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Time to rattle the pots and pans and hear the church bells ringing

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  • Time to rattle the pots and pans and hear the church bells ringing

    Good Sunday Morning, it is raining and nasty looking out there, but reminded myself all the seasons and reasons are a much needed thing in my life..

    Never made it to the grocery store yesterday, just could not kick into high gear so I stayed in neutral all day, replied to a few text messages and talked to my sister on the phone...made steak quesadillas for supper...

    So now this morning while I am feeling a bit more energetic I am heading to the store...hubby has been staying up later and later and when he comes to bed it wakes me up and then I have troubles going back to sleep...and then he sleeps in and throws me off schedule getting things done, I am a morning person, he is not...I should just go in there and start taking the sheets off the bed so I can get them in the wash...

    Well that is my belly aching for the on to making my own sunshine and getting out and about, always run into someone to chat with at the store...

    Have a blessed Sunday one and all...

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God

  • #2
    Good Morning.

    Headed out the door to church. Made a Texas Sheet Cake yesterday, so had that all done.

    Have a good day, Everyone.


    • #3
      Good dreary Sunday morning, everyone.

      We are forecasted for rain today, and it looks like it might just happen. Temps start dropping today, to 76°, then in the 60's tomorrow.
      We didn't make it to COSTCO yesterday, and I certainly don't want to go today if it rains. People just don't know how to drive in inclement weather here.

      We usually hit the sack between 9 & 10 p.m. I'm most often up early...6 am today, though lately I've done my share of oversleeping these past few weeks. E stays abed til 9, or sometimes 10am. I hate to start a chore that'll disturb him, or he'll be grouchy most of the day.
      So, Sharon, I know how you feel. E is still (proudly) doing the laundry. I asked him to strip the beds, as the sheets need washing. And he did it!!! 😀

      Tomorrow I see the Oncologist who is supposed to be watching my blood problem. Honestly, the "fibrosis" part is disturbing to me. So I hope by now he has managed to come up with a treatment or medication that will stave off the bad part of it. (This is something that can be treated and controlled, but not cured.).

      Nothing else new here. I have the paper to read, some letters to write, and set up the next month's birthday cards to send.

      Oh my, this is unheard of. E is up and it's only a quarter to 8! Good. I can get dressed now with worry of disturbing him. 😄

      Have a super-duper day! ☀️
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • #4
        tried to "stick" your topic Sharon.. but my computer is having a crazy fit.. and I almost deleted you!..

        so will leave that to Elaine.

        and Sharon,,,,,, did I not tell you this would be a difficult transition???????.. for him but more for YOU.!!! and my man still drives me crazy when he tries to "help".. with my routine... I don't mess with his yard and garage .. and I want him to let my kitchen alone!... as D. gets older he occasionally..cleans the kitchen counters , putting things away. aggggggggggggg... He better not ever get into the desk and the paper work!!!. D. doesn't cook.. a blessing in some ways. but would be nice once in a while ... but not worth trying to find things and clean up afterwards.. advice is ...... just give it time and keep pushing him to make stuff ,, in the Garage. or start a garden at the back end of the property..

        computer is still really in trouble.. the resolution if off ..I thought Kiel and I have solved part of problem but.. still .. I know I don't have any virus protection working . so I am supposed to stay off Facebook and roaming the Network.. so just do what I must . so apologies to the other forums.

        see you later. ,I hope .

        Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


        • #5
          Gloomy out but I think no rain is predicted and still very mild temps. This has been a February from heaven with temps in the 70s. I also did nothing yesterday. Talked with my sister..she didn't have much to say so we only talked a couple of hours....well, you know, we do solve the world's problems! Today I have a lot of laundry that should have been done yesterday. Left overs are all gone so eating tonight will be an adventure meal cuz I am off until Monday. Guess I will go on and read the morning news. Today is shaping up to be boring but I am ok with boring....shows things are sameo sameo around here. Have a warm and sunny Sunday everyone!!


          • #6
            Good morning! My Good Morning America is back as DISH resolved ( got their money; raised my bill) their issue with ABC...sun is out again and I am well on my way to being ready for church. I got up at 5:45 , a little earlier than normal for Sunday but good for taking my time to get ready. I have my quilt in the wash right now.
            After church we are driving to see how the water level at the bridge is for Becky's drive to school...we have a break in the rain, but water is still being released from Shasta Dam and that has caused the flooding.
            I didn't mow yesterday. I may get to it today ....I need to help my mom with a few errands. The closet doors took more work than even the guys thought. But with extra cutting, drilling and securing they are in. I am anxious to get new ones for my room now.
            Hope you all have a great day!


            • maxie
              maxie commented
              Editing a comment
              Is that the damn I saw on the news that has a huge sink hole in its spillway? Guess with the rain you have finally gotten everything is full to overflowing? Hope your route is open...

            • Paula A
              Paula A commented
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              No, thank heaven, it is on the east side of Chico, Oroville dam. Shasta Dam is nirth of us and our river levels are up and will probably flood the bridge area she drives again this week.

          • #7
            Morning..i slept until almost 9 after going back to bed around 6. Earning cinnamon rolls didn't get made. We will stop and pick something up. Waiting on my ride now.

            Last night a group friends and I got together for game night. I had a lot of fun watching and keeping score.

            Nothing planned once I get home


            • #8
              Afternoon all!!! Another dreary day here.

              Yesterday I just didn't have the energy to accomplish as much as I had hoped. I did get the bottom part of the pantry cleaned. I called to renew our library books and they wouldn't renew 4 of them, so off to the library we went. Oh...I guess we spent our afternoon watching Blaise play BB. He was determined to the the "Christ Like" start and did. The week before he was not in the best of humors and you could tell. On our way home Kathy called. She went out to celebrate her BD Friday night & when she woke up yesterday her wrist was very swollen. Went to Med-Express and here she fractured it. She doesn't remember how it happened. GRRRR!!!!! Idiot. Hope she doesn't lose her job over this.

              This morning we went to church & SS. I got changed & Blaise wanted to snuggle. He got up & I fell asleep. Took a 2 hr nap...oops. There went most of my day. Still not motivated. Guess this is my day off. Mom isn't up for playing cards tonight. My SIL is seeing if my cousin will play, otherwise we'll just stay at home, which is fine by me.

              Have a good one all!

