a mini boat launch. Four feet of path going straight into the river. A friends house has about 3 feet of lawn showing and the rest is the river. For the 4th of July we had a barbecue there and watched the fireworks from her dock quite a ways from the back of her house...all under water now. It is just amazing to see and hopeful that no lasting damage or real loss comes of it.
              I promise to be back tomorrow earlier.

